
honey baby becomes a superstar

Honey, could you pls accept my proposal? Marriage won't stop you from your dream. I will help you with all I have to make your dream come true, ok?

Ella_Liang_9507 · Urban
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47 Chs

Chapter 20. Kiss Is Interrupted Again

Linda Usually eats less for the evening meal, she simply eats some fruit or yogurt.

But today too much energy has been taken away, she desperately needs some food to replenish her energy.

The food Kevin made surprises her, and it happens to be the food she likes.

She couldn't wait to eat a mouthful of noodles.

"How does it taste?" Kevin's gentle words ring in Linda's ear.

Linda's mouth full of noodles, no time to reply to him, she gives him a thumbs up, which stands for a high recognition of his cooking.

After the noodles in her mouth have been swallowed, Linda nods her head repeatedly and says: "Yummy, yummy, very yummy, I didn't expect you can cook so well."

Getting the beloved girl's compliment, Kevin is very happy.

"As long as you like, I can make it for you every day!"

"But you don't live in my villa, how can you do it for me every day?"

"Ha-ha, fiancée, are you so eager to live with me?"

Linda just reacts, and with a big red face.

"Oh, I said the wrong way. Don't think it in the wrong way."

Kevin comes to Linda's ear: "You will be my wife sooner or later. Even if you feel that way, it's OK."

"I want to eat, don't make fun of me." Linda gently pushes away Kevin, worries that he will do something make her blush.

"Well, you eat slowly, there's no hurry."

Kevin is quietly watching this lovely girl eat.

She is really cute and lovely that she eats the food with full mouth.

After a while, Linda finishes a plate of noodles mixed with scallion oil and a plate of fruit mixed with yogurt.

The delicious food is so good, all the fatigue is gone. Linda feels she is full of spirit now. She touches her full stomach and sighs, "It is so comfortable to have a full meal."

"Why, are you often hungry?"

"Yes, just to control my weight, I eat less at night, I haven't eaten so much in a long time."

"In fact, you don't have to control your weight, you look pretty in my eyes."

Linda says in her heart: Shit, how can I trust your nonsense, how can I? I control my weight, not to please you, I am for my career development.

Seeing that Kevin begins to approach her again, she accidentally burps.

She thinks that Kevin would pop away, but he just smiles out of the corner of his eye and continues to stare at her.

This atmosphere is getting more and more ambiguous.

Linda quickly puts away the dishes and chopsticks and walks towards the kitchen.

In fact, the moment she was held by Kevin in the parking lot, she was looking forward to a sweet kiss with Kevin, but now she doesn't know why, she becomes disturbed.

In the kitchen, she sticks her head out and asks Kevin: "Do you want some lemon water?"

To ease the awkward atmosphere. Kevin replies: "Yes, please."

The beloved girl has a rosy complexion and appears in front of him. Hand Kelvin a glass of lemon water.

Kevin could no longer resist when he sits down on the sofa, he takes the lemon water and puts it on the end table. Suddenly he puts his arm around Linda's waist and lets her sit on his lap.

Linda is confused and her head goes blank. It happens too quickly.

Kevin hugs Linda tightly facing himself, when the four eyes meet, sparks splashes.

Linda feels that the man's breath becomes heavy, his eyes are staring at her hotly, and he is getting closer and closer to her head.

She is intoxicated by the smell of vegetation on the man. Linda closes her eyes involuntarily, gets ready for the kiss.

Damn it, the phone's ringing again. And who is it? It's such a good time.

Linda doesn't want to move, but the phone keeps ringing.

A minute later, Linda picks up the phone.

Oh, it's my mother. I have to answer the phone.

"Mom, what is it? "

"Mom saw the information on the Internet. It is said you saved a man. You're great, girl. Mom's proud of you."

"It is not a big deal. I just happen to know first aid. Do you have anything else? If no, I'm hanging up."

"By the way, did you ask Kevin, what about the engagement gifts? "

"Mom, leave the gifts at home."

"It means you agree it, great! That's great!"

After hanging up the phone, Mrs. Lin is still immersed in the joy just now. She did not expect her daughter would change her attitude so quickly.

Linda looks at Kevin with a smile, suddenly feels it is so funny.

Every time we try to kiss, it was interrupted by a sudden incident.

But Kevin's a little upset. Seeing his sad face, Linda wants to give him a little comfort.

Suddenly she kisses him on the lips and jumps away from him.

And she giggles a lot.

"You little girl, you tease me deliberately, I will not let you go." Kevin wants to go to chase this lovely girl.

Linda hides behind Mr. Bean: "Don't come over, or I'll let Mr. Bean help me."

"It's getting late, how about you go back home? I have to meet Mr. Gao at 10 a.m. tomorrow. Stop it, all right?"

Well, Kevin promised her to put her career the first priority, he suddenly collapses on the sofa.

He says to Linda helplessly: " I must owe you in my last life, so I am teased by you a little girl now."

"But you owe me an explanation for what happened today."

Linda knows, she had accepted his proposal, for what happened today, she must explain to him clearly. She couldn't get away with it anyway.

She begins to act cute again: "I see. Why don't you wait until I'm done with what's important at hand. Then I will tell you everything? OK?" Then she makes a begging face.

See the expression of the little fiancée, Kevin's heart is melted. Even if she asks for taking out his heart, he can't refuse.

"All right, all right, I'm going back. We'll talk later." Kevin blows Linda a kiss.

And Linda blows him a kiss back too.



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