
Hong Kong Billionaire

An unrighteous and a cold hearted man. a villain who struggled from the bottom to the top of society. to overcome his foes he chose to be ruthless and immoral. In a world full of cruelty Fang Ming had no intention of holding back. A story of a man who traveled back to 1980 equipped with his knowledge of the future and his profound wisdom, Fang Ming is determined to pursue his ultimate goal once again.

DaasWolfe · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 10 Capital Free Business

"Bang bang bang bang~"

Fang Ming didn't stop until he heard the sound of a collapsing corp.

After that Fang Ming kicked open the door and rushed in. a skinny guy was lying on the floor of the bedroom with bullet holes all over his body.

This people would never believe that a madman would rush into their nest and start killing them because they had guns.

Fang Ming searched all rooms for more guns, bullets and some extra money.


The quiet night was broken by a burst of intense gunfire, and the surrounding residents woke up from their sleep and looked in horror at the direction the gunfire came from.

No one dared to go out and join in the fun with guns shot around, all they could do was to quickly call the police.

But less than ten minutes after the guns fire, the surrounding residents found that the night was no longer dark. Yao Ming villa was filled with flames.

The residents panicked and also called Hong Kong fire fighters before they ran out to help put out the fire.

Twenty minutes later, five police cars came over with their sirens.

The police were stunned when they saw the villa burning. Didn't they say there was a gun fight ? How did it become a fire?

The scene was very chaotic. Fingerprints, hair all traces that Fang Ming left in the villa will burn to ashes. and with the chaos going on.

No one can prove that Fang Ming was the culprit! Destroy the corpse no that's for amateur. destroy the crime scene, now that's art.


After driving away for a long time and confirming his safe Fang Ming immersed himself in his portable warehouse and checked his loot.

The first are the guns. there were total of three black BPM-D pistol and about Thirty rounds of bullets.

For someone like Fang Ming firearms and ammunition is the most difficult items to acquire on Hong Kong, because he don't have any connection to the police nor the gangs.

After that, Fang Ming failed to find anything valuable in the villa aside from a small heavy safe.

After finding some tools, Fang Ming started to work on that safe for the rest of the night, by dawn he finally manage to open it. there was about 500 000 HKD, Fang Ming who wasn't expecting much from gangs who normally make a living by collecting protection fees.

This gangsters were barely able to afford an old 2 store villa.

Fang Ming was really surprised, how could they have this much. one have to understand that an apartment of 100 square meter in a good community only cost 500 000 HKD. and to have this much dirty money is really incredible.

After this operation, Fang Ming became rich overnight. few days ago he had to beat up three gangsters in broad day light for just 1000 HKD.

As expected, no wonder the super guy is poor, and bat guy is rich.

He has found the secret to success. those who work in the night become rich.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Fang Ming disposed of the car he stole yesterday, and thrown it into the sea.

Fang Ming decided to go rest and organize his thoughts for a more exciting Operation.


Early in the morning, Fang Ming woke up on time, looked at Li Na, who had opened her eyes and looked a little sleepy, he smiled slightly, and kissed her red lips lightly.

"good morning Baby".

"Good morning".

"Stay in bed sleep a little longer! I'll go prepare breakfast for you".

Fang Ming slowly pulled out his arm and stood up to prepare the breakfast.

Li Na lifted the quilt and walked to the bath room. After washing up, she went to help Fang Ming who was preparing breakfast.

The kitchen was small and Li Na ended up chasing Fang Ming away so she can prepare the breakfast in peace.

The two of them ate breakfast with love as they talked about random stuff.

Before Li Na left to attend her college classes, in The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Later that day Fang Ming went to a restaurant to eat his lunch and hear if he left any evidence on the scene but he was stunned.

His good deed did not only went unnoticed by the police, but even the gangs has joined in the investigation. and a big storm was brewing between the TIGERS gang and there neighbors the DRAGONS gang. the whole of Tuen Mun was shocked by the assassination of Yao Ming and the TIGERS swore to take revenge for their brother.

Yao Ming was beheaded in his old nest, and all six of his younger brothers were killed.

For the gangs in Tuen Mun, this is a shocking case, which will inevitably makes those bosses feel how dangerous this murderer. and even the normal people are afraid of a murderer that sneak in the houses in the middle of the night.

After lunch, Fang Ming was contemplating, whatever joining a gang can be beneficial to him, and his future plans.

But for now what Fang Ming need the most is money, a big sum of money to kick start his plan and let the snowball effect take place as soon as possible

Fang Ming came to a worksite filled with poor immigrants from China. there were some people doing some hard Manual labor, but he wasn't interested in hard working people he approached another group of people who were squatting on the corner with sneers in their faces and complaining about everything, obviously not happy with their life.

they saw Fang Ming walking over. seeing him wearing some clean cloth and how handsome he was they stood up thinking he was some leader son or someone important.

"Brothers, just now i heard you complaining and cursing at how cowardly those people over there and how they flatter those Hong Konger's, just like slaves obeying all there commands of their masters without complaining and making the work harder for our brothers from China".