
Honey, please love someone else

[ COMPLETE] I got married and now I’m cheating on her. Why am I cheating ? Well we did a certain agreement and now this is how our life is. Everything was going normal. I was having my own life and she was having her own. But things didn’t went like I wanted and I came to fall in love with her. A story with less misunderstandings and more awkward situations between two people. Read the story to find out. ———————————————————————— This is my first story so I hope everyone can give it a try. Since I’m not a pro, there will be some mistakes and errors. Feel free to point out my mistakes. I just write in my free time, it’s my hobby. So read at your own risk. ______________________________________________________ (The cover art isn’t mine ~ Credits to the owner ~ If someone is willing to make me one contact me please. ) _______________________________________________ My other stories are ~ —> I WAS REBORN TO BE THE EVIL QUEEN —> MR. MERMAN AT MY CAFE

ShilohD · Urban
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127 Chs

The Job

It's nice to have dinner with my parents. I remember when I was a kid my dad couldn't join us for dinner. It was only me and my mom but he did make it up by taking us to a fancy restaurant.

Now we have one more member with us. So the atmosphere is overwhelmed by the presence of that person. We are laughing, chatting,eating our food with joy. Such a hearty meal for us.

We came back from my parent's house after the dinner. There's no way we could stay there even though we have shared a room in our honeymoon, it's much risky here. I mean who knows what if my mom sneaks into our room. I wanna avoid those situations at any cost.

God! If only you were not so eager to see your grand children dear mother.

Next day I went back to my office after a long vacation. In fact it was the longest time I spent on a trip without being bothered by my work. As I walked into the building everyone stood still in their places and greeted me

" Good morning sir." Unlike other days, I tried to do something new today. My lips curved into a gentle smile as I greeted them back

" Good morning everyone." Although I wasn't able to see all of their expressions I walked swiftly to the elevator which was only existing for my personal use. John also got into the elevator as I gave him permission to use it. Other than him no one in the company is allowed to use it.

" You look quite cheerful today. Anything good happened to you recently?" John asked as we were going on the elevator. John is a good friend to me, so when ever we are outside the work atmosphere we talk in a casual way.

" You can say that. From now on I'll try to focus more on my life and less on the work."

" Are you serious about that? I mean you? Who knows nothing besides work?" He replied while looking confused at me.

" Someone gave me an advice and I'm gonna follow it."

" Who knew getting married can change a person this much?!"

" Yeah. Who knew." I chuckled softly.

I finished my work and kept the rest for tomorrow. What was more important to me is having dinner with Stella. I realised that when ever I skipped my dinner with her, I felt restless and kinda displeased some way. So from now on I'll differently make sure to reach home before dinner. I have texted her that I'll be eating with her.

After reaching home I went straight to my room to change my clothes. I wore a plane t-shirt with a short. Walking down the stairs I noticed Stella was sitting on the chair. The food was placed on the table. I took the sit opposite her.

" How was your day?" She asked and served me the food.

" It was good. How about you?" I looked at my plate and saw it was pork ribs with some sides dishes. The colour of the sauce was different. It's not how Lucy cooks it.

" Did you cooked the dinner?"

" Yup. I have a good news to share." That explains why I am having such good meal.

" Sure go ahead."

" You know you told me that I can get a job? So I applied to some companies and I got a call from one of them. They had an interview and I was selected." Her excitement was clearly visible.

" Congratulations. That's a really good news. See I told you that you can do it."

" Yeah but there's one issue. I used my maiden name for this job. Actually it may look bad if they find out that your wife is doing some regular job in some other company. I hope you are okay with it."

" I don't have problems with both of them. It doesn't matter if you use your maiden name or not I'm okay either way."

" Thanks."

" So when are you starting? "

" They told me to join from tomorrow so I'll leave after you."

" Which company is it? I will drop you there since we both gonna leave together." I suggested as it would be helpful for her.

" No,my company is in opposite direction, so it'll take much time for you to reach your office after dropping me,besides if you drop me off with your car it might become a gossip plus you're quite famous so I don't want any paparazzi." She laughed while pointing the fork at me.

" At least now you know how much I'm famous around the city."

" Well yeah. I kinda saw you on few magazines and newspapers which were kept in the store room." I frowned my eyebrows as I hear the storeroom.

" What were you doing there?"

" Just went to get some stuffs then my eyes went to those things. I never really read any magazines or business newspaper so I never knew. Any way I'll take a cab, it'll be better."

" You sure? I can tell the driver to drop you off also."

" Nah. I don't want any gossiping on my first day. I'll consider that option later but for now cab is the best option."

"Fine if you say so. You will come back before dinner right?"

" Yes of course. Why are you asking?"

" Actually I was hoping if you could cook dinner sometimes like this. Only if you're not tried. I mean I know coming home from work then cooking dinner is hard but still you have Lucy to help you out." I pressed my lips together, trying not to sound too needy.

" That's okay. I can still make dinner for us."

We finished our meal and went to sleep. Next day I woke up and went to freshen up. I got dressed as my usual way. As I reached the dining table the food was already placed on the table. The sound of foot steps echoed in the room. It was Stella.

She was dressed in a formal way for her job with a white blouse and black pencil skirt. Her long black hair was tied in a a pony tail. Her front bangs were hanging from her forehead. The heels were not that high but she was not struggling like she did in Naples. She walked at the table holding the jug of orange juice.

" Good morning."

" Good morning. That's a nice look for your first day. Beware of those seniors who harasses juniors."

" Of course I'll be careful don't worry about me."

" And make sure to inform me if you have any issues or problems."

" Yes sir." She put her hand on her head as if she's saluting me.

We ate our breakfast and finally it was time to leave. The cab was already waiting outside for her. She got inside the cab and waved me from the opened window.


" Good luck." I wished her and waved my hand from my car as the cab drove away. I hope her workmates aren't bad.

Her company is well known around the city and it doesn't have any bad reputation so hopefully she is gonna to be fine.

The Michel's And Son is a company owned by Adam Harrison. The company is founded by his grandfather and also named after him. But since he's the only son in this generation the ownership comes to him automatically.

I'm don't have that much information on their company but I'll look into it for safety purposes. Theses days it's common of female workers to be harassed in their jobs. Stella isn't that bold or clever. She might end up in a bad situation if she gets into their contact. Anyway I'll ask John to look into this matter so in future I can avoid any mishaps.

Stella is my legal wife so it's my job to protect her. It's my responsibility. Although I was never this eager to conform anyone's safety before.

~ to be continued

Thanks for reading and sorry for any grammatical mistakes:) please give a review and let me know what you think

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