
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 11 Special Type Of People

"Brothers, just now i heard you complaining and cursing at how cowardly those people over there and how they flatter those Hong Konger's, just like slaves obeying all there commands of their masters without complaining and making the work harder for our brothers from China".

Immediately those people faces turned pale " sir we wouldn't dare. we were just saying that those lazy people are pretending to work and make us do their work instead, we wouldn't dare complain about Hong Kong business mans, those people are so kind to offer us jobs how can we be so ungrateful" replied one of them hurriedly.

"Yes, yes we wouldn't dare" said another one.

"No i heard what you said, you all spoke very well, I liked what you said. Hong Kong business mans this arrogant bastards, Speak more, I will give you great rewards if I like what you say".

Fang Ming took out a 1000 HKD and throw it on the ground.

Fang Ming was extremely curious about their reaction. it's very rare for him to be curious after all he had experienced through his previous life.

But this Idle people who spend their days leaning against a wall, while complaining about life, this is the one and only type of people Fang Ming couldn't understand or reason with. he had always wanted to open their brain and see what's inside, Fang Ming always admire this kind of people, they are truly a miracle on earth.

How can someone without ambition nor any motivation keep on living regardless, what is their plan or rather what do they even think when they lie down on their beds and start to review their day.

How do they judge their day, what are the criteria for calling it, a productive and useful day.

Fang Ming had absolutely no idea, but one thing for sure this people never get depressed or bored from repeating the same day.

He Fang Ming tried to lien on the wall and look at the pedestrian all day but he failed and he failed miserably, even with his thick and shameless face he was embarrassed after 1 hours, and couldn't take it.

And Fang Ming wanted to make use of this talent, although this talent was very hard to fathom, Fang Ming managed to find a good use for it.


Back to the current situation.

They looked at each other. and one of them with more guts started to speak as he stared at the money with eyes full of greed.

"Hong Kong businessman's are group of greedy jackals they force us the poor people to work hard in worst environment they rob us of our lives they suck our blood, and that's not all after we sweat and bleed for them, guess what"

A look of hatred appeared in his face.

"Once we accomplish the projects and build this high rise building for them, they don't even give us the houses that we built. no, they end up threw us away, with small salaries that aren't even enough to afford the rent".

At this moment the guy even had a look of grief.

"How can we live, this jackals are robbing us of our lives. this the truth brother, everyone can see it but no one is doing anything about it"

As he was speaking he started to cry and moan, to show how wronged he was.

The other idle people started to console him and talk about how they were wronged in a chaotic manner.

But at this moment there was a person who still couldn't understand, maybe he really wasn't fated to understand.

Fang Ming was really speechless, after listening to all of that. he still couldn't figure out, how this people are getting robbed of their lives. Aren't the hard working people who are getting robbed of their lives working hard on the other side without complaint.

You guys haven't even started working yet, where are the tears and blood, you guys haven't even started to sweat yet.

Fang Ming had no idea how to communicate with this people, so he just kept silent.

As he looked at this people with a satisfied smile, he was more sure than ever that this people can only be useful on his hand.

Fang Ming had listen to this bunch of guys scolding that Hong Kong businessman for a while, as if they were in a competition. before he pointed at two guys among and told them to follow him.

The two guys followed him for some distance, as they kept scolding the Hong Kong businessman's Fang Ming didn't stop them nor did he care to. It was early autumn and the scenery was good.

Green leaves had started changing to yellow and yellow leaves faintly showing red.

Fang Ming suddenly turned to look at the two guys with a deep look.

They were startled and didn't know how they offended him but then heard Fang Ming say.

"Do you know why there are people who can afford all luxury's in the world, all the women's, all the cars and can go to all the parties while there are those who can't even afford to live a simple life with just a house, a car and a beautiful wife".

Fang Ming suddenly said with a loud voice.

"Am i asking for too much tell me brothers".

The two guys who were immersed in Fang Ming speech replied instinctively.

"no, not too much".

"no brother that's the minimum right we should have".

Both of them replied in unison.

Fang Ming showed a very gratified smile and said.

"Well said, because they rob us of our money so they can enjoy life, they use our hard earned money to enjoy their life, where do the money they spend come from, that's our money that's our rights we can't even have normal life anymore because of their constant greed, just like you said a moment ago. how are we going to live from now on, we can no longer live let alone enjoy life".