
Homunculus Rebirth

Ernest Quelt, the alchemist known for his unparalleled knowledge within the world of alchemy has perished Yet he never met his end by protecting his comrades nor there were struggles with their most recent expedition, it was none other than his comrades The very people he trusted the most would soon betray him for no other reason than his growth Unfortunately, life wasn't unfair. With his last breaths, he gaze at the tube filled with his life's work The artificial being labeled as the 'Homunculus' his creation comparable to that of a human being But what lies beyond this perfect vessel harbors the power of the catastrophic beast that once wreaked havoc on his world

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Unreal fighting style

Hiding wasn't a viable option for Neon to choose, his abilities have their strengths but they always have weaknesses. He couldn't simply rush to the nearest exit and use his eye to dodge and avoid the imps. If there wasn't a birth of an abnormal, he would've simply up and fled this place as he sees fit. Even if it sounded like a plan filled with a ton of risk, for someone like him, he already knew the outcome if he ever chose to fled

4 days later

[System: The Guardian has used the spell called [Full mental] anything within its range of effect has been affected. Mental irritations such as headaches, nightmares, and delusions. At some point, the targets will even experience being overly influenced and attack their allies in confusion]

"Deflleus fungi, processes and completely powderized. This mushroom was said to produce a powerful scent that has a soothing aroma. What's dangerous about this mushroom being banned as a material for any scented product was its bizarre effects. Many people were seen to manifest unrealistic perceptions, things that seem to be real except their not. They were said to grow in a habitat inhabited by monsters that's related to the use of illusions," Inside the area where he envelops the forest with its provocative scent, Neon pointed his wand. Injecting it with his mana and cast his area of effect spell that causes them to scream

[System: [Deflleus fungi] & [Full mental] has great synergies with one another. The guardian's spell has increased the hallucinations of the fungi. Whilst the enhanced illusions have made the hostile targets confused and started a friendly fire]

Overly cautious? Downright unfair? Coward? These were the words that these monsters have cursed him for using their specialty against their own. Neon found a sense of joy when he could easily best his foe with the use of his knowledge, he might have developed an ego. However, his ignorance and confidence weren't empty, it was backed by his intelligence and a better sense of warfare

"Devouring leeches, obey my command! Appear before me and consume what is standing in my way!!!" An entire field filled with confused and screaming imps, some were able to get ahold of their senses. But they soon ended up facing his blade, if they were lucky enough to escape. They would've met their end with the poison that's lying dormant in his sword

[System: You've killed a monster, the collected experience will now be given]

As much as he wanted to use his newly created weapon of choice, his mana wasn't infinite. Those that weren't occupied by his devouring leeches ended up as his prey for him to consume. He leaped into the air with the help of his skill that empower the strength of his legs. With his dexterity and experience with handling a blade, he slices through the mass like an elegant dancer

[System: Your performance of excellent swordplay is increasing the rank of your [Sword proficiency]

Sword proficiency: The swing has no problem, and the power or control has no such faults. We suggest that you worked more on your footwork since it's the base of swordplay]

"Magic edge... Grant my blade an increase in both sharpness and penetration," There were always a few that would ask him a certain question. How can such a person with a production class be on par with a combatant? Does he rely on his potions as a means to battle the monsters? Does he use his skills to further improve the abilities of his comrades? To be frank, he learned to survive through experience

"Graaaah!!!" The imps were unable to find any openings to his form, not even a sneak attack could have reached his body. His sights were focused only on a single thing, and it was his opponents that wished to end his life. How is it that his well prepared for any kind of attack? There weren't any hidden skills or professions within the alchemy class

The class was always said to have been a class only meant for production purposes, then how can Neon do such a thing? Classes are important to any guardian, it was the thing that'll decide the outcome of their roles. However once a person has chosen a class, they'll access the skill tree a function that grants them their skills. It was seen as a valuable asset, however, it restricts them to acquire a different skill unaffiliated with their class

"Eyes of the abyssal tiger, grant me one of your skills. I asked for the use of your skill called, Golden flash," His body was then engulfed with a bright and golden flow of energy. Which awakens a state where he increased his movement and most of his senses to a certain extent. With this newly acquired speed, he quickly pounces on another enemy and repeated the process

If anyone were to see his way of movement, even if he didn't possess his abilities through his homunculus form. Anyone would've guessed that he was a combatant, if he was restricted by the skill then how? How can he move and fight like how he previously had displayed? Even with the skill trees restrictions on what skills one can acquire. It didn't stop anyone from learning it without the help of the system

'It was hard and the process was long, however, if one were to be persistent then they could acquire the skill. However, this information was said to be useless since it'll hinder a guardian's development. If only they'd known that I was the one that came up with this method if that were known it would've been a trend. The only reason I didn't disclose being the one who created this method was for the survival rate. Since the world was too fucked, I didn't want the others to put their lives at risk by learning other skills,'

In the days that passed, Neon was interfering with the imp's conquest to rule their surrounding territories. Even though he risked his methods and techniques for his enemies to learn and adapt to his attacks. They weren't able to endure, because he possessed countless hours in battle and his wits that were feared by both guardians and monsters

[System: The devouring leeches' hunger has been satisfied. Due to it being the same flesh that it previously consumed for the past five days. The hunger has been satisfied, however, the taste isn't new, and this lowers the stats you've gained. Instead of the regular amount, the guardian has gained 5 stat points both on mana and intelligence. The original stats were supposed to be 9, due to having not tasted another flesh than the imps, your stats have been reduced by 4]

"I've never seen this before... It seems that I'll need to feed it with a different prey once I've called it again. Devouring leeches, I order you to gather every item dropped within the corpses you swallowed," Apart from interrupting their expansion, he lowers their military forces. All in all, he never forgot about the reason he chose to stay within their territory. Five days ago he wouldn't have dared to rush and face such a terrifying manifestation

[Neon LVL 29

Title: Defier of fate, First blood, Super rookie, Demon hunter

Class: None

Race: Homunculus

Special ability: Golden abyssal eye, Behemoth scales, Devouring leach, Thornerus bone structure, more abilities will be later unlocked as you progress

Health: 83

Attack: 66

Int: 92

Luck: 75

Dex: 42

Speed 70

Defense: 53

Stamina: 45

Mana: 87

Status points: 0

Skill: Unparalleled alchemical knowledge (SSS+) Empower (F+) Crafting (F-) Herb gathering (F-) Brewery (D+) Sword proficiency (E+) Ailment boost (D-) Physical resistance (F+) Mental resistance (E+) Green thumb (F-) Vine manifestation (F-) Magical resistance (F-)]

"It's time... I've finally accumulated the right amount of strength to deal with such a powerful adversary. Judging by the fact it's only influenced in its kind to control their behavior. I can simply deduct that it only manifested since I haven't appraised any kind of abnormalities, like an increase in their power. Abnormals act like a mini orb of catastrophe, however, their power only affects their kind," Once he gathered every single piece of items that his leeches have gathered from his command. He sets off to the deepest part of the forest of illusion, a place filled with traps hidden in a form of illusions

Due to its friendly and beautiful scenery, one would come to wonder if it's really a place filled with the blood of the guardians. Like its inhabitants, one shouldn't be fooled by its appearance, for it houses one of the most horrifying traps. But that wasn't a problem that he couldn't have dealt with, his eyes that belonged to a calamity have proven to be quite useful

[System: You've entered the deepest area within the scope of the forest of illusions

Information: A place filled with traps hidden in illusions monsters that are both deadly and possess an illusion trait. This means that they can easily affect you with mental attacks or even use it to hide their presence]

There was something that the system hadn't warned him about, it was the overwhelming pressure. Such a beautiful environment changes to a dreadful view, once he took a step forward within its reach. Revealing its true nature as a dark and horrid place decorated by piles of bones that belonged to a variety of races

".... Haaa... Let's get this over with..." Once he notices that his body could move even after being hit by the pressure. He entered the center of the forest of illusions where a nightmarish entity was in control of the imps