
First day in Arusha

The following day at around 11 am, Mama Fua called Nancy.

"Hello, tell me some good news." Nancy replied.

"Yes, I took my daughter to hospital and she is doing fine, she was treated for Malaria and she is now ok at home." The Mama Fua told Nancy.

"That is good, in case of anything, don't keep quiet. Children are our angels." Nancy said.

"Yes, thank you for yesterday." The woman said.

"Welcome." Nancy told her. The woman terminated the call.

Nancy began to pack the items she needed on her trip.

Nancy later organized with Daisy so that she can be with her daughter for a few days telling her, "I have a trip to Arusha, a business trip."

"May the business succeed." Daisy told Nancy.

Nancy arrived at Arusha at around 3 pm. She did not have a hard time getting a hotel in Arusha. She got herself a nice room which she believed was dignified enough. She then got to the balcony after showering and relaxed just chatting with friends and mostly men.

As she was chatting, she took a few photos overlooking the beautiful hotels that lined that side of Arusha which also overlooked Mt. Kilimanjaro. The moment she posted online, she immediately got numerous likes and comments most from men lusting for her.

Some men went to her inbox and began flirting with her. She got busy flirting with them, flattering some until others began offering her a date. She would randomly tell one: buy me dinner if you like me. Others voluntarily told her they wanted to buy dinner for her thinking that was their only way to win her. She never turned them down.

Within 2 hours, a few men had sent her some money. She enjoyed living like that as she considered that it was her beauty that was earning her money. She even told herself: Even socialites earn money through their shapely bodies.

When it was getting dark, she went to the hotel's restaurant and got some food to eat. She sat at a corner all alone taking her food when some man tried to join her.

"I am waiting for my husband." Nancy told the man to discourage him.

"Oh! am not lucky, ok. Have a nice time." The man told Nancy and walked away.

Several other men tried their luck with her. Finally, she was left alone. She never spoke rudely to any man.

At around 9 pm, pastor Nickson called her.

"Which hotel are you?" The pastor asked.

"I can't remember its name but it has a pillar at the entrance, silver pillar which is shinning even at night. I guess it is the biggest around here…" Nancy said.

"I get it. it is a few hundred meters from where we are staying. I am coming to you wait for me." The pastor said.

"Welcome." Nancy told him. He terminated the call.

Pastor Nickson sneaked away from his fellow pastors and walked to Nancy's hotel. He wore casually, a pair of jeans which was blue in color, brown open shoes and a grey T-shirt. He also carried a bible just in case.

Pastor Nickson walked right inside. It did not take long for him to spot where Nancy sat wearing a long evening dress yellow in color.

"Hi." Pastor Nickson said.

"Hi, pastor Nickson." Nancy replied and they shook hands.

"Call me Nick, just Nick." The pastor said.

Nancy smiled and said, "Ok, Nick."

"Here I am." Nick said. Nancy smiled. She knew why he was there.

"Do you want to take something or I should just lead you to my room?" Nancy asked.

"Some juice will do." Pastor Nickson said.

Nancy walked to where there was juice for self-service. She got two glasses and poured melon juice to the two glasses. She then walked steadily to where the pastor sat. He had opened his bible and was busy reading.

Nancy placed the juice on the table. They began to drink slowly.

"Eh! Nancy, you are such a beautiful woman." The pastor said.

"I also admit you are handsome." Nancy said with a smile. She licked her lips sensually while looking at the pastor a thing that drove him crazy.

"Let us finish this juice and go to something else." The pastor said.

They finished drinking and both walked to Nancy's room. Nancy put on the TV and put some moderate volume as the pastor made himself comfortable on one of the chairs.

Nancy then went and suddenly sat on his lap. She then held him by his waist and leaned against him, pushing one breast against his chest.

"You have such a smooth ass." The pastor said. He was still holding the bible. Nancy took the bible from his hand and placed it on the table. She then took one of his arms and placed it on her breasts. The pastor pressed her breasts gently. He felt their smoothness and softness.

Nancy began to remove her bra. The pastor assisted her to take off the bra.

"Oh! before I forget, I came with some HIV test kits." The pastor said while gently pushing Nancy to stand up.

Nancy stood up, looked at the pastor, smiled and said, "It is ok, but in our trade, we get tested regularly, personally I get tested after every 2 months. I love giving myself to someone knowing I am fresh and clean." Story by Anthony Kerry

"Nevertheless, let me test you." Pastor Nickson said.

"It is ok." Nancy told the pastor.

The pastor who knew how to conduct the tests tested Nancy for HIV. He used the latest rapid test kits and within minutes the tests were out.

"Glad you are negative." The pastor said.

Nancy laughed and said, "I not only test for HIV, but other diseases. This is one job you can get sick if you are not careful. I love my body so much."

The pastor went to hold Nancy by her waist, "I just love your body shape, so nice, by just looking at it, I can feel my blood boiling."

Nancy began to stimulate the pastor. She felt his chest. He was a slim man and there were no muscles to feel, just ribs. She slowly took off his shirt. He had a slightly hairy chest. She caressed him for a while before slowly unbuttoning his trousers. She then slowly and gently pulled off his trousers.

She then felt his flaccid dick and began to caress it. She did it for a while until it was hard and erect. He had a moderate size organ compared to the most she had seen, pretty much average. When it erected, it bent slightly to the right. She took sometime caressing it and as she massaged it, the man of God moaned silently wishing she can give him such pleasure for the longest time.

Nancy slowly took off her dress and pantie to remain naked. With some little romance, the pastor just wanted to get into her. He pushed her to bed and got in between her thighs while his legs were still on the floor. He held his erect dick and directed it towards her pussy but something seemed to suddenly happen in between.

Pastor Nickson's dick suddenly went soft.

Nancy saw the sudden change with his facial expression. She looked at his dick. It was flaccid. She had seen such things happen a lot with so many men who would probably feel guilty of cheating on their wives and knew it was normal with most. It did not bother her.

However, the pastor felt bothered.

"Oh! now what?" the pastor asked himself feeling embarrassed. It had never happened to him like that. The thing felt lifeless! Story by Anthony Kerry

"Relax, it will be ok." Nancy told pastor Nickson.

However, pastor Nickson saw that as a sign that God did not want him to commit adultery. He quickly wore his clothes. Nancy tried to touch him but the pastor suddenly picked his bible, pointed at Nancy and told her, "Stay away from me, you Satan!"

"What? Did you just call me Satan?" Nancy asked feeling annoyed.

"I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ!" the pastor said.

"Hey, did you just call me Satan…" Nancy asked the pastor feeling like slapping him hard across his face.