
honey baby becomes a superstar

Honey, could you pls accept my proposal? Marriage won't stop you from your dream. I will help you with all I have to make your dream come true, ok?

Ella_Liang_9507 · Urban
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47 Chs

Chapter 21. I Am Going to Tell You All

Kevin looks at Linda, reluctantly leaves her home.

Linda smiles and watches him going away.

When she hears the sound of the car starting, she runs to the window and opens a corner of the curtain to look at Kevin secretly. From the side, the man's nose is tall, and the side face is so handsome that Linda is intoxicated. She could not help covering her mouth and laughing.

Linda goes to the bathroom and lights some good smell incense. After filling the golden tub with hot water, she takes off her clothes, lays down in the warm tub, closes her eyes, but her mind is full of Kevin.

She has been impressed by the sincerity of this man, so it is time to let down her guard against him and tell him some of her past experiences. Let him know who she really is.

After taking a bath, Linda feels that every pore on her body is unobstructed. What happened today has consumed too much energy, and tomorrow there will be an important thing to do. She quickly blow-dries her hair and lays down on the bed.

When she wakes up in the morning, she finds that her body is a little different from before. Vaguely she remembers that she had a dream about being sleeping with Kevin, and that they were obsessed with each other's naked bodies. This, this, this, feeling so ashamed, she runs into the bathroom and rinses herself again.

After washing, she puts on her bathrobe, stands in front of the mirror and begins to talk to herself.

Woman, don't be blinded by love. Ok? Love is fleeting. Go after your career, go after your career, go after your career, okay?

But I really love Kevin, I just want to be with him every day.

Your career. Your career, woman. Wake up.

OK, OK, career first.

Linda turns on the tap, wets her face with cold water, and pats her cheek.

Woman, pull yourself together. You have important business today.

Look at the watch and find out not much time left, Linda quickly puts on makeup and changes into a delicate suit.

To meet Mr. Gao, it is better to dress formally.

Linda takes a bottle of yogurt from the refrigerator and hurries out of the door.

Her open-top car is just too obvious. Today she chooses to drive another black car. Although it's a million dollar too, at least it's a little more discreet than the red open-top car. There is a film on the glass to prevent peeping, so others can't see the inside from the outside. All right, this is the car.

Linda drives on the car, all the way particularly smooth, no traffic jams.

Linda gives herself encouragement in her heart, driving so smoothly, and the meeting with Mr. Gao is estimated to be the same. Woman, come on, come on, you're the best.

She takes a deep breath and walks up to the front desk. Tracy, the receptionist, leads her into a large office.

When Mr. Gao sees Linda come in, he gets up quickly, stretches out his right hand and shakes hands with Linda warmly.

"Miss Lin, please sit down! Tracy, you can leave now."

"Thank you, Mr. Gao!

After Tracy leaves the office and closes the door, Mr. Gao's attention returns to Linda.

"Miss Lin, you are a very good entertainer. You are welcome to join our company. I have heard about you quitting show business two years ago. When young people make mistakes in their young age, it is inevitable. All the things are past, I believe you will have better performance in the future."

"No, I haven't done anything wrong. I will prove myself innocent in the future. Whoever framed me will get what they deserve sooner or later."

Previously, Mr. Gao thought Linda was a tainted entertainer and he was only willing to let Linda join their company because of his personal relationship with Kevin.

He is very happy to hear what Linda said. 

Faced with such a good entertainer, if she can clean up the previous stains. With my operation, I believe she will become a promising entertainer.

"Miss Lin, good job. I admire people like you, tenacity and perseverance, never give up. I hope we can cooperate happily!"

Linda also smiles and says: "Thank you Mr. Gao, I hope we can cooperate happily too!"

"By the way, for the work arrangement, I am only responsible for the company's development direction and major decisions, later I will hand over the work contract and other details to Coco, and she will be your agent in the future. She'll contact you later."

"Ok, thank you, Mr. Gao." Linda says and leaves happily.

Mr. Gao is also very happy, originally thought just accept a tainted star, treat her as an ordinary entertainer, that's enough.

Now it seems that this Miss Lin, tough and courageous, is worth cultivating well. She could be a cash cow someday.

Thinking of this, Mr. Gao's mouth spreads a smile.

After meeting with Mr. Gao, Linda returns to the car and sends a message to Kevin: Business is finished. Do you have time to see me?

Kevin sees the mobile phone vibration, just has a look. Seeing information sent by his beloved girl, he could not help but the corners of his mouth are unconsciously up.

Kelvin: Do you miss me?

Linda: Who says I owe him an explanation? I'm going to tell you all.

Kelvin: OK, it's almost noon. I'll take you to eat something nice. The Qing restaurant. Where are you? I'll pick you up.

Linda: You don't have to pick me up. Just tell me the address.

Kelvin: I'm afraid you won't find the place.

Linda: Send the address quickly. I'm not three years old. How can I not find it?

Wen: OK, OK, the address will be sent to you immediately, don't worry.

When Linda receives the address, she sets off at once. Near the destination, she turns around a few times, the navigation shows that the destination is nearby, but can't reach.

She is a little confused, what is Kevin trying to do, joke with me on purpose? Pick a restaurant where I can't find an address.

She rolls down the window and hesitates at the end of a road, not knowing whether to get out and ask for directions or just call Kevin.

Just at the moment, Kevin's car comes along. Assistant Chen parks the car next to Linda's car.

"How did you pick such a place so hard to find?" Linda asks Kevin with pursed lips.

"I told you, I went to pick you up, but you didn't let me to do it, so who's to blame?" Kevin gives her a teasing answer.

Seeing Linda is about to get angry. He quickly reassures her: "The food I sent you last time is made by this restaurant. I just want you to have a good meal. Don't be angry."

Then Kevin extends his right hand, indicating Linda to hold his hand.