
Homunculus Rebirth

Ernest Quelt, the alchemist known for his unparalleled knowledge within the world of alchemy has perished Yet he never met his end by protecting his comrades nor there were struggles with their most recent expedition, it was none other than his comrades The very people he trusted the most would soon betray him for no other reason than his growth Unfortunately, life wasn't unfair. With his last breaths, he gaze at the tube filled with his life's work The artificial being labeled as the 'Homunculus' his creation comparable to that of a human being But what lies beyond this perfect vessel harbors the power of the catastrophic beast that once wreaked havoc on his world

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Second homunculus subject

'I've realized something in these 10 hours of observation with the changes that occurred from this child. It seems that the reason why I needed 5 whole years to recover was the fact that the homunculus didn't have the necessary amount of nutrients. From the moment I unlocked the ability to control and summon the devouring leeches, I gained its unique regeneration. But that ability requires me to have some nutrition which can only be obtained from digestion,'

"My body was banged up from the fall that broke most of my bones, my body was then wrapped in a preservation fluid. Which then turn into a protective cocoon that covered my body, protecting it from the harmful elements until I built an immunity. Natural regeneration can still occur without the use of nutrition, but that'll take a long time, hence the reason for my slumber," Once he realizes the required materials to accelerate the conversion. He grabs a dozen pieces of edible meat he collected from the monsters

Neon places it near the cocoon where the child he rescued started to heal with the help of his experiment. He watches as a few tentacle-like creatures similar in design to the devouring leeches burst from the cocoon. After a few seconds when it was confirmed that the meat he placed was edible, it quickly pounce and devoured every single piece. With this method, he created after he properly observe and realizes his ability

Neon could accelerate the regenerative process alongside the conversion of the child's organs. Once was supposed to last a few months were reduced by weeks and when he added another chunk of nutrients. Weeks have been changed to a few days, however, he wasn't patient enough to wait for the results, after he gave a few more of his rations. Days were reduced to a matter of hours, and with the help of his golden eyes he was able to properly monitor the child's health

[System: Race conversion was a major success since the guardian didn't perish its stats and level weren't reverted to zero. Homunculus's unique regenerative ability originating from the devouring leech has closed and treated the subject's wounds. The guardian named [Alex Hersh] has been converted to the homunculus race]

'Finally, It's time for the results of this conversion to see the light of day, if he doesn't accept the outcome of his form... I'll take responsibility for my actions, and I'll kill him without any form of hesitation. The thing that I've just tried to accomplish is the same as those demonic cultists that experimented on civilians. I'm only doing what I can to make this child's desire to live become a reality, as much as this will grant me access to evolve. I need to kill this child if he couldn't accept what he has become,'

After the confirmation from the system, he strides through the rough surface of the cave and manifested a bone. Sharp enough to easily shred the cocoon, with a single swing the protective shell was perfectly sliced. Once the preservation liquid had leaked, it revealed the perfectly treated body of the wounded child he chose to convert. Like Neon's experience, the child falls to the ground and then he awakens to see his newly created form whilst he panicked

"I'm alive...? I'm alive!!! What's this!? I know that I've died!!?" With Neon's x-ray-like vision, he notices the increase in the beat of his heart. Confirming that Alex was panicking at the sight that conflicted with his memories, he's alive? And the first thing he sees as he opens his eyes was the rough surface of the cave and then a shadowy figure in his view

[System: There are no signs of irregularity on the newly converted guardian if you find anything wrong. We advise you to consult the system since your race is yet to be announced to the world]

"You're finally awake... It seems that it was a successful treatment, don't worry about your owners. They're already dead, though I wish I was the cause of their end, they simply had the worse luck I've ever seen. They got eaten by the monsters that approach your crash-landed vehicle. If you have any questions that concern your current state, then wait for my arrival im going for my daily hunt," He stares back at Alex as soon as he uttered those words, he waited if the child wouldn't heed his words

Surprisingly, Alex was pretty obedient and he even nods to his orders. It seems his behavior originated after becoming a slave after he was confident that Alex obeyed his orders. He left without a single word and repeated the cycle once more, though he acquired a long-range skill. His fight against the abnormality confirmed that he lacks defense and mostly relied on his special abilities. Though the monsters weren't a problem with his strength, it would've been a hassle if he faces it by himself

'My next targeted territory will be the rigorous plateau, a place filled with a bunch of defense-focused demonic beasts. Their attacks aren't a problem, however their pack with a bunch of formation-related skills. The more monster that is present their defense increases as another one appears. It's unavoidable that I'll need to ask that child to accompany me on my travels. Who would even want to spend the rest of their lives inside this hellish environment,'

With the help of his major increase in mana after he devours those monsters inside the forest of illusions. He was able to summon forth another imp whilst he uses the shard to enhance their power to a certain degree. His hunt was easily reduced to a matter of seconds before he retreats after he heard the howls of the higher-ranking demons

"Welcome back," Alex waited at the entrance of the cave, whilst he bows to show his appreciation for saving his life

"Don't worry about acting like a slave, I save you for a reason so don't expect me to treat you like a completely normal child. This place is beyond your wildest imagination, it's a forest that reeks of death at every turn you take. And when you think you're finally alone, you'll be preyed upon by the countless monsters that inhabited this place,"

"Even though I'm a slave, I've heard about this place when my hometown wasn't brought to ruin by an outbreak. This place was once the hellish environment that was said to produce a ton of high-ranking monsters. Millions of people would've perished if it weren't for the sacrifice of the guardians. I know it sounds a little stupid to hear this coming from my mouth, but im happy that I would've died. Even though I wasn't treated with respect after I was sold when I didn't have a single coin in my pocket. This place was the burial ground of my hero, the greatest alchemist that was born Ernest Quelt," Alex replied to his question, whilst he dons an eye filled with determination

'As I thought, the act of slavery has appeared once I've died. Slave trading was one of the things I abolished after I took my position as the alchemist who donated to the poor. To think those bastard from the government is so corrupt that they neglected the people they promised to serve. It seems that my death had a major impact if the act of slavery resurfaced after I completely nailed it down. Apart from that, I found something interesting, he retained his emotions and sense of pain. It seems im just a special case due to my head injury that messes with my nerves,'

"Good... Very good! It seems you're smart enough to understand your current situation. You can call me Neon, I got stranded here for who knows how long I've survived in this area. If you wish to survive then you'll have to assist me in my daily hunt, I'll teach you everything I know. I'll give you the right portion of your food and I will treat you as a person. As long as you follow my teachings you'll live by the time we're strong enough to escape," As soon as he realizes the effects of his death on the outside world. Neon was motivated to escape as soon as possible, he reach out his hand to the child that crash-landed in this hell

"I'll take you up on that offer since you're strong enough to survive this place, I'll address you as my master," In response to Neon's words, Alex raises his head and reaches for his hand. Shaking it along with the two to return to a part of the cave where Neon prepared every material to cook their meal

For a long time, he was isolated from any contact with the outside world, even if it was faint he was happy. And even for a second, his face had a smile after he sees himself forming a new ally who was full of life. Something that he didn't expect from a person that was turned into a slave after he suffered by the hands of his former race