

A suspect of the crime of a murder case seemed to have disappeared after the incidence, unknowingly to the police that he had hidden himself in a house of an upcoming model who tends to believe that his murder case was a mistake, Not until she found out that the man she kept in her house was far worse than the murderer, people suspected him to be.

DaoistSwIxUB · Action
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

" clouds.., clouds " Where could he be.

I called his name as I searched around the house for him and I couldn't find him anywhere, so I decided to check in Theon's room and apparently, he was there, playing with Theon and Bullet.

"Good morning..." I glanced at Theon before I looked at clouds who was wagging his tail like a fool.

" clouds it's time to eat" I said as he ran to me and as we were about heading to the kitchen, I turned back and looked at Bullet who was trying to grab a ball from his master's hand.

" can I feed him, Bullet" I asked and he turned to look at Bullet who immediately turned to look at me with those menacing dark eyes.he had the dark eyes of Theon, so fierce and scary.

I watched as Theon rubbed his back and he began walking close to me, I tried to put a smile on my face as I stretched my hand to touch him and as he began growling, I put my hands away and took a step backward.

"Bullet" Theon said and his wolf turned to look at him and back at me.

" you can touch him now" he said to me and bullet sat down in front of me and began wagging his tail and whining like he is being controlled by a remote, but I still took my chance to play with him a little before going to feed them.

I sat on the dinning with my bowl of cereals sitting in front of me on the table, I stared into my phone , scrolling down the list of orders I had to prepare before this evening and I also had a load of things to advertise and places to go.


Being a model is stressful as fuck.

I took a deep breath as I kept scrolling down the list of orders.

" I'm hungry" I turned to see Theon resting his shoulders on the wall with his arms crossed.

He was wearing a black singlet and jeans, I stared at his flat stomach and those firm abs showing through the tight singlet and his arms were just looking damn sexy.

Oh God

Does everything about this guy has to be so attractive.

I almost looked away until I realized he had tattoos I never noticed until now.

He had an anchor drawn below his neck, just above his chest, and something else on his arms I couldn't see properly and also by the side of his chest, I couldn't also see that one because of his singlet, and I'm sure he had more hidden under that singlet.

" haven't you seen a tattoo before" he asked as he walked closer to sit in front of me on the table.

I took my eyes away from him as I tried focusing on the cereal I was eating.

" you spoilt my appetite yesterday" he said while crossing his long legs and the scene of yesterday returned to my senses.

I kinda felt embarrassed but I knew the noodles weren't bad.

" the noodles weren't even bad, you need to see the doctor about your sense of taste"

" and you need to attend a cooking school to improve your taste of food" he retorted and I glanced at him and saw one of his tattoos that I saw yesterday when he was about eating the noodles he rejected. The tattoo was on his right hand, behind his palms, it was kind of a bright sun or maybe a ball of fire , I didn't really know what it was since it didn't have any specific color, just plain black.

I was still staring at that particular tattoo when I saw the black shiny rings he wore on his fingers, he didn't even let me take a good look until he stood up heading to the kitchen and I watched him come out with a bowl and cereals in his hands. How the hell did he know were I kept them, I was already planning on starving him for what he said about my noodles yesterday.

" do you think I would let you starve me and still ruin my appetite like yesterday"

" I didn't starve you , neither did I ruin your appetite, you are just an asshole" I couldn't believe I said that but I wasn't lying.

He looked at me and a smirk appeared on his face revealing a slight dimple and also his canines that almost made him look like a vampire, but forget about that, this guy almost caught my breath with just that devilish smirk.

" the truth hurts, haven't you heard that before, you can't cook, it's the truth, I'm not trying to sound sarcastic or-

" you're talking like you even know a single thing about cooking" I cut in and he smirked again, his smirk turning into a smile that made me stare at him for the rest of the silence.

" I'm not like you, that's all I'm gonna say, I ain't gonna brag" he said and started eating and the awkward silence grew but I didn't let it last, I had thousands of questions I had in mind to ask him.

" where are you from" I asked and he paused to look at me with those eyes that always distracted me.

" why did you ask"

" I heard you speaking a language on the phone yesterday"

" oh" was all he said.

He looked down at his cereals and continue to eat while he kept me on silence that was annoying me.

" are you goi-

" I'm fro-

He paused to look at me cause we started talking in unison.

" were you about to say something" he asked and I shook my head and bit in my lips. I think I should be a little more patient.

" I'm from Korea, that's what I wanted to say"


What the fuck would a Korean guy be doing in New York.

" Korea, why aren't you there"

" I don't live there, though I used to leave there but after college I came here for work"

I didn't bother to ask what work, I was only concerned of his parents, who would allow their child to come all the way from Korea to New York for work , like he crossed a continent, my parents are even afraid of me crossing a state.

" did your parents agree with you coming here"

" my dad is a business man so he travels to different countries, he didn't see it as a big deal If I came here and my mum died before she found out"

" oh my God, I'm so sorry for your loss" I tried to sound sympathetic over his dead mum but his face didn't even look sad a bit, that impassive look never left his face.

" don't apologize, it's not like you care"


Why does this  guy has to be such a pain in the ass, but I had nothing to say, I just kept on asking my questions.

" what about your dad, is he still in Korea"

"Nahh, he is also dead"

" what" I almost yelled and he began laughing.

" what the fuck is funny, I'm surprised that your both parents are dead and you are laughing" I seemed furious by the way he was laughing, does this guy even give a damn about this world.

" no, am just laughing because that expression made you look dumb, like really dump"he said and continued with his laughter that was fucking annoying me.

" it's not funny" I said with my cold expression that made him stop laughing for me to continue my questions.

" how did they die" I asked and he looked at me with his face proving to me that he is still trying to hold back some laughter.

He stood up with his empty bowl of cereals and looked at me.

" you really need to stop asking me questions"he went to the kitchen and returned back to his room.

I couldn't believe this guy, his both parents were dead and he was laughing, even if it was me he was laughing at, he didn't even show a hint of sad expression on his face, it's like he didn't care at all or maybe he never liked them, but still, you must look sad or something, what an asshole.

I stood up and left to my room.


   I have been so busy all morning that I couldn't even take a break, and I'm sure Theon must have had a thought of me being abnormal since I was walking in and out of my closet with different outfits , I have been advertising them on social media and I didn't know how I could tell him that cause I hated the exasperating glare that he fixed on me while I was making videos of the brands I was putting on.

        I was making a video when I saw him staring at me from the camera like I was an animal he disliked.

I paused the video and turned to look at him

" please can you just stop staring at me like that" I said to him and a sneer appeared on his lips before giving me a dirty look and heading to his room.

I could tell he was irritated but it was funny to me cause that expression didn't rhyme with that beautiful face, it just made him look dumb.

Finally, I was done with the whole advertising shit and now I was damn tired, I laid flatly on the couch, feeling so drowsy , I felt my eyelids closing slowly and-

   " you look really stupid" I opened my half closed eyes and straightened up to look at the asshole who just insulted me.

He walked inside the parlor with a book over his face and his eyes scrolling through the words in the book.

I was about saying something back at him until I looked at myself in the huge mirror in front of me. Jeez, i was a total mess, every outfit I was wearing didn't even match, and my full thick hair was just messed up, my makeup smudged by the side of my face.

I didn't even want to study the rest of my terrible look before I ran off to my room to redress myself, how could he even see me when he was reading a book, whatever.

I stretched my hand above my head as I yawned and opened my eyes to meet the wall clock sitting on my wall. It's past 3, for how long have i been sleeping.

I sat upright and a delicious scent penetrated into my nostrils.

where was it coming from, whatever it was, I wanted to eat it.

I left the room and I saw Theon sitting down on the table eating.

I slowly approached him and that scent became more obvious, I stared at the delicious meal that was seated in front of him on the table.

" did you cook this" I said trying to control myself from drooling at the site of the food.

" yeah, if you are hungry you could take some from the kitchen" he gulped down a bottle of water before he continued eating and before he could look at me , I had ran to the kitchen to fill up my plate and returned back to the dining, I just kept filling up my mouth and humming to the sweet taste of Mac and cheese , I paused when I noticed him staring at me, fighting back hard not to laugh.

" why're you staring at me" I said with my mouth filled with food and he couldn't hold it anymore, he began laughing and I took some time to chew and swallow up the food.

" now you know I can cook, way better than you" he said and I paused, staring at him wide eyed.

" wait, you really cooked this"

" yeah, who else would have cooked it, or do you think it was Clouds or Bullet that cooked it"

" oh my God" I couldn't help myself from saying.

" I know right" he said with pride and I didn't say another word.

How  could a guy be this good in cooking, far better than I was, like, I didn't even know how to get all these ingredients to rhyme together to create this splendid taste, I never even knew I had this stuffs for cooking.

" I think the only way you could pay me for staying in my house is to do the cooking" I said and he looked up at me with his brows arched up.

" what"