Spreading Lies and Misinformation.
Space, an endless expance filled with various wonders. When you look upon the stars, that brighten the endless void of space, what do you think of?
Some think of them being far off stars, while some think of them being celestial beings that watch from above. But most ordinary beings come to the consensus that the true nature of stars isinconsequential to their lives, And they see stars as merely something to gaze upon during the night.
Larkspurr-VII, a planet with two moons, and a oceanic landscape. If you were to look at this planet from space, you would see a massive planet covered in water, with the exception of a small continet of land near the epicenter.
Within that continent, lies a population of 1.5 billion lives. Another 3 billion live within the water, separating the 2 arcatypes of beings on Larkspurr-VII.
The two races come from the same origin, but while one chose to reside within the sea, the other chose to step onto land and branch off.
On the land, lie the sumari. With mostly typical features of any human, with the exception of their webbed hands and feet, along with their large lung capacity.
Beneath the ocean, lie the Nakalari. Similar to the sumari, they have webbed hands and feet. But the main thing that separates the two is that instead of lungs, they have gills on the side of their necks. This organ allows them to be able to live under the water.
The infrastructure of the planet is the product of cooperation of the two races,
The economical infrastructure mostly rely on exporting items unique to its oceans that consist of entirely freshwater. with the Nakatari being the ones to trade the unique products of Larkspurr-VII to the Sumari in exchange for a 40% cut of the profit margin, and the Sumari exporting these products to the IPC and other planets.
To travelers, Larkspurr-VII is known as a Trade hub, and a tourist hub in addition. Many come from far away for the primary export of the planet, PureWater.
This water has be showcased to be up to 15% more efficient when used for things like farming, and has the capability to restore damaged land to a certain extent, although the amount needed would be substantially more then if one were to use it to grow crops.
A Blonde haired man, with sharp black eyes and a solemn expression steps out from a backalley within the trading hub. He is wearing a casual outfit, with a pair of black pants and a blue button up shirt.
In an exasperated tone, he begins to speak.
"So what's my quest here? This planet doesn't seem to have much to do besides look around and buy things."
He asks, expecting a response. But when he doesn't receive one, a frown adorns his face.
"I'm on Larkspurr-VII, but wasn't told what he needed me to do? Well, that means I have free reign until I fulfill his conditions."
He takes out a phone from his pocket, and searched for information about Larkspurr-VII. He finds that its primary export is Purewater, and that the planet is the only exporter of the product.
Purewater eh? It seems like since this is a trade based planet, and it's exclusive to here, it must be a pretty big part of the trade.
"Now I have an idea of what to do, but first I need to get my hands on some of that Purewater before I start."
He reaches into his pocket, and finds nothing. The absence of his credits aparrent,
"Why is it that every time I got sent somewhere, something ends up missing? Thankfully it wasn't my phone this time."
He decides to make a few credits, and just buy the product rather than steal it. Getting caught this early would do him no favors.
He leaves the alley with a flicker, leaving no traces of his arrival.