
Homunculus Rebirth

Ernest Quelt, the alchemist known for his unparalleled knowledge within the world of alchemy has perished Yet he never met his end by protecting his comrades nor there were struggles with their most recent expedition, it was none other than his comrades The very people he trusted the most would soon betray him for no other reason than his growth Unfortunately, life wasn't unfair. With his last breaths, he gaze at the tube filled with his life's work The artificial being labeled as the 'Homunculus' his creation comparable to that of a human being But what lies beyond this perfect vessel harbors the power of the catastrophic beast that once wreaked havoc on his world

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Evolutionary path

[Evolutionary path: A function that only a select few species have access to, normally the ones who have access are monsters

Status: Whilst a few races apart from the human race originally didn't belong to their world. Normally there's no chance of a race being added to the roster. However, the system has scanned the nameless guardian to possess a special title

[Defier of fate]: It's an incredible title that only a select few has been able to attain on their means or tactics. There's not a single piece of information to learn how to attain this unique and one-of-a-kind title. The only thing that's known is that one must 'Defy' their fate]

After a long night, Ernest woke up to see his body in a condition that was beyond its normal capabilities. His experiment was a success, what's more, he could see his body being imbued by the core of the void serpent. His physique and mental conditions were normal his body didn't grow a third limb and he never showed any signs of indifference

With all of his success, he finds himself gaining access to a function of the system that his kind was unable to possess. This function is that of the 'Evolutionary path' a function which in his entire life was incapable of accessing

[System: The essence of the monster called [Void serpent] has been successfully consumed!!!

Status: Your body has grown stronger than ever before, adding 6 stat points to all of your stats

Outcome: Due to your body consuming the essence to its fullest extent. The guardian's body has been modified to match its newly gained strength. As was mentioned before, your new race has been added to the evolutionary path]

'Elves, Dwarves, Beastman, Majin, and lastly Dragons... These races and a few others that remained in hiding from the world were said to be the first guardians. The reason why I've tried my hardest part to prove my worth was only for the sole reason that the system grant me a wish. That wash was for my kind to have access to the evolutionary path, healing process, regenerative capabilities, strong immune system, etc,'

"Those were the few out of many things within the evolutionary path. I wanted my kind to have their place inside that function, many people wouldn't need to pay for any treatment. Lives could've been saved, the poor wouldn't need basic pills if they have improved immunity. So much have I sacrificed, and yet the first time I've seen this... It's not even meant for my previous race," The first thing he ever felt was sadness. By consuming the essence he was able to repair a few of his previous bodily functions

Even if it wasn't complete, even if it's just a hint of emotions. He could feel that his sacrifices were all for naught after he sees that his action only benefited himself. He sighed and crouched in the corner of his cave, and after a few hours, he emerges from his abode. With the weapons, he crafted with his alchemical intelligence he continued his goal and his eyes burns brighter than before

"No matter how long it will take, I just need to find a person that belonged to the human race. Train them, nurture and make sure they're talented if I can't grant them access to the function. I only need to have someone else do the job, for that to happen I need to grow stronger than ever. My appearance has changed and I seem to have grown younger, with the abilities of my body I'll do my best to grow," Revenge might have been somewhat important to him, but it never made him lose sight of his humanity

He didn't come to hate his old race, however, his painful experience made him fierce and wary of his surroundings. He could see that his past self was quite blinded by his goodwill and sense of justice. His morals brought his undoing that came from his traitorous companions. That day he bowed to become a better version of himself and do whatever it takes to grow even further than his limits

[System: You've officially registered your name as [Neon]

Status: You'll now be officially addressed as your chosen name]

"Im not better than my previous self, however, I acknowledge that my body is mostly designed to be a weapon. A name that means new, is better than calling my old self as obsolete. Ernest Quelt perished 5 years ago, even the system has deemed it to be true. My records, name, and even achievements have been placed in the hall of the dead. This name is not just for one to address me, it's a symbol that my journey has changed. I will become Neon the homunculus, first of his kind," With that said and done, Neon was born from the shell of the former hero known as Ernest Quelt

He enters the hellish forest once more and continued a new, his goal was to grow, survive, and finally find a human. With his newly created goals, he sets off as usual whilst he carries his grudge against his former allies. Both of them fueled his body to grow, whether he wants to learn more about his title or not this life given to him was a miracle

1 week later

"Graaahhh!!!" On a bright and sunny day, Neon came to a deeper part of the dark forest even though his surroundings were dreadful as ever. He came to encounter a new enemy a pack of monsters that rallied to take his life and turn him into their meal. Any other person would be annoyed by the new challenge that has risen. To Neon, it was a gift when he encountered a new source for his growth

[System: You've entered one of the few territories that have been formed by the monsters that dwell. In this part of the forest, you'll mostly see imps, tiny and playful little devils. But don't make their appearance fool your eyes, these demons were said to have mastered both magic and illusions. Because if that it made them one of the worst opponents to those who're lacking in once mental or magical resistance]

[Neon LVL 20

Title: Defier of Fate, First Blood, Super Rookie

Class: None

Race: Homunculus

Special ability: Golden abyssal eye, Behemoth scales, Devouring leach, Thornerus bone structure, more abilities will be later unlocked as you progress

Health: 73

Attack: 46

Int: 67

Luck: 35

Dex: 42

Speed 50

Defense: 53

Stamina: 45

Mana: 47

Status points: 0

Skill: Unparalleled alchemical knowledge (SSS+) Empower (F+) Crafting (F-) Herb gathering (F-) Brewery (D+) Sword proficiency (E+) Ailment boost (D-) Physical resistance (F+) Mental resistance (E+)]

"Normally, I would have captured a few more of those midgets and caged them to my cave and built my resistance. However, I only need to gain the amount where my body wouldn't be affected by their mental attacks. A simple headache can be managed with a few potions I've prepared," After he checked his stats and his equipment, he entered the forest of illusions. It was a place within the dark forest inhabited by imps and monsters that target the person's mind

'A new prey has arrived,'

A voice appeared in his mind, warning him about a great danger dwelling in this area. The trees were bustling and the winds grew so cold like the night. It grew louder and a few more voices joined as he kept on the same pace

'Die!!! Die!!! Die!!! Die!!!'

'Kehahhahahaha!!! Suffer from my attacks, you filthy intruder!!!'

'Your flesh looks quite delectable, mwehehe,'

[System: With the guardian's skill [Mental resistance] you're able to withstand the upcoming mental attacks

Status: Even with this active skill, you're prone to gain irritation which targeted your head and fills them with delusion]

Slowly he could feel that he was suffering from an irritation that slowly wells upon his head. Their attempts on securing an effortless hunt were in vain and they've seen him as nothing but their unfortunate prey. But their ignorance became the reason for their undoing

"Just as expected your kind is quite prideful as ever. I must commend you all for granting me a lot of time to prepare. I hope that you wouldn't regret your choices," When Neon uttered those words a few of the monsters hiding behind their illusions have fallen

One by one, they fell for his traps, their pride got the best of them. For one of the most notorious enemies to be reduced to a mere flea was a sight they can't approve of. They flail around where they attempt to escape but they weren't able to do anything to alter their nearing end

[System: Synergy between[Unparalleled alchemical knowledge] & [Ailment boost] has been triggered!!!

Status: The secreted gas from the guardian's bottle of void serpent poison has rendered the hostile forces to gain [Paralysis]

Synergy: The infection rate and extended duration have turned into a horrifying combo!!!]

"I've told you..." This would've been a heated battle if he had forcefully attacked them from their hiding spot. As much as he liked to increase his strengths, he doesn't possess any long-distance ability. The thornerus bone structure also had its limits, so he used his knowledge against his enemies

"Graaaah!!!!!" The imp's screams had alerted the others to remain at a safe distance. If only they had previously done such a thing before the poisonous mist covered their vicinity. If any one of them dared to venture to investigate the screams, they would've fallen into his grasp

Neon, on the other hand, was wearing a leather mask that he obtained from the void serpent. No matter how high his resistance may be, his body wasn't ready to resist his creation. He took this chance to kill as many of them as possible, whilst the others regained their ability to move

[System: A few hostile monsters have shaken off your applied ailments. They are now immune for the next 30 seconds]

Stuns and paralysis were one the few status effects that have more weaknesses compared to the rest. However, the ones that could fire their spells were immediately sliced by his blade. If they were far from his reach, he sends a small and piercing bolt he made from his bone. Once he killed another, the irritation within his head lightened, and his poisonous gas traveled far and wide

"Golden eyes of the abyssal tiger, respond to my call. The hosts require your power. Grant me the heightened senses that you possess along with your strengths," Slowly his eyes developed a golden glow, and his body became sensitive

His ears, nose, eyes, and even his sense of danger, Neon could feel all of it accumulating a higher reach. To put matters at its worse for his opponent, the eyes have given him the power to increase his movements

"Graaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!" Screams from left to right, forward and back the ones who hadn't entered were frightened. The thrashing of a new predator and the pride they carry were proven to be a hindrance. Not long after the place was silenced, but his presence remains

"There's a high chance that they cut off my means of escape, im far from the level of acquiring my first class. All in all, this situation isn't that bad... Plus I remembered that killing a monster specializing in their way of killing will grant a person their skills. Physical resistance I've gained from killing demon hogs, Mental from submerging myself in mental attacks. Lastly, the Ailment boost which I got from the void serpent, however, I strongly require magic," After he gathered the corpses of the imps, he quickly summoned his devouring leach. Eating them before his very eyes as he sinks his teeth into the rations he possesses

[System: You've called upon the devouring leach to prey on the flesh that resides in the corpses of your enemies. Devouring leaches hunger has been satisfied, and the host has gained 4 bonus stat on mana and intelligence]