
Holy War of Haret

In a world where mystical realms of angels, demons, fairies, and mermaids intersect, the balance of power hangs by a thread. Wrath, a formidable warrior burdened by a turbulent past, finds himself at the heart of an escalating conflict that threatens to engulf the entire realm. As ancient elemental orbs awaken and powerful factions vie for dominance, Wrath must navigate a landscape of shifting alliances and hidden agendas. In the wake of devastating battles, Wrath’s journey leads him to the depths of Atlantis, where he forges a crucial alliance with the wise and enigmatic Poseidon. Together, they uncover secrets that could tip the scales of power and bring peace to their fractured world. Yet, not all is as it seems; treachery lurks in the shadows, and old friends may become unexpected foes. Amidst the chaos, Wrath must confront his own inner demons and make choices that will determine the fate of the realms. With vivid characters, intricate plots, and breathtaking landscapes, Haret Holy War is a riveting saga of courage, betrayal, and the unyielding quest for balance in a world on the brink of war. Will Wrath and his allies prevail against the forces that threaten to tear their world apart, or will darkness and discord reign supreme?

TugaCaralho · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The rescue

The Rivals' Stronghold

Nestled deep in the heart of the Infernal Wastelands, the Rivals' Stronghold was an imposing fortress carved into the side of a colossal basalt cliff. The fortress, cloaked in perpetual twilight, seemed to absorb the dim light of the blood-red sky, its dark stone walls blending seamlessly with the shadows. The air was thick with the acrid scent of sulfur and burning brimstone, and the ground outside was a desolate wasteland, littered with jagged rocks and scorched earth.

The entrance to the stronghold was a massive iron gate, flanked by towering statues of grotesque demons. These statues, with their hollow eyes and menacing postures, seemed to watch over the barren landscape, a silent warning to any who might dare to approach. The gate led into a labyrinth of dark, narrow corridors, each dimly lit by flickering torches that cast long, dancing shadows on the rough-hewn stone walls. The air inside was cold and damp, filled with the smell of mold and decay.

At the heart of the fortress lay a grand hall, a vast, cavernous space illuminated by a massive chandelier fashioned from bones and blackened iron. The floor was a mosaic of dark tiles, arranged in intricate patterns depicting scenes of torment and suffering. Tall, gothic arches supported the ceiling, from which hung tattered tapestries that told tales of past victories and brutal conquests.

Deep within the stronghold, in a cold, dimly lit cell, Lust, known to her closest allies as Diane, was shackled to the wall. Her once fierce spirit was dulled by exhaustion, but her eyes still burned with a fierce determination that defied her captivity.


Capture of Lust

Lust, or Diane, was on a reconnaissance mission in the Infernal Wastelands when the Rivals ambushed her. They had anticipated her arrival and prepared a trap using a powerful dark magic spell specifically designed to nullify her superhuman strength. The spell, cast by a formidable sorcerer among the Rivals, ensnared her with chains imbued with ancient runes. These runes glowed with a sickly green light and drained her energy, leaving her nearly powerless and susceptible to capture.

When she regained consciousness, Lust found herself shackled in a dimly lit cell within the Rivals' Stronghold. The chains that bound her were no ordinary restraints; they were enchanted with ancient magic to suppress her formidable strength and keep her powers dormant. Each link was inscribed with runes that glowed faintly, sapping her strength and leaving her weak and vulnerable.


Lust's Backstory

Lust, originally named Diane, was born into the prestigious Ignis Clan, a family renowned for their mastery of fire magic. From a young age, Diane was expected to follow in her ancestors' fiery footsteps, but she struggled to harness the elemental magic that came so naturally to her kin. Instead of fire, she discovered an extraordinary strength within herself, a physical power that surpassed that of any demon she encountered.

Her inability to wield fire magic was a source of shame for her family, and she was cast out, forced to survive alone in the brutal environment of Hell. Despite the harsh conditions, Diane's spirit remained unbroken. She honed her combat skills and physical prowess, determined to prove her worth and carve out her own path in a world that had rejected her.

During her time in exile, Diane encountered Curse, a powerful sorcerer and master of dark magic. He saw her potential and took her under his wing, teaching her advanced combat techniques and helping her harness her physical strength and agility. Under his guidance, Diane transformed into Lust, a name that belied her cold and distant demeanor. Her beauty and strength made her a formidable warrior, feared and respected by those who knew her.

Despite her past, Lust never gave up on herself. She became a key member of the Sins, using her strength and skills to fight against the oppressive forces of Heaven. Her journey was one of resilience and determination, a testament to her indomitable spirit and unyielding resolve.


Planning the Rescue

Back at the Sins' headquarters, Wrath, known as Ragnar, was filled with an intense urgency and rage upon learning of Lust's capture. He immediately gathered the remaining Sins—Lie and Curse—to devise a rescue plan. They convened in the war room, a dark, cavernous chamber illuminated by the flickering light of torches. Maps and charts covered the large table at the center of the room, detailing the layout of the Rivals' Stronghold and the surrounding area.

Wrath: (slamming his fist on the table) "We can't wait any longer! Lust is in danger, and every second counts!"

Curse: (calmly) "Rushing in without a plan will only get us all killed. We need to be strategic about this."

Wrath: (his eyes burning with fury) "Strategic? They have Lust! I'm not waiting around while she suffers. I'm going in now."

Lie: (leaning forward, speaking softly) "We understand your anger, Wrath, but if you go in alone, you'll only get yourself captured. We need to find a way in that they won't expect."

Wrath: (gritting his teeth, his voice low and intense) "Fine. But I'm not waiting around for a plan that might not work. If you're not coming, I'll do this alone."

Wrath's impatience clashed with the more strategic approach of Lie and Curse. They emphasized the importance of patience and careful execution to ensure Lust's safety. Wrath, consumed by his emotions and the imminent danger to Lust, found it difficult to wait.


Infiltration and Chaos

As Wrath flew toward the Rivals' Stronghold, his power was palpable. The sky seemed to darken, and the air crackled with electricity, a prelude to the storm that was about to break. The guards at the fortress sensed his approach long before he arrived, their faces pale with fear as they felt the overwhelming energy drawing nearer.

Guard 1: (alarmed, shouting to others) "He's coming! Wrath is coming!"

Guard 2: (nervously readying their weapons) "Prepare for battle! He's bringing the storm with him!"

Inside her cell, Lust could feel Wrath's power surging closer. A sense of hope and awe filled her as she sensed the sheer intensity of his energy.

Lust: (whispering to herself, her voice trembling with anticipation) "Wrath... I can feel you."

With a thunderous crash, Wrath broke through the outer wall of the fortress, debris exploding in all directions. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the stronghold, shaking its very foundations. The alarm bells clanged furiously, and chaos erupted as demons scrambled to confront the intruder.

Wrath landed in the grand hall, his eyes scanning the horde of demons gathered before him. He stood amidst the destruction he had wrought, a smirk playing on his lips as his eyes gleamed with a wild anticipation.

Wrath: (smirking, his voice filled with dark glee) "I've been waiting for a moment to use this without consequences."

The demons, spurred on by a mixture of fear and bravado, surged towards Wrath, their weapons raised and eyes glowing with malevolence. With a snarl, Wrath charged at them, his fists glowing with raw power. He cut through the first wave of attackers with brutal efficiency, his every strike leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Demon 1: (screaming as Wrath's fist collides with him) "Aaagh!"

Demon 2: (swinging his weapon in desperation) "Stop him! He must be stopped!"

Wrath's movements were a blur of speed and power, each punch and kick delivered with devastating precision. He tore through the ranks of demons, sending bodies flying and reducing his opponents to piles of broken limbs and shattered bones. The grand hall echoed with the sounds of combat, the clash of metal on metal drowned out by the screams of the dying.

Wrath: (laughing darkly as he decimates his enemies) "Is this the best you can do? Playtime is over."

With a fierce determination, Wrath began to tap into his deepest reserves of power. His body trembled with the effort of containing the raw energy that surged through him. The faint purple aura around him began to pulse, intensifying as it shifted to a brilliant gold. The air around him crackled with heat, and the stones of the fortress walls began to crumble and crack.

As the last of the demons fell before him, Wrath stood tall, his eyes blazing with fury and anticipation. He focused inward, summoning the power of Berserker Yellow. His body trembled violently as the energy within him grew to a boiling point.


Wrath's Transformation

Wrath: (smirking, his voice filled with grim anticipation) "I've been waiting for a moment to use this without consequences."

He began to charge his power, his muscles tensing and his body radiating a faint golden light. The air around him crackled with energy as the light grew brighter and more intense. The ground beneath him shook, and the walls of the fortress trembled as his power reached a critical point.

With a final, explosive burst of energy, Wrath's transformation began. His red hair ignited with a brilliant white flame, and his eyes blazed with an unholy fire. His once human-like features distorted as fangs grew from his mouth, and sharp claws extended from his fingers. Red, tattoo-like marks, known as the Berserker Marks, spread across his face and body, glowing with a fierce light that pulsed in time with his heartbeat.

His aura, now a blinding gold, expanded outward, tearing through the air and sending shockwaves through the fortress. The ground cracked beneath his feet, and chunks of stone were torn from the walls by the sheer force of his transformation. The air around him shimmered with heat, and the demons were thrown back by the shockwave of his transformation.

Wrath: (letting out a primal roar that shakes the very air) "RAAAAAAAAGH!"

The roar was more than just a sound; it was a wave of pure, unadulterated power that rippled through the air, causing it to tremble and distort. The walls of the grand hall shuddered under the pressure, and the very stones seemed to cry out in protest. The demons cowered before the sheer force of his fury, their eyes wide with terror as they beheld the fearsome spectacle before them.

Inside her cell, Lust felt the full force of Wrath's transformation. The chains that bound her, their runes flickering and weakening, seemed to resonate with his energy. She could feel the vibrations of his power coursing through the very walls of the fortress.

Lust: (whispering, her voice filled with resolve and hope) "Wrath... I'm here."

The fortress was now a scene of utter chaos. Walls crumbled, debris flew through the air, and the ground shook with the force of Wrath's power. The golden light of his aura illuminated the grand hall, casting long shadows as it pulsated with raw energy.

The demons, now fully aware of the unstoppable force before them, surged forward in a desperate attempt to halt his advance. But Wrath, now transformed into a fearsome avatar of destruction, was ready for the battle that lay ahead.


Battle and Escape

Wrath, now transformed into his fearsome Berserker Yellow form, had become a beast of unparalleled destruction. His consciousness faded into a haze of rage and bloodlust, his mind consumed by the primal urge to annihilate everything in his path. The once calculating warrior was now a feral force of nature, driven only by the desire to destroy.

The demons that had gathered to stop him now found themselves facing an unstoppable juggernaut. Wrath's golden aura pulsed with lethal energy, casting a blinding light that seemed to consume the very air around him. His eyes, once burning with determination, were now blank with unrestrained fury.

Demon 1: (screaming, trying to flee) "No! Stay away!"

Wrath: (snarling, his voice a guttural growl) "RAAAAAGH!"

With a roar, Wrath lunged at the nearest demon, his claws tearing through flesh and bone with brutal efficiency. Blood sprayed in a crimson arc as his talons ripped into the demon's chest, shredding muscle and sinew. The demon's screams were cut short as Wrath's other hand crushed its skull, the bones splintering like dry twigs under the force of his grip.

Another demon, wielding a massive axe, charged at Wrath in a desperate attempt to halt his rampage. Wrath met the attack head-on, catching the axe mid-swing with one hand. The metal blade shattered under the immense pressure, and Wrath drove his claws into the demon's abdomen, pulling them upward in a savage motion that disemboweled his opponent. Intestines and blood spilled onto the floor as the demon collapsed in a lifeless heap.

Demon 2: (gasping, blood pouring from his wounds) "Please... mercy..."

Wrath: (laughing maniacally, his eyes filled with madness) "No mercy!"

He turned on another group of demons, his movements a blur of speed and violence. His claws slashed through the air, cutting down his foes with terrifying ease. One demon's head was cleaved from its shoulders, the neck bone snapping audibly as it fell to the ground. Another was ripped apart at the waist, its lower half dropping to the floor in a pool of blood while the upper half was tossed aside like a rag doll.

Lust: (hearing the carnage from her cell, her voice trembling with fear) "Wrath... what have you become?"

Inside her cell, Lust could feel the full force of Wrath's rage and power. The walls trembled with the force of his attacks, and the air was thick with the stench of blood and death. She struggled against her chains, desperate to escape the carnage that was unfolding just beyond the door.

Wrath continued his rampage, his claws tearing through demon after demon with ruthless efficiency. Each kill was more brutal than the last, the ground slick with blood and strewn with the remains of his enemies. His laughter echoed through the halls, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the spines of those who remained.

Demon 3: (backing away, his eyes wide with terror) "He's a monster! We can't stop him!"

Wrath: (snarling, his voice a guttural roar) "More! I need more!"


Curse and Lie's Arrival

Wrath's attention turned to Lust's cell. The thick iron door seemed to pulse with the resonance of his power, and the runes that bound her chains flickered and died. He saw her as another obstacle, another thing to destroy in his uncontrollable fury.

With a roar, Wrath charged at the door, his claws extended. The door exploded inward under the force of his attack, and Lust found herself staring into the eyes of a creature she barely recognized. His once familiar face was twisted into a mask of rage, his eyes devoid of any recognition or humanity.

Lust: (screaming, her voice filled with terror) "Wrath! Stop! It's me!"

But Wrath was beyond reason. He lunged at Lust; his claws aimed to tear her apart just like the demons he had slain. In that moment, the door behind him burst open, and Curse and Lie appeared, their faces grim with determination.

Curse: (shouting, his voice filled with urgency) "Wrath! Stop! You're going to kill her!"

Lie: (casting an illusion to distract Wrath) "Over here, you beast! Look at me!"

Wrath hesitated, his eyes flickering with confusion as he turned towards the illusion. Curse took the opportunity to cast a binding spell, chains of dark magic wrapping around Wrath's limbs and pulling him back. But Wrath's strength, amplified by his transformation, was too great. He snapped the chains with a roar, turning back towards Lust with murderous intent.

Curse: (gritting his teeth, his voice strained with effort) "We need to contain him! He's lost control!"

Lie: (casting another illusion to confuse Wrath) "We'll have to do more than that. We need to stop him before he kills us all!"

Wrath, enraged by the illusions, swiped at the air, his claws tearing through the magical constructs with ease. He turned towards Curse and Lie, his eyes blazing with fury. With a snarl, he lunged at them, his claws extended and ready to strike.

Curse: (raising his hands, casting a defensive barrier) "Hold him off! We need to buy time!"

Wrath's claws collided with the barrier, sending shockwaves through the room. The force of his attack shattered the magical shield, and Curse was thrown back, his body slamming into the wall with a sickening thud. Lie darted forward, his movements quick and agile as he attempted to divert Wrath's attention.

Lie: (dodging Wrath's attacks, his voice filled with determination) "Come on, Wrath! Snap out of it!"

But Wrath was relentless. He swiped at Lie, his claws missing by mere inches as Lie danced out of reach. Each strike left deep gouges in the stone walls, and the air was thick with the scent of blood and magic.

Lust, still bound by the remnants of her chains, watched in horror as her comrades fought to contain the beast that Wrath had become. She could see the madness in his eyes, the loss of control that had turned him into a monster. She struggled against her bonds, desperate to help but powerless to break free.

Lust: (crying out, her voice filled with despair) "Wrath, stop! Please!"

Wrath's attention snapped back to Lust at the sound of her voice. He roared, the sound reverberating through the chamber and shaking the very air. His claws slashed through the air as he charged towards her, intent on ending her life in his blind rage.

Curse: (staggering to his feet, his voice filled with desperation) "We have to stop him! He's going to kill her!"

With a final, desperate effort, Curse and Lie launched themselves at Wrath. Curse cast another binding spell, dark chains wrapping around Wrath's limbs and pulling him back. Lie, using the last of his energy, cast a powerful illusion, creating a mirror image of Wrath that stood between him and Lust.

Wrath, blinded by his fury, attacked the illusion with all his might. His claws tore through the air, slicing the illusion into nothingness. As he realized his mistake, Wrath turned towards Lust once more, his eyes blazing with rage.

Lust: (screaming, her voice filled with fear) "Wrath, it's me! Diane!"

Wrath halted mid-charge, his eyes flickering with the faintest glimmer of recognition. The golden aura around him began to waver, and the red marks on his body pulsed with a dimming light. He shook his head, as if trying to clear the fog of madness that clouded his mind.

Lust: (her voice trembling, tears streaming down her face) "Please, Wrath... come back to me."

Wrath's claws stopped inches from Lust's face, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The feral snarl faded from his features, replaced by a look of confusion and pain. Slowly, the golden aura around him began to fade, the red marks on his body receding as his transformation reversed.

Wrath: (whispering, his voice filled with anguish) "Diane... what have I done?"

He collapsed to his knees, the last of his Berserker Yellow power draining away. The room was silent, save for the sounds of his labored breathing and the distant echoes of the destruction he had wrought.

Curse: (approaching cautiously, his voice gentle) "Wrath... you're back. It's over."

Lie: (placing a hand on Wrath's shoulder) "We need to get out of here, now. The fortress won't hold much longer."

Together, Curse and Lie helped Wrath to his feet. Lust, freed from her chains, embraced Wrath, her relief and sorrow mingling in a torrent of emotion.

Lust: (whispering, her voice filled with resolve) "We'll get through this, Wrath. Together."

With one final, desperate push, Curse, Lie, and Lust escaped the crumbling fortress, leaving the chaos and destruction behind them. The air was filled with the sounds of their ragged breaths and the distant echoes of Wrath's rage, a haunting reminder of the battle that had been fought and the toll it had taken.