

A suspect of the crime of a murder case seemed to have disappeared after the incidence, unknowingly to the police that he had hidden himself in a house of an upcoming model who tends to believe that his murder case was a mistake, Not until she found out that the man she kept in her house was far worse than the murderer, people suspected him to be.

DaoistSwIxUB · Action
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 6

My butt ached from sitting down all morning at a skin care company office , I was being lectured on how they advertise their products and websites to advertise them,since I was already their brand ambassador after signing the contract as an agreement.

    Jamie wanted me to sign this contract, he said my skin was attractive enough for costumers to purchase their products.

Jamie has always been nice to me since we met in high school, he was part of the reason I became a model, brand ambassador and influencer, he always got me contracts to sign, run way shows for me to attend and some other things that brought millions to my account.

      But I knew he wasn't doing this out of pure niceness, he was using it as a way to demand for something he always wanted from me.

He thinks I'm dumb enough to fall for all the nice things he is doing and date him, I couldn't even imagine my self in such situation.

I have never turned down his offer though , but neither have I said yes to him, I always left him without an answer.

    " thank you" I said to Jamie as he escorted me outside to my car.

He stopped walking causing me to do the same, he looked at me and smiled.

" anything for you baby"

We continued walking and we came at a halt in front of my car.

I leaned my back against the car as he moved closer to my face.

" you haven't yet given me an answer" he said to me and it was as if I could tell the future, I knew this would be the question he was going to ask, or maybe because he asks it anytime we were always alone and I was damn tired of ignoring his question because I was scared he would stop helping me out but now, I didn't need anyone's help , I could get things done myself.

I watched as he brought his lips closer to mine but before he could get any further, I dodged his kiss, like I always do, but this time I have to be straight forward.

" I think we should just be friends" I said and slipped into the sit of my car, I started the engine but before I drove off, I gave him one last look and forced a smile.

" thank you once more" I said again and drove off, enjoying the look of anger I saw written on his face.


It's been nearly a week since Theon has been staying at my house, and we barely even spoke to each other, well I wasn't concerned about that.

he was always busy, almost as busy as I was.

He sometimes leaves the house in the morning, dressed in black and a scarf to cover half of his face, and he always wore a glove on his tattooed hand, I didn't know the exact reason why but I didn't care or maybe it was just his style of fashion.

He always returns back at night with his wolf he always takes with wherever he was going to.

I wanted to know where he always went to but I assumed it was work.

I opened the door to enter inside the house and  it was empty, he must've gone out, but whenever clouds wasn't in his cage, or in the parlor, he was with Theon.

I went to my room and dropped my bag, changing into something simpler to wear around the house.

I was approaching Theon's room when I met it opened, I looked inside the room and clouds and bullet were sleeping on his bed as usual, while he was sitting in front of his desk, doing something he usually does whenever he doesn't goes out.

He was busy on his laptop, infact, he was always on his laptop, pressing keys I didn't even understand, and sometimes when I try to take a peek of what he was doing, he would turn the screen away from my view.

And that laptop that was really expensive, just like mine, how much does he even earn that he could afford all these expensive things he owns, even his clothes were expensive, and his attractive scent too, and I'm also sure bullet must be the most expensive thing he has ever bought, I had to check the price myself and the amount is something I couldn't even call with my mouth.

" is there anything you're looking for" i thought he didn't even know I was standing outside his door.

" no um..., nothing, only came to check on Clouds"

" you never told me your name" he said to me and it was now I just realized it, I never told him my name.

" Darcy" I said and he stopped typing and looked at me before he turned back to what he was doing and I quickly left his room heading to the kitchen to check if he had cooked anything and yes, he did.

He later agreed to be my chef since he had no other choice and I was loving it, I think I was going to get fat, I was meant to be on diet to flatten my stomach but Theon's food makes that difficult for me.


  " were are you going to dressed like that"

Theon asked me sounding irritated as he stared at me.

I was on a black and black outfit. My shirt, jacket, trousers, face mask, snickers, wig, and also my face cap. They were all black.

"I am going to the library just across the street, and I'm dressed like this so that no one can recognize me" He looked back at the book he was reading, thats what he always do whenever he wasn't on his laptop, read novels.

Yeah, I guess a lot of people around here had found out I was a model and I didn't want anyone gathering around me to sign a signature or something, I think I should get bouncers.

"People would hardly notice you since you have decided to camouflage yourself with your skin complexion" he said and I quickly turned to look at him, what the hell did he mean by that.

" are you trying to say my skin complexion is the same color with my outfit" I said trying to calm my self from not exploding in anger.

" I almost didn't notice when you passed and yeah, I thought you were dumb enough not to understand what I was trying to say" he said, his eyes still fixed into the novel he was reading and my eyes were glaring at him, this guy was a fucking racist who just had the guts to insult my complexion.

" are you trying to criticize me for my complexion"I said remembering the way I was bullied for my complexion while I was in high school, all those past memories flooded in my mind and I just felt kind of bad at the moment but wouldn't let that happen for an asshole like him.

" no I'm not" he smirked and turned to look at me finding out I wasn't even smiling at all.

" I'm only telling you what I think" he said and I gave him a prolonged stare, my hands slowly closing into a fist, a grimace of annoyance on my face.

" you said you were going to the library, let me go with you, I'm done with the novel I'm reading" he said and I took a deep breath and walked out of the house while he followed me behind.

We didn't say a word to each other, I was way ahead of him and he was walking behind me, we were both dressed in black outfits but he could insult me about it because of my complexion, just because he had a smooth milky skin complexion.

I never even traced an injury on his skin before, even the one he had on his head had healed up, leaving no trace of scar, or I prolly never saw it because of his hair.

I walked inside the library and turned back to look at Theon who just walked inside, with half of his face hidden under his scarf.

" good evening" I greeted the librarian and he greeted back with a polite smile " please um, I'm looking for the latest fashion magazines"

I needed them so I could fish out some styles of clothes I could give to my tailor to work on.

" it's at the end of the shop, the shelves at the right" he replied and I went off to the directions he gave.

I searched through all the magazines and all of them were to simple for my liking, I kept searching until I found just my style, aesthetic.

A smile crawled into my lips as I stared at the fashion, but this wasn't enough, I mainly dealt with baggy, I felt so free with them.

And now I had to start another search but it didn't take long until I found them, and I was on my way to go.

I headed back to the desk  the librarian was sitting and Theon was already there to submit his novel.

" sir I'm sorry but I can't sell this novel for you, someone has already bought it" I could hear the librarian as I approached his desk.

" how much did he pay, I'll pay higher the price" Theon said, it seemed like he was really into this novel and the librarian wasn't ready to give it out, he was being loyal to the owner of the book.

I watched as the librarian thought about Theon suggestion but still unwilling to give out the novel.

" I'm sorry sir, I can't" he looked down at his desk and I could see anger flaring up in Theon's eyes.

He should just go and get another novel, maybe I should tell him.

As I was about to open my mouth and speak, I saw as he looked around the library like he was about to steal something without anyone noticing, I'm not even sure he noticed I was standing beside him.

He slowly slipped out the glove he was wearing and placed his tattooed hand on the librarian desk.

" can I get the novel now" he said with his voice a little calmer but his glare getting harder.

" sir I ca-

The librarian cut in between his words when his eyes were fixed on his desk, I looked to see what he was so startled at and it was Theon's hand on the desk, but it was his tattoo the librarian was more concerned of.

The librarian stood in frozen horror, his eyes bulging out of its socket, his hands slightly shaking enough for me to notice, I could also tell his heart was racing and globules of sweats dropped down his face, he was looking so uneasy and I was confused why, it was just a mere tattoo.

" I'm truly sorry sir for the delay, you can have the novel" he said trying to calm himself from trembling.

I looked back at Theon who slipped back the glove in a couple of seconds and took the book away from the librarian hands before he stopped and stared at me for a while which suddenly made my heart sink, that gaze was an unfriendly one.

He walked out of the library and I stared out of the transparent door until I could see him no longer.

I took a deep breath trying to capture everything that had just happened, the librarian wasn't willing to give him the novel, but he changed his mind after he saw the tattoo, the fear in his body was really strong and-

" are you here to submit the magazines" I turned to see the librarian who cut me from my thought.

" yeah" I dropped them on the desk and gave him my credit card and as I watched him withdraw the amount of money for the magazines I didn't know the price of, fear was still written all over his face and his hands were still vibrating.

What the hell is going on here.