
Side Story 49: Koko Balls

Bayonetta quickly changed into a swimsuit and enjoyed the pretty nice summer themed club room. "Umm, Ein-sama. Can I know how we'll be able to get those swords back?"

Gabriel quickly remembered what they were there for and put her refreshing piña colada down. "Ohh shush Gabby. You're ruining the mood, we're having a nice and relaxing day right now after a day's work." Bayonetta chided her and Gabriel cringed.

"Yeah, what's the big idea. And it's been retrieved by us. By the way, the original wielder of those sticks you call Excalibur is right over there too." Ein pointed at Artoria who was having an eating contest against Mordred. Morgan who got roped into their shenanigans already in a food coma at the side. Having a little family bonding.

"Ugh, sorry. But it's my first mission alone. Xenovia and Irina might be my back up. But I'm the leader of this operation." Gabriel twiddled her thumbs and thought that getting the swords back is a must. It's not only weapons after all. It's a symbol of the church.

"Hmmm, what would be a good payment indeed. I don't think there's anything of interest that you can give us, Gabriel. We already control heaven's system after all, so we are your masters and own heaven." Ein shrugged and Gabriel was shocked to her core. Freezing for a few minutes, digesting the information she just received.

"Hmmm? What's this so called heaven's system, master?" Morgan asked as she was quite interested in what it was.

"It's Yahweh's system that makes heaven continue. Giving out miracles, passing on the sacred gears, etc. It's his life's work, an automated system that can let heaven continue without his presence. But mainly, it's for the sacred gear system." Ein explained and Gabriel got her wits back.

"Y-you control the system of father?" Gabriel didn't know how to react. "Yeah, I'm your daddy now." Ein laughed and the devils that were around immediately reported his tidbit of information.

"Write that down! Write that down!" Sona ordered her subordinates and Rias called Sirzechs instantly.

"Oh my goodness, Ein-sama... So you're the biblical god now too? Heaven's yours?" Venelana couldn't quite get it into her head and Ein tilted his head.

"Not really, my subordinate is. She has full control of the system. So basically, I can do this." Ein controlled heaven's system via Metatron as a terminal. Forcing a balance breaker on Tsubaki's sacred gear, mirror Alice.

It was a mirror that could absorb attacks that the user and the gear can take on reasonably. And double the power back at the assailant. Tsubaki groaned in pain as her soul strained. Sacred gears were connected to a person's soul after all. And multiple mirrors appeared beside her like orbiting defense systems.

"Just like that, I can even change the balance breaker and turn it into mutations." Ein waved his hand at Tsubaki and it turned into a dimensional balance breaker. Creating a house of mirrors as Tsubaki's image inhabited each one. The trapped enemies will try to break out, but their attacks will just return to them twofold. Though she can't really use it, as that uses too much energy. And it is stepping into the realm of a Longinus.

"Ein-sama... Can I get one of those cool toys!?" Mordred had sparkles in her eyes and Morgan wanted one too, as it was interesting. It was like a noble phantasm. Except it was tied to one's soul, not their legend or a real treasure. Like Excalibur or Gilgamesh's treasury of Babylon.

"Sure, calm down." Ein patted her head and poked her on the forehead. Mordred then received two sacred gears. Twice critical, a lower end boosted gear that increased your stats twice a few times.

And blade blacksmith. Similar to Kiba's sword birth. But it creates holy swords instead of demonic ones.

"Woah, that's freaky." Mordred got dazed, feeling all tingly inside as something clung to her soul. She then imagined having Caliburn on her. A strong holy sword appeared, but it was of course not Caliburn.

"Good try, maybe if you can get your balance breaker. You'll have a pretty good chance of recreating Artoria's Excalibur or Caliburn." Ein patted her head and Mordred was really excited.

"Ahem... Master, you know I'm really loyal right?" Morgan coughed at the side and kept eyeing him for some freebies.

"Hah, okay fine." Ein poked her in the forehead as well and Morgan received a sacred gear. Morgan got surprised and blinked a few times. She then stared at Artoria, increasing gravity at the chicken leg she was about to bite. It then fell down on the floor and Artoria stared at it with wide eyes.

"It's called gravity jail. Magic eyes that can increase gravity wherever you put your sight on. I imagine that the balance breaker of that thing will be stronger than even other Longinus. But prepare yourself, I won't be stopping Artoria." Ein smirked and Morgan rolled her eyes.

Artoria looked at the piece of drumstick on the ground and was deathly quiet. "She's really angry~ I wonder how she'll react." Bayonetta took out a lolly and was interested on what's the capabilities of Ein's servants.

"Morgan... I am a knight, I have control on my emotions and I consider myself magnanimous. As that is a trait that is needed for the prosperity of my kingdom." Artoria changed from her casual outfit to her armor. It then started turning darker, her green eyes becoming golden.

"But my patience has its limits, Morgan. What you committed is blasphemy of the highest order. That was Ein-sama's special slow cooked chicken, smoked. I grow weary of your tricks as a fae." Artoria's Rhongomyniad turned dark, sprouting red crystals of pure mana as her dragon core roared to life.

Excalibur went black and its engravings turned red like blood. Her rage rising through the roof. Her lance swirled with red energy and her golden eyes glowed. Her body being reinforced by tons of mana. All of her stats rising through the Ex rank. (pic)

"Ummm, Arcueid-san. You're the ruler class of our group. Can't you stop this?" Jeanne looked at the blonde vampire and she just sipped on Ein's neck, enjoying the show.

"It's her fault, it's sanctioned as I decree. Morgan went too far." Arcueid shrugged and Artoria glared at Morgan like she killed her whole family.

"Yabai desuyone" Kuku stepped on the side with the other servants, giving them some space. While Ein already created a barrier so they won't cause mass destruction.

"Your servants are really strong, Ein. This will be quite entertaining~" Bayonetta smiled at the corner and drank her martini.

"Artoria, we can talk about this." Morgan got nervous as Artoria's power kept on increasing as the time passes. And it didn't look like it would stop anytime soon.

"No more words are needed, clench your teeth." Artoria disappeared from her spot, leaving a trace of red. Tremors shaked the large room as the ground melted from her energetic lunge.

Morgan's eyes widened as she saw Artoria cock her hand for a punch right in front of her. She couldn't react and could only put up a weak barrier, but Artoria's mana burst crashed onto her shield and plowed through it like it was paper.

Artoria slugged Morgan on the face and she flew to the side of the room like a bullet. "I was saving that piece. It was the best one... Look at how you massacred my boy." Artoria gave a melancholic look at the drumstick on the ground.

"Isn't she a bit too dramatic?" Achilles asked and Chiron shushed him. "That thing is more important to her than any treasure. You better keep your mouth shut or you'll be next."

Morgan's Rhongomyniad then descended from the sky, but Artoria countered with her own. The devils hid at the back or they'll be erased from the clash. Two anchors of the layers of the world met at the middle, releasing violent energy. As if the world was going to crumble.

"Vengeance will be mine! You cannot stop me, Morgan! Ex... CALIBUR!" A reddish black beam of pure energy crashed onto Morgan's Rhongomyniad. Tipping the scales immediately.

Artoria then started beating the shit out of Morgan. Making the servants and devils wince. "Yeah! Beat her up Artoria! Such blasphemy cannot go unpunished!" Bellatrix sanctioned the beating of her servant and Morgan couldn't do anything, she was a mage after all. And Artoria was too fast for her to do something.

After a few minutes, Artoria was satisfied and Morgan twitched on the ground. "This is your last warning, Morgan. I will not be as merciful next time." Artoria huffed and was in a really bad mood.

"Hmmm, here's a little something for the show, Artoria." Ein gave her a turkey leg that was cooked just like the chicken earlier. Making her bad mood go away instantly.

Artoria had a smile on her face as she returned into her normal form once again. Stuffing her face with the turkey leg.

"Now, don't mess with Artoria's food okay? She's very protective of it." Ein warned them and everybody nodded. Even Arcueid, as she felt that Ein might just give her something to beat her ass if she did. Not that she would anyways.

"Gabriel, can you heal Morgan. Her face isn't in good shape. You can just think of that as payment for the Excalibur fragments. We don't really need those pieces of crap." Ein asked of her and she nodded.

"Your servants are pretty scary~ Especially that vampire and those guys over there." Bayonetta pointed at Arcueid, Surtr, Kuku, Karna, and Gilgamesh.

"Un, they're pretty strong. But that one over there is the strongest among them. Though she is a collaborator more than one of us." Ein pointed at Lucoa that was lazing around peacefully.

She was a dragon that could turn the tide of the war back in their world if she decides to join a faction. Where dragons of Tohru's caliber were still plenty. And she could cause Armageddon on her lonesome. Lucoa just doesn't like fighting.

"Un, that voluptuous lady over there is quite the monster. She practically has infinite mana, and her strength is quite ridiculous." Bayonetta shook her head and Lucoa opened her eyes, giving a knowing smile at the witch.

Lucoa can practically see the future, use any magic she can think of, stop time, and not to mention. Her large body can wrap around the world. Making her physical strength off the charts.

"Anyways, anything interesting going on over here, handsome?" Bayonetta thought that with a line up like theirs, important things will be happening soon. Also explains the relaxation they're having.

"Hmm, there is this one retarded crow that wants to have a war. If he wants to have one, he should just storm the underworld or heaven by himself." Ein shrugged and Bayonetta licked her lips.

But the devils nearby raised a brow at his statement. "Ein-sama, who is it?" Venelana, Grayfia, and Roygun were interested in knowing.

"Just wait and see, it won't be a surprise otherwise now will it?" Ein shot them down and they pouted at him.

"For real? Are we going to fight a faction this time?" Mordred got excited, wanting to try her new sacred gears.

"Hmm, not really. More like a cadre of the fallen angels by his lonesome. And it's gonna be pretty meh, he's just an ultimate class. But you might have some fun against the other guy that will be coming." Ein smiled and Mordred cheered while holding a turkey leg just like her father.


At a certain dark room of course. Where 3rd rate villains plan their little schemes. A fallen angel that looked too high with his red eyes slammed the table.

"Curses, somebody took out the trash that was gathering the holy swords. Now we lost two of them!" The fallen with 10 pairs of wings was fuming.

"Kokabiel-sama, there is still some hope. Two of the wielder's came here at Kuoh. We can get theirs so I can fuse them together." A suspicious looking priest who is of course an ugly bastard rubbed his hands on the corner.

"That's true, we will get it and then commence with our plan. Azazel can't lead the fallen. He has grown weak, what we need is a war against heaven and the devils once again!" Kokabiel who was out of his marbles declared.


At Kuoh academy, Irina, Xenovia, and Gabriel were posing as students there. Gabriel was reading her textbook like a good grade a student and her two companions gossiped.

"I told you, Xenovia. You'd get your ass beat, don't you know them? They're the faction that put down Olympus. And in an all out war, heaven would've lost against them!" Irina huffed at her slightly lacking in the brain department friend.

"Sorry, I didn't know that. Where did you even learn that anyways?" Xenovia was confused and Irina puffed her chest.

"The internet of course! Deviltube even has a video of them invading the underworld of Olympus with just two people. They're really scary." Irina shivered and Xenovia frowned heavily, only realizing now that she could've doomed the church and heaven.

"Un, be careful. They're really nice, but one wrong move and all the angels will fall or lose their holy power. Ein-sama can control the system of father to his whims. Technically, he's the owner of heaven right now." Gabriel then gasped and put a hand on her mouth. Exposing a great secret.

"What do you mean, Gabriel-sama? Has lord god given heaven to Ein-sama?" Irina and Xenovia got really suspicious about that and Gabriel gave a nervous chuckle.

"Uhhh, kind of. Father thought that heaven will prosper in his hands. So basically, he is the lord now, Amen." Gabriel prayed and wished that they won't ask further.

"Well, that's kind of a good choice. Just two of their cadres can take down a faction by their own." Xenovia who wasn't really that religious even though she's an exorcist concluded that it was a smart move.

"And remember, the strongest ones there is Arcueid-san and Lucoa-san. Surtr-san, the one who invaded the Greek pantheon will get destroyed by them, I can tell that much. Everybody there respected them." Gabriel remembered that Arcueid has authority as their ruler according to Jeanne.

"They have literal saints there too. Not like that stupid painting you bought of st. Peter. Jeanne d'Arc in the flesh. The king of Camelot is with them as well. Though she is a busty nee-san." Xenovia commented and Irina got depressed. Losing their money to a scam.

"Xenovia, Irina. Please do try and get more information later. We're still missing one last Excalibur fragment. And we can't let them get it or Ein-sama might not give it back. He might be generous, but his whims are something we cannot rely on." Gabriel ordered them with a serious face and they nodded.

The bell rang and the church duo immediately set off for their mission. While Gabriel went to the occult research club so she could get in Ein's good graces.

"Now, we should probably roam around for a bit." Xenovia recommended, the exorcists tried finding clues of holy swords. As they emit a certain holy aura. And they can also resonate with their Excalibur fragments.

Alas, they couldn't find a trace and was currently talking about a new strategy at a bench. "Maybe we should continue trying to find them a bit? Before we consult with Gabriel-sama." Irina thought they shouldn't be hasty.

"We can't, we're losing time. And remember what Ein-sama said. A cadre of the fallen angels is lurking around somewhere." Xenovia replied and a shadow suddenly appeared.

"Talking about me?" Koko Balls grinned and casted magic on them. The surprised duo couldn't resist the ambush and they went limp.

"Hmmm, I'll let you live for now. Maybe I'll give you some big news and let you feel despair before I kill every single one of you." Koko Balls left the two exorcists and took the 2 Excalibur fragments.


Back at Kuoh academy. In the occult research club room, Gabriel looked at the clock as night came. She was pretty worried about Xenovia and Irina who aren't back yet.

"Where's your little exorcists, Gabby? Did they perhaps get themselves in trouble?" Bayonetta reminded her and Gabriel shook her head.

"I've been trying to contact them. But they're not answering." Gabriel took out an old school flip phone and dialed their number manually, from memory.

"How cute you are, Gabby." Bayonetta chuckled at her. Thinking that she must be really bad at technology.

"What?" Gabriel raised a brow and puffed her cheeks. Noticing that Bayonetta was teasing her again.

"Well, they are missing for some time now. And they didn't tell you where they're going. Something must have happened." Ein squinted his eyes. And he felt that someone is currently sneaking inside the school.

They suddenly heard a shout from outside. "Sisters of Leviathan and Lucifer! I've come to take your heads!" Koko Balls announced and was floating in the air like a pompous fuck.

"I guess there's your culprit." Sona rolled her eyes and thought that too many things were happening in their territory.

"Well, let's welcome him then. Don't want to disappoint, Gabriel-sama. Please stay here for now, we don't need things to get more complicated with an Archangel appearing here. We can handle this." Rias requested and Gabriel nodded in understanding.

Akeno looked at Sona and Tsubaki. They gave a meaningful look and started setting up a barrier so Kuoh won't get caught in the crossfire. Ultimate class beings can erase towns like Kuoh pretty easily after all.

"Well, what a pleasant surprise. Kokabiel, it's not a pleasure to see your face here." Rias greeted Kokabiel and he laughed, thinking that Sirzechs' sister has some balls.

"Hehehe~ I'll definitely enjoy killing you. I'd imagine that the underworld will instantly call for a war. And heaven won't be able to stay silent." Koko Balls gave a grin.

"Hah, Rias. You're a magnet for trouble aren't you? First, it was Riser and your marriage. But isn't this a bit too much of a leap?" Akeno sighed, shaking her head at her master's tendency to be in trouble.

"I don't know, Akeno. I blame Ein-sama." Rias massaged her temple and they were pretty relaxed. So Koko Balls ordered his slimy priest, Valper to initiate the ritual in combining the Excalibur fragments.

A bright light shone in the middle of the academy. The ritual beginning to suck in a lot of mana from the ley lines under Kuoh.

"Guhahaha! The Excalibur fragments will be one once again. And I'll be wielding them for my own! Quite ironic, isn't it?" Koko balls have a smug smile on his face.

"We won't let you, fiend! Lord god will protect us!" Irina shouted out as she appeared with Xenovia.

"No I won't, you think too highly of yourself." Ein's disembodied voice sounded out in the whole school and Irina was shocked.

"Damn, that was cold." Achilles felt sorry for them and Gabriel winced. "Oooh, such a sadistic person you are~" Bayonetta winked at Ein and he shrugged.

"It's almost done, Kokabiel-sama! I can even taste the fruit of my labors." Valper laughed like a 3rd rate villain.

Kiba glared at him hatefully, remembering the priest that ordered the execution of his friends.

"Yes, see that. The lingering energy that got accumulated will destroy this shitty town after 30 minutes. Better go call your Satans or their precious little sisters will die." Koko balls summoned some Cerberus that he got before Sushang and Surtr destroyed the Greek underworld. Along with some fallen angels that were of the same mind with him.

He then put up a throne in the middle and arrogantly watched them. Thinking that they would be panicking like headless chickens or something.

"Akeno, how about you take care of those punks?" Rias asked her queen and Akeno used her Miko outfit. "With pleasure, fufufu~" Akeno floated in the air and put her hands up.

Storm clouds began coalescing at the sky and lightning crackled violently. Bolts of it randomly fell down as far as the horizon.

"Ara~ this will be the first time I'll be showing my prowess. Destroying Riser's peerage was a bit lacking. So do please enjoy my little show." Akeno's mana sprung to life and the air got ionized.

Everyone smelled the ozone that got created from the extreme amounts of electricity. Akeno's hands crackled with lightning and she pointed at the enemies like a conductor. "Blue judge."

In an instant, thick lightning fell down from the skies. Blinding anyone who looked at it directly. Electricity and plasma was raining. Bathing the enemies with blue.

Thunder clapped rapidly and cut through the air like a machine gun. After a few seconds, it stopped. And Kuoh academy was left a smoldering crater from the intense attack.

Electricity and plasma still arced from Akeno ad she smiled sadistically. "Ara, there's nothing left of them. How unfortunate, fufufu~" Akeno licked her lips and Rias sighed at her tendency to be a pervert.

"Kiba, I know you want to kill that priest. Do what you must." Rias ordered her peerage and the blonde boy nodded.

"This is for my friends, you monster. May their souls rest in peace. Dojigiri Yasutsuna!" Kiba created a katana and went into an iaido stance.

He then slashed imperceptibly quickly. Appearing right behind Valper. The nervous priest then laughed, thinking that Kiba didn't do anything.

"Ha! That's why you and your friends were killed, you're still a failure." The priest mocked him, but when he put his sword in its scabbard with an audible click. A vacuum blade sliced him in half along with the ritual circle for forming Excalibur again.

The ground got rent for a hundred meters or so and the exorcists were surprised. "Xenovia, good thing that guy had enough control to not kill us. He looks pretty pissed against Excalibur." Irina got scared and Xenovia acknowledge that she would lose, even with her secret trump card.

"What!? This shouldn't be happening! Why are you so strong!?" Koko balls was confused and Koneko donned some cat themed gloves that was given to her by Laplace and Anahaat.

It was super cute, having a little white Pusheen on it while the gloves had a pink color. But it is beyond hard, also able to focus energy and force to a square inch. Making hits do piercing damage for tanks.

"Training, now fly." Koneko ran at Koko balls with amazing speed and slugged him on the face. Focusing tohki to make her strike even stronger. The cadre of the fallen angels plowed through the ground, crashing onto the barrier that contained the battle in the school.

"Impossible, some dirty little reincarnated devils are this strong!?" Kokabiel got really mad and flew into the air. He created a spear of light that was massive and threw it at Rias.

The red head snorted and a skeletal hand of her power of destruction caught it while in mid air. The tip of it, only a centimeter away from her forehead. Crushing the spear as she put her hand on her waist.

"Is that everything you've got, Kokabiel? I've expected a lot more from someone who fought in the three way war. But it seems that you are quite weak." Rias huffed and Kokabiel gritted his teeth.

Kiba, who found a crystal at Valper's corpse noticed that there were crystalized souls inside. And it were the souls of his fallen friends because of the holy sword project that wanted to make artificial wielders.

"Hey... Isn't that the crystal that they give during the ceremony when they gave us the Excaliburs?" Irina noticed and gasped.

"So they used the souls of my friends to give you the potential to wield holy swords..." Kiba gritted his teeth and crushed the crystal in his hands.

He then saw silhouettes of his friends that smiled at him before they flew away. "Sword birth, balance breaker." Kiba felt like he could achieve it and created an abomination of a sword.

It had the strong aura of a holy sword that won't lose to the Excalibur fragments and demonic energy as well.

"Hahahaha! It really does work! That means, god is truly dead!" Kokabiel laughed like a maniac. Asia and the exorcists then got shocked while Jeanne just frowned.

"I'll kill you all and start another war! God's death isn't enough! The fallen angels will rule this world!" Kokabiel thought he was going to kill everyone, but a white blur suddenly crashed onto the barrier that Sona and co. made. But it was rock solid and the silhouette slowly fell down like a bird that hit a windshield.

"That armor, is that the wielder of Albion?" Sona squinted her eyes and decided to let the person in.

"Ahem... I'll be taking that guy with me." The man in white armor with blue glittering wings of energy coughed. Pretending that didn't happen.

"Guhahahaha! He totally failed, what a lame ass guy!" Mordred laughed at him and the wielder of divine dividing got pissed.

He zipped around on the air, creating white lines. Slugging Kokabiel on the face, making him crash onto the ground.

"You... Azazel's pet! Can't you see!? The fallen angels have grown weak due to his leadership!" Kokabiel almost frothed at the mouth with anger. He then willed spears of light and threw it all at the armored figure.

"It does not matter, you broke the treaty. Divide." The man spoke and a disembodied deep voice resounded. Kokabiel felt his stats and energy fall down to half, making him kneel down from the sudden loss.

He then pointed his arm on the spears. "Divide, divide, divide." They suddenly disappeared as the magic that kept them whole got taken and couldn't help them from getting dispersed.

"Now, you're coming with me." The man crashed onto the fallen angel like a truck and kept on beating his ass until he lost his consciousness.

"Red one, you've been enjoying watching me." Albion spoke in one of the crystals of the armor and his wielder looked at one of the buildings. Seeing Issei that was staring at him the whole time.

"White one, it has been a long time." Ddraig spoke as well. Like he met again with an old friend. "Yes, it's been a century perhaps?" Albion replied and they both went quiet.

"So? You ready to lose?" Ddraig taunted Albion and the vanishing dragon laughed. "Are you?" Issei jumped nearby the devils and the armored man took off his helmet.

"You, what's your name? I am Vali, the wielder of divine dividing." He pointed at Issei and the brunette squinted his eyes.

"You're strong, a worthy opponent for me. I am Issei Hyoudou. My master would want me to fight strong people like you. How about I test my newfound skills." Issei took out boosted gear and he started gathering mana.

"Vali, that human is not normal. Be careful of him." Albion advised his wielder and nodded. Feeling the violent mana being boosted every second.

"Ohh, this is gonna be good. Ddraig gave him a dragon's heart, how will this change him?" Ein took out some popcorn and shared with everyone.

"Welsh dragon, balance breaker." Issei transformed, but instead of spawning the scale mail like Vali. The armor came from his skin, the dragon scales he received from Ddraig transformed into the armor. A long red tail appeared on his tail bone and wings without membranes on them appeared on his back. (pic)

Steam escaped from the mouth of his helmet and Albion had a sinking feeling in his gut. "Vali, you better take this seriously. That guy Ddraig, he got a ridiculous user this time around." Albion noted that Issei's balance breaker was more dragon than human.

"Then this will be fun. Come! Red dragon emperor!" Vali unfurled his blue wings of energy and did a nosedive right at Issei's location.

"This is gonna be bad! Take cover!" Rias and Sona ordered their peerage and the exorcist duo ran behind Ein and his servants.

The two heavenly dragons clashed and a shockwave blew away all the rubble and trees around the area.

"Divide!" Vali used his Longinus immediately after touching him. And Issei lost a significant amount of power. But Albion's wings went into overdrive and got rid of the excessive power they absorbed.

"His energy is ridiculous, you can only divide once and you're already topped off Vali. This will be a difficult battle." Albion warned his user and Ddraig laughed.

"How'd you like that, Albion! Get em partner!" Ddraig laughed and Issei raised his hand. "Boost, boost, boost!" He then flew to Vali and they began trading massive blows.

They hit each other at the same time, but Vali's teeth got loosened up as his helmet broke. Losing the exchange of power. He spit out his loose teeth and divided back the boosts, Issei did.

Vali then speared him with his sudden gain in speed and nailed Issei on the ground. A red tail then crashed onto his side, making Vali fly like a pebble.

"You're good, Vali. Definitely a fun opponent." Issei's torso had cracks on the armor. He then started boosting once again and flew into the air.

"Fire dragon's roar!" Issei gathered mana around his mouth and released a beam of heat. The breath attack hit the ground and turned it into molten rock.

"Half dimension!" Vali countered back. Halving everything in sight as Issei's attack got smaller. Vali divided the remaining attack and he quickly zipped around, using his superior speed to outmaneuver Issei and slugged him on the face. Cracking his helmet as well.

"Guhahaha! That's the spirit! Vali!" Issei wrapped his tail on his neck and slammed him on the ground. "Divide! You're clearly a strong opponent! Makes my blood boil!" Vali uppercutted him, suddenly appearing from the dust.

"Hey, aren't they enjoying this too much? I'm still amazed that you turned that pervert into a warrior, Ein-sama." Rias looked at the two that were fighting like maniacs and thought they couldn't quite get in between them. Lamenting the fact that she couldn't turn him anymore into her pawn. As a stronger individual from the master will not get reincarnated as a devil.

"Well, that's the power of PTSD from women. And I guess Tohru pretty much had an impression on him. She's probably as strong as Ddraig and Albion at their prime. And he wants to reach that level." Ein shrugged.

"Those toys of theirs is pretty interesting, Ein. Think of anything that will be good for me~ I promise that I'll pay it back." Bayonetta winked at Ein and he thought about it.

"Hmmm, how about a noble phantasm instead?" Ein took out some Adamantine and shaped it instantly. He then gave Bayonetta, a spoon.

Bayonetta deadpanned at him and Ein raised a brow. "What? That thing's super dangerous you know? That has anti concept properties. Literal gods will fall with one stab of that spoon. Erasing them completely, down to their very soul." Ein explained and Bayonetta squinted her eyes at him with suspicion.

She then stabbed it at him and nothing happened. "Hey, you crazy? You could've killed someone with that." Ein huffed at her and Bayonetta couldn't know if it was real or not. So she would try it later.

"Hmph, your payment isn't going to you until I can test this thing." Bayonetta rolled her eyes and was quite in a bad mood.

"Can't trust me? I always deliver, you know?" Ein snorted and thought it was her loss. "Bayonetta, that thing is really dangerous for sure. Nobody among you know this, but the metal that dad used to create that can warp reality to its bidding." Laplace pointed out and Ein gave her a thumbs up.

"I'll definitely give you some more Adamantine later." Ein patted Laplace's head and she cheered.

"Well, if the little one says so. Then I guess I'll try it at that guy over there." Bayonetta walked up to the unconscious Kokabiel and stabbed him on the eye with it.

He then screamed bloody murder and began turning into dust. Bayonetta looked at the spoon and shivered. Thinking that she made a good decision on not trying it on herself or something.

"What'd I told you? Now, you gotta pay extra for not trusting me." Ein pouted at her and Bayonetta sighed. "Seriously, why a spoon though?" She stared at it again and thought it was definitely super dangerous.

"So people won't think it's deadly, silly." Ein had a smug smile on his face and Bayonetta hated that he was right. "Can't you make it more fancy though?"

Ein sighed and rolled his eyes. "Hah, people nowadays. Can't appreciate what's given to them." He morphed the spoon once again and it received some engravings. But Bayonetta was still dissatisfied and she pouted at him.

Issei and Vali fought against each other until their armors had numerous cracks. They were roughly equal of each other. But Vali had a bit more tricks up his sleeve and can sustain his peak better with divine dividing.

While Issei can get a lot stronger for a short amount of time. Which Vali takes advantage of when he has to cool down or his body will break down.

The two panted and smiled at each other. "Hmph, you're pretty good." Vali grinned at him and Issei snorted. "You're not bad yourself."

They were preparing for another clash, maybe even their last. But Azazel arrived and took Vali out of there.

"Sorry for the quick intrusion, but I can't let you guys fight each other longer. Or you might just enter juggernaut drive. I know this idiot has been thinking about it." Azazel sighed and looked at the remainder of Kokabiel who has slowly turned completely into dust.

"I was too late eh, whatever. Hey, Gabriel. Long time no see, I guess you're still beautiful as ever. Why not give your big brother a hug?" Azazel laughed and Gabriel appeared, but she rolled her eyes at Azazel.

"I'll be taking my leave, thanks for letting him have some fun." Azazel knocked out Vali that was going to complain and he teleported away.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

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