
Honkai Impact: Invictus.

A man who lived without direction in his life. No dreams, no aspirations. Day after day, just living aimlessly bored to death in his mind. What if I could just live like one of those busybody protags. Troublesome, but, at least I would truly live. Hi guys, I just really love the characters of HI3 and I think mihoyo did them dirty lmao. I'll try to make a sort of happy ending, because, this is depression impact.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Video Games
Not enough ratings
272 Chs

Chapter 147: Siegfried Did What?

Ein was with Bronya, Sirin, Bella, Cocolia, and Ekaterina. They were standing in front of the biggest stadium Aesir owned and they looked like celebrities, with the cool shades and dresses and all.

"Ein-nii, this is it. We're on the big stage now." Bronya was holding her Homu doll and was determined.

"Dad, we'll make you proud. We'll be the 1st ever champions in this event and history will be made today." Sirin said with confidence and Bella looked at her and whispered to Ein.

"Master, she was banging the computer while streaming just a few days ago. Screaming fucking noobs. Is her mental good enough for this?" Bella filmed Sirin while she was streaming a popular MOBA that Aesir released. (Gif)

"Bella, I don't think you should compare this professional tournament to how she streams. They all have a mental boom sometimes when playing with randos." Cocolia commented and Ein nodded.

"Bronya, mom is so proud of you. You're already building a bright future." Ekaterina hugged Bronya and the little girl with drills squinted her eyes at her.

"Tche, da Bronya is not forgiving you just yet mom. You know Ein-nii will be my husband." She pouted and Ekaterina smiled wryly.

"Hmm, maybe when you gain a dynamite body in the future kid. You look similar to your mom anyway, maybe he's into those oyakodon situations." Cocolia wiggled her eyebrows and Ekaterina blushed profusely. She is a well cultured individual and has thought about that popular trope in the recent months too much.

"Hey, hey. Square up, we're going to a tournament. And Bronya, there's no reservations for Einheri Aesir. You either go for it, all in. Or lose because you aren't good enough. Now, let's go." Ein gestured for them to enter and the tournament was about to begin.

The emcee and announcers were analyzing who have the best chances of winning and they were ignoring the mysterious team.

When it was time for their match, they winced at their group name and thought how it even got approved. As every team that participated upheld the flag of their country. It was an E-sports olympics, it was so huge that even the olympics couldn't compare and Aesir held the tournament on the day of the latter to show them who's boss.

"Alright everybody, we will be starting the preliminary rounds. Sorry, but can we please wait for a moment? Hey, PR." The emcee gestured for the PR to come.

"Is this team name for real? How did the higher ups approve of this crap? It's ridiculous." The emcee showed the PR the team name and they nodded and gave the green light. The emcee sighed heavily and cleared his throat.

"Alright everybody, sorry for the delay. The 2nd match for the preliminaries of the tournament will begin. Let's give a round of applause for team Korea." The korean team was the crowd favorite and everybody cheered. Thinking they were the champions already.

"And... Our mysterious team, the L&M team!" Everybody was curious and they saw a bunch of kids and two mature women sit on their Aesir special gaming chairs.

"W-what the hell." The screen then showed up the teams and the full name displayed. Their team was the lolis and Milfs team. Everyone was shocked and the stadium was silent.

Matches started and they immediately picked and banned. The game started and Bronya's team immediately went for an 5 man invade on blind spots immaculately. Earning them a couple of kills.

The match then went on and it was a stomp, owning the favored team that will win to be the 1st champions.

"Hello everybody, da Bronya as the team captain would like to thank those who support the game. Thanks to your support, da Bronya was able to pwn noobs at the big stage with da Bronya's mom." Bronya was interviewed as the team captain and she dropped a bombshell that made waves worldwide for the gaming community.

"I... I see. Ms. Sirin, we know you're a popular streamer and we would like your comments about this win and experience. It is quite different from streaming after all." The interviewer immediately went to Sirin and she nodded.

"Bronya is correct, we just wanted to pwn some noobs. Take that you damned noobmaster69! Trolling my games, I'll get you banned!" She had an outburst and they immediately cut off the live interview.

But it was already broadcasted and they immediately became infamous. "You guys sure went ham on that interview, now you'll be the 1st ever champions that surprised the world." Ein congratulated them and they nodded with nonchalance.

"It's too easy. Your AI still beats the crap out of us, they just don't know that we train with those." Ekaterina shrugged and they all agreed.

"Okay, we'll have a nice little celebration then." They celebrated for their little win with Seele and the others.

"Bronya nee-chan, that was so cool! You won the tournament!" Seele gushed at them and was really excited.

"Tche, I could've won too if I lead the team." Sin Mal commented and the vodka twins pinched her side.

"Stop being jealous Sin. I know you haven't won against Bronya a single game." Lilia outed her and she fumed.

"I did not!" Sin retorted and the adults looked at the scene fondly. "Hmph, Rita. We could definitely win too right?" Bianka asked the budding ultimate maid that was already in character. Wearing her maid uniform.

"Yes, Bianka-san. It's only natural that a maid could do everything in case her master wills it. As Ein nii-sama's maid, then I will defeat any opposition. Rita answered confidently and Ein thought of making a new team so they could all contend with each other.

"Hmm?" Ein was approached by Rita and she gave him a letter. "Ein nii-sama. Someone related to the Schariacs and Kaslanas have sent you a message. They seem to be named Kiana Kaslana, please have a look."

"A letter from the girl huh? What's it say." He started to read it and the hand writing was awful. But he was used to it as he was a doctor. And the little Kaslana said she was the number 1 fan of his game and really loved the tournament. It gave her tons of fun because dad was always away while mom was acting funny.

Theresa was the one who mostly took care of Kiana, but she could only do so much. Running a school while still being an s-rank valkyrie of Schicksal. The school might be untouchable along with the staff. But Theresa wasn't included in that contract.

"Hah, the kid is being neglected. They save her ass and they just leave her alone, they not only have failed as competent soldiers. They also failed as human beings, no matter what you go through in life. Kids who have no fault shouldn't be neglected like that." Ein sighed and contacted his employees to send a message to the Kaslana house.

"Ein nii-sama. Should I?" Rita already knew what he would do and she asked. A perfect secretary already as he nodded in satisfaction. "Yes, Rita. Good girl, you're clearly better at your job than them. Thank you, proceed with the objective." He patted her head and Rita bowed elegantly, raising her head with pride.

"Your will shall be done." Rita then excused herself and did not forget her etiquette. Bianka was slack jawed and wondered. "What in the world is she made of? Is she a robot or something? Ein-nii, what did you want to do anyway?" Bianka asked as she was confused.

"I'm introducing you guys a new friend. Don't worry, you should just go for what you can do for now. It'll take a lot of effort if you want to become like Rita." He dissuaded her as she didn't really need to be like her and the blonde nodded.

She then started stuffing her face as they socialized with each other. And after an hour, Rita returned with a little girl with white hair.

"Come on, introduce yourself. You've been given an opportunity, do not squander it." Rita said to the girl and she shyly went up front.

"H-hello. I'm Kiana Kaslana, pleashed to meet you." She bit her tongue and bowed. Bianka looked at her for a moment and felt a tug, but she thought the girl was nothing special to speak about.

"Wow, you guys are the world champions..." Kiana looked at Bronya's team and had stars in her eyes. Like she just saw her idols.

"Hey kid, what's your name?" Ein went up to her and patted her head. "Ahhh. Umm, I'm Kiana." She introduced herself shyly and looked down on the ground.

'She doesn't know how to interact with adults...' Ein took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

"Here, do you like snacks?" He smiled and gave her a bag of treats. She looked at it and was instantly in a better mood. Kiana then looked at him for permission to taste it and he nodded.

"W-woah... This is the same flavor of my favorite treats that the snowwolf nee-chans and auntie Adelheid gives me! Nii-chan, did you make these?" She beamed and he patted her head with a smile.

"I did, tasty right? I'm glad you like it then. Call me Ein okay? Go here whenever you want, I'll handle your commute to here. Now, how about you meet some friends?" He pointed to the russians, Bianka, and Rita.

She stared at them and was deep in thought. "Come on, go and play with everybody else. You like playing the MOBA Ein made right? How about a little match with us here?" Ekaterina noticed that she was awkward with other people and invited her.

Kiana frowned for a bit and she started to tear up. "Hey, what's wrong?" Cocolia went up to her and started rubbing her back.

"I... I never had friends before. So I don't know how to do this." She said and the Matushkas Cocolia and Ekaterina immediately frowned.

"Then it's your lucky day isn't it Kiana? We'll have a 6v6, I'll be on your team and we'll own these scrubs." Ein patted her head and Kiana wiped her tears and was ecstatic that she'll be able to play with the world champions and the creator of the game she likes.

They then introduced the kids together and started playing games together. And of course, it was a total beat down by Ein's team as Sirin deadpanned at him.

"You didn't have to drag us in the dirt dad..." Sirin complained as they were spawn camped to oblivion and were not able to even play the game.

"Well, a wise man once said. Get gud scrub, isn't that right Kiana?" He patted her head and she giggled. "That's right!" She was now more comfortable with them and confident.

"Hmph, you just got in Ein-nii's team. Get boosted, you didn't even have much participation." Bianka was salty and Rita chuckled as she was in his team.

"Ara~ a sore loser is not proper Bianka-san." Rita teased her and Bianka fumed. "Luck is a skill too Bianka, you lost fair and square!" Kiana rubbed it in and they started quarreling.

"I'm not sure I really did much too." Seele commented and Sin snickered at her, making her feel down. As Seele really lacked confidence.

"Sin was thrashed by Ein-nii as well. Da Bronya has seen your KDA. It was all deaths and not even a single assist." Bronya fired back and Rozaliya winced. "Oooh, that's gotta burn Lilia." The blue haired twin nodded and Sin got salty as well.

"Okay, that's enough salt for now. I'll give you something so you could enjoy it later Kiana." He took a little pouch that is interdimensional. A treat pouch just like Kallen's, it would dispense desired treats from another space that stored them indefinitely by stopping time and they would always be fresh. It's virtually unlimited too.

"You can get some of your favorite treats there every time Kiana. Did you enjoy your day?" Ein asked and she nodded with a beaming smile.

"Un! I'll definitely be back later! Thank you very much Ein-nii!" She jumped up to him and hugged his waist tightly. He patted her head and gave a smile.

"Hmph, she's hogging him Rita..." Bianka squinted her eyes at the white haired girl and Rita shook her head. "Patience is a virtue Bianka-san, let Kiana-san enjoy this moment. You will understand in the future." Rita replied and Bianka nodded hesitantly. As the maid in training has spoken her cryptic words once again.

"Bye everyone! I'll see you later!" Kiana was escorted by Aesir and they finished their little party.


Kiana returned to her seemingly empty home, seeing her dad that was dead drunk again and her mother who is still staring into blank space. Kiana knew not to bother anymore and went to her room. She lied down and thought about her wonderful day like it was just a dream.

"Ahhh, today was nice. I didn't know Ein-nii made my favorite treats, he even gave me this little pouch. I wonder if it works." She inserted her little hand inside and thought of his thicc cookies that were oozing with chocolate inside.

"Hehehe~ I wish it's true." She then grasped a warm cookie and she pulled it out immediately as her eyes shone. "Woah, that's awesome! Ein-nii... This is the best day of my life. Thank you." She thanked him and wondered when will she meet them again.

Siegfried was looking at her through a gap in the door. Wondering where she went earlier, he instead got a wake up call and thought even the busiest man on earth gave Kiana the best day in her life when they were supposed to be the ones giving it.

'Just a few hours with him was the best day of her life... I... I need to make her happier, she's the only thing left of Kiana. And my baby girl is gone now...' Siegfried thought he ought to do better and them neglecting the kid wasn't the Kaslana way.

He then went to Cecilia and pinched her hard. "Cecilia, we're going to need a talk." He said seriously and Cecilia gained her wits.


Adelheid was trying out her new powers in one of her ID creates and she was currently in battle with the boss. A herrscher.

It was her newest dungeon that she wouldn't touch because it was too risky. As the enemies are too unpredictable and she was faced with the 1st herrscher after battling numerous pseudo ones that fell prey to her holy blood easily.

"Okay, you construct making fucker. Bring it." Adelheid didn't use abyss flower and was going to limit test her new ability to manipulate wind.

Of course, the herrscher did not respond and the woman's eyes turned into the herrscher of reason's unique ones. She raised her hand and a myriad of weapons appeared behind her.

Adelheid stood tall, but she thought that real herrschers really were too damned overpowered.

Tons of lead, steel, shells, artillery, bombs, even nuclear missiles rained down on her position. The battlefield was like a never before seen war and the whole might of humanity's weapons were baring down on Adelheid.

Eventually, the bombarding stopped and the dust cleared. Thanks to Adelheid's immunity to the honkai, she could connect to the imaginary space like a true herrscher and stopped all the attacks without a sweat.

"Hehe~ Hahahaha! I'm a true herrscher!" She was ecstatic, there was a problem that the herrscher core's supply might be infinite, but like an electronic device with ratings. It could only pull certain amounts even if it is infinite. As she does not miraculously gain good control over the honkai. But she thought that now that she won't get drained. She will train it to the maximum and not end up like Sirin.

The herrscher raised a brow and doubled the arsenal. An army against one, Adelheid smirked and started concentrating. 'This should work...' She imagined a super typhoon forming above them and the winds gathered.

"Damn... It works, but it uses a lot more energy than I could've imagined." She was able to make a storm that would've swallowed entire continents. But it formed slowly as she did not understand how to make it so.

The herrscher of reason then started to create more advanced stuff. Mechs from AE were created in droves and the hellfire mechs loaded their artillery of missiles and shells that could lay waste to cities in a matter of minutes.

It was still not enough though, as the wind speeds picked up and tornadoes started to wreak havoc at the back line. Destroying them with debris and km/s winds.

The herrscher flew away and concentrated. It then started spawning honkai fission missiles and rained it down at Adelheid.

"That still won't work you know?" She smirked and she compressed the air around the missiles, making them explode. Adelheid's compression didn't give and the missiles could only be contained through a sphere of dense air.

"See? It doesn't wo-" Before she could finish her sentence. A sniper mech that had anti emperor class rail guns shot her on the back as her barrier of wind couldn't block it fully. The round split in her half at the waist and she saw her vision suddenly turn around as her upper torso fell to the ground.

She was confused for a second, but she suddenly realized that she didn't have legs as her own pair fell down and her abdomen was not even there anymore. She screamed bloody murder and was horrified.

The winds made an effort to produce a hard and dense shell of wind as she went frantic at the sight of her lower body getting detached from her torso.

But the herrscher core's healing started and she slowly, but surely regained her body. It was a surreal sight and she looked at it weirdly. "Fuck... I would've died right then and there if I didn't have a herrscher core... I don't think abyss flower could've saved me there quick enough."

She started sweating heavily and tried her new legs for good measure after several minutes of it healing.

"I... Am I really that big of a failure? That this fake 1st herrscher that couldn't even use the previous era's tech would've killed me instantly?" She was having a crisis and remembered Kiana.

"I am... But that doesn't change the fact that I can improve, Ein-san has already given me this herrscher core. I can't lose hope here." She dispelled her barrier and immediately flew away, thinking that her enemy would've surely set up a trap.

She was right, and underground. A collection of hydrogen bombs were deposited as the ground erupted with a fireball. The explosion made the ground ripple and Adelheid sweated heavily at the sight. It was like hell on earth.

"You damned monsters, if the 1st herrscher fought like this. Then it's game over for sure." She thought if this was the one that appeared over Welt Joyce, then how would humanity even hope to counter this if Odin and friends weren't there. It gave her a grim reminder that herrschers are actually god like beings sent to purge humanity. And they are just limited by their hosts, by a lot.

Adelheid created a super typhoon again and added blades of wind to her tornadoes. An AOE attack that would cut off the herrscher's route.

The herrscher made a bastion of iron and steel. A solid structure meters of thick as vents opened and tried sniping her down.

Adelheid then filled her muscles with honkai energy. She brimmed with power and strength she could only get with the 7th gate opened. "Eat this you cheat! Hirudora!" She released a massive air pressure without even opening the gates as her brand new herrscher powers compressed air to the extreme.

She then saw the devastation of her attack as the ground got ruptured as far as the eye can see. "Fucking hell. I don't even know how to use my powers... And it's arguably one of the weakest." She looked at the damage of her attack and thought she was like Saitama.

"I seriously love you Ein-san... I'll learn this as much as possible." She started the dungeon again and didn't increase the difficulty. As she thought that battling the herrscher of the void that is basically an AI would be suicide for sure.


Ein watched Adelheid train and he still thinks that she was subpar. But after her battle with the herrscher of reason. She immediately corrected her mistakes and was trying to be more versatile, making him nod in satisfaction.

"I guess you can keep the gem of desire for now little Addy. But you sure as hell don't deserve another one for that stupid crap you pulled earlier." Ein sighed and let her experiment for now.

He then dropped by and looked at Rita and Bianka that were training until they looked like they fought for survival. "Nice work girls, how about I give you a little mission? It's nice and all that you stay here, but it does get a little repetitive."

Bianka nodded and Rita did not agree. She was to be with her master's side until a mission is given to her. But she thought it would be nice to explore more areas of the world to be a better maid.

"Alright, I will send you to Schicksal HQ. You will be under the guise of our squad's trainees." Ein then snapped his fingers and Bianka could not be recognized by the people she was related to. An elaborate illusion that would manipulate memories instantly. Making her real identity basically non-existent.

"Okay, how about you go tomorrow? You can always commute back to here. What's Tilie gonna do? Hold you there? I'd like to see her try." He laughed and the blonde overseer sneezed. Thinking that the accursed Adelheid still lives, a thorn at her side.

"But Ein-nii, why though? Our training time will get cut down and we'll be much weaker than if we just stay here." Bianka replied and she raised a good point.

"That's a good question dear Bianka. What you actually lack is not strength. But experience in socializing with other people. And unlike Rita here, I believe you'll get a warped view of people if the only ones you speak to or interact with are us." He said, but Bianka didn't understand. While Rita nodded in agreement and looked at Bianka.

"Bianka-san. Ein nii-sama is correct, do you know other people besides the ones in Aesir's orphanage like the others from before?" Rita asked and Bianka couldn't think of anyone.

"Exactly, the people of Aesir. Ein nii-sama's family is. Ahem, pardon my language. Weird as hell, the only person relatively normal is Eden-san and Su-san, even EINSTEIN-san. The most normal scientist among them is still too blunt and logical." Rita explained and Ein patted her head for a good job.

"Thank you, Ein nii-sama." Rita bowed with a beaming smile and Bianka finally got it with her relatively simple mind. Being a Kaslana and all.

"Ahhh, I see. I did wonder why Kalpas-san would just chuckle randomly and even Aponia-nee that is calm and cool says weird things sometimes." Bianka thought about it and she really did not know what the normal is to compare them to. But she still innately knows that they are kind of weird.

"So go break a leg, you can also compare yourself to the valkyries of Schicksal. It's in line with your goal to be the best valkyrie right? You can't really compare yourself with Kallen. She has trained for hundreds of years you know?" He dropped a bombshell and even Rita's eternal calm face cramped a bit with the information.

"W-what!? She's over a hundred years old!?" Bianka was flabbergasted and Rita wanted to learn more so she stared at him.

"Yes, and she's one of the youngest people here. Along with Sakura, the oldest person here is actually Mobius." He revealed and they couldn't wrap their heads around it. But didn't really care much as they weren't exactly the definition of normal.

"H-how old is she then?" Bianka asked and he chuckled. "She doesn't care anyway, so I'll tell you. Mobius is over 50 thousand years old."

They went slack jawed and Rita frowned. Thinking that she must search for a way to be immortal so her service would not end. Because nobody will top her master and she intends to serve him till the end as the perfect maid.


Siegfried tried to cook for Kiana and he decided to make something special. But that was in his opinion. "This pizza toast will surely make her happy. This is Cecilia's favorite of mine." He started putting ingredients on a slice of bread.

Kiana woke up and was in a good mood, she went out of her room and saw that Siegfried was not only awake, he wasn't drunk as hell too.

"D-dad? Why are you up?" She asked, confused. As Siegfried always woke up in the afternoon and Cecilia would be the one to prepare some food in the morning and leave it on the table for her.

"Ahhh, Kiana. Good morning, I'm just making something special that your mom likes. It's my best creation you know?" He finished preparing the ingredients and would just need to cook it. Kiana raised a brow, but she still sat down at the table and looked at what he was doing.

Siegfried took out Judgement of Shamash and he cooked the toast with it. Kiana thought it was stupid as Siegfried burnt multiple ones to ashes before he made one that even looks edible. But it was still kind of burnt.

"Sorry Kiana, but this is the only one left. I'm a little bit rusty, go on. Try some, this is dad's best." He gestured for her to try and Kiana tried it with apprehension. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either.

But she was still happy because it was made by her father and he was not a messed up drunk anymore. "Un... It's good." She started to tear up as she ate it and Siegfried thought it was bad as hell.

"Ohh, is it that bad? Don't eat it anymore then." He scratched his head and Kiana shook her head. "It's good, because you made it for me." She said and Siegfried felt like he has failed as an adult that she would cry over some simple food.

"Come here baby girl. Dad's sorry. Mom's sorry too, she'll be here in a minute. I promise." He hugged her tightly and Cecilia appeared after a few minutes with new clothes for Kiana and some ingredients for breakfast.

"Kiana..." Cecilia looked at her with a bit of reluctance as she remembered her daughter. But she shook her head and slapped her cheeks. 'No, Kiana might be gone now... But this girl needs parents, and that's what Kiana would've wanted.'

She smiled and gestured for her to come with her. Kiana beamed and was instantly happy, as she awakened with a burning desire for a mother after all.

"Here, Kiana. I want you to try this." Cecilia dressed her up and Siegfried came with as he gave a small smile at their interaction.

Cecilia then prepared a meal and they enjoyed their breakfast with Kiana telling them that she met the world champions for the most hot MOBA game right now. And she also met the super cool owner of Aesir. Kiana then remembered her new friends and wanted to come to them and play.

"Ahhh, mom. Dad? Can I go to Ein-nii's again and play with my friends there?" She asked shyly and they both looked at each other. They then nodded and thought she did need some friends her age.

"Of course Kiana. Go, it would be a lot of fun for you right?" Cecilia said with a smile and Siegfried gestured for her to go.

"Really? Yes! I love you, mom, dad." she hugged them and Cecilia started to tear up as she remembered that she didn't really give her any attention. But she was just a little girl that wanted some love.

"I... I love you too honey. Be safe and get back here before dark okay?" Cecilia wiped her tears and gave Kiana a kiss on her forehead.

Kiana then went to Aesir's base through a private jet of course. As she hummed and swinged her legs back and forth, in a good mood.

They quickly arrived and she saw Ein that welcomed her. "Ein-nii! Where's Bronya-chan and the others? I want to play with them!" She excitedly looked for them and he chuckled.

"They're in school, they'll get here after an hour. How about you tell me about your day? Did you like my little gift for you?" Ein decided he'll entertain her for now and Kiana beamed at him.

"Yes! Your pouch is the best thing in the world! Did you know? Dad also cooked for me this morning, it was some pizza toast." She started telling her story and he put her on his lap.

"Ohh? Did he now? So, how was it?" He asked and she excitedly continued. "It was a little burnt. Because he was using this cool looking gun that glows orange. He even incinerated some of them." She laughed as she told her story, but the air cracked and Kiana froze.

Reality went unstable for a second as his seals got undone and their universe glitched for a moment. "W-what was that?" Kiana asked and she was a bit scared.

Ein gained his wits and immediately wound Enkidu tightly on his powers again as he took a deep breath of air. "Nothing, Kiana. How about I give you this nice and juicy cheeseburger eh? It even has caramelized onions, it's super tasty you know?" Kiana forgot about the incident and everyone that felt it immediately rushed to them. And it was everyone that received his gene seed.

"Ein! What the hell was that? What's happening? Why are you unsealing everyone from Enkidu?" Eden asked and they were really anxious that the final war began prematurely.

"No, it's just something little Kiana said here. How about you go and play some pve in the game Kiana? I'm developing a new mode and I'd like to get your thoughts on it." He said with a sweet smile and she cheered. Running immediately to the computer.

"Siegfried, that guy was using Shamash as an oven toaster." Ein said as he tried calming himself down.

Everybody was shocked and MEI teleported them immediately and every single one of them that has higher strength tried holding him down.

"You better hold on to me tightly..." He said and they started sweating, nobody has seen him get that angry and the golden chains of heaven was straining to get him locked down.

Eventually, he calmed down and everybody sighed in relief as he went to the sea of quanta to presumably work on project ascend.

"Damnit Kevin, MEI. Why is your descendant so fucking stupid? He could've gotten this universe destroyed!" Mobius screamed at the two and they were ashamed.

"S-sorry about that. I'll just get it from him then, we shouldn't have left it on him." MEI replied and was very angry at Siegfried as she gave Kevin the stink eye.

"What? It's not my fault?" He said and Eden sighed. "You're sleeping outside tonight Kevin, you can't argue anymore."

"Kevin~ you're technically responsible you know? He is your great great great grandson. Now Ein is in a bad mood. And we'll have to take care of it. And I think this will require the full harem force." Elysia said and contacted everyone to drop everything they're doing as the universe is in jeopardy and an all out war might happen that would leave only a few out of the nigh infinite number of people that will die as a result.

"I get it, I get it! I'm sorry okay? Stupid ass descendant. He's gonna get it when I see him." Kevin swore that Siegfried will not have a good time when he sees him.


Thanks for reading everyone, Siegfried has used Shamash for cooking pizza toast. And surely, it will not end well for him. I will be speeding things up a bit and maybe add in Natasha, then the ME corp. scandal would happen and we'll be in business for the honkai impact 3rd main storyline that would be quite fast as every player is already in line. And the time is near for the end. Anyways, ciao.