
Holocaust 2099

A new chapter every week, on monday’s. After the bombs devastated our world, plunging it into chaos, we sought refuge underground amid the ruins and toxic air. In this underground haven, we forged a community, relying on makeshift gas masks for survival. Despite the apparent isolation, a persistent belief haunted me — that other survivors existed beyond our shelter. As our makeshift home thrived, my quest for connection led me to the radio, yearning for a sign of life beyond our confines. Yet, my conviction faced doubt, and my plea for acknowledgment fell on skeptical ears. In the remnants of our shattered reality, I clung to the hope that our survival was not a solitary tale, but a thread woven into the broader tapestry of resilient souls enduring the aftermath. Yet, the challenge persisted — convincing others that amidst the ruins, a shared struggle for survival extended beyond the confines of our refuge. Authors note: I didn’t put much thought into my last book, but trust me this one I have spent so much thought to create and in-depth story, I hope you enjoy!

Charles_DeVault · Sci-fi
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10 Chs


Designating the downed plane along the shore as his immediate objective. His determined stride carried him towards the wreckage, a calculated assumption whispering that the distance was navigable. However, as the contours of the plane materialized in the near distance, a haunting groan reached his ears—a telltale sign of the presence of ghouls.

With an escalating sense of urgency, Dmitry instinctively reached for his shotgun, only to confront the stark reality that a mere three rounds remained at his disposal. The encroaching ghouls closed in with alarming speed, necessitating a strategic approach to make every shot count. Displaying remarkable agility, he deftly repelled one ghoul with a well-timed strike from his firearm, reducing it to a fragmented mess.

Unfazed by the relentless advance, the remaining ghouls pressed on, forcing Dmitry to exhaust his dwindling ammunition with two more precise shots that felled three adversaries. Now bereft of bullets, Dmitry resorted to the bayonet on his semi-automatic weapon, engaging in a struggle with the remaining five ghouls. Each calculated thrust and parry resulted in gruesome dispatches.

Yet, the struggle extracted its toll, culminating in the last ghoul overpowering Dmitry and pinning him to the unforgiving ground. Resourcefulness kicked in as he ingeniously used the back of his gun to disrupt the ghoul's balance. Swiftly regaining his footing, Dmitry was able to crush the ghouls head under the weight of his foot.

Having successfully vanquished the menacing ghouls that had besieged him, Dmitry found himself in a momentary lull, allowing him to delve into the exploration of the surroundings. His keen gaze scanned the vicinity, and by the shoreline, a promising discovery awaited—a sturdy rowboat poised to offer him a means of navigating the nearby seas.

As Dmitry stepped into the weathered plane, the dim light revealing its worn interior, his discerning eyes quickly honed in on a trove of spare materials strewn about. Recognizing the potential, his mind raced with the possibilities of crafting ammunition and other essential supplies. Amidst the assortment, he uncovered a stash of spare bullets, not only for his trusty shotgun but also for the reliable semi-automatic at his side.

Dmitry meticulously planned his next move, he directed his focus towards the distant watchtower situated just beyond the raider base. He approached the tower only to be thrust into a sudden and ferocious attack. The air resonated with the sound of gunfire, and although Dmitry skillfully evaded the majority of the incoming bullets, some found their mark. Swiftly, he reached for one of his trusty med-packs, mending his wounds before retrieving his semi-automatic, now replenished with newfound ammunition.

Pressing onward, Dmitry moved with calculated efficiency, dispatching foes with skill and determination. Amidst the chaotic battleground, a looming danger emerged—a sniper strategically positioned on the stairs leading to the coveted watchtower. Undeterred, Dmitry sprinted towards the assailant, hot on their heels. Although the sniper managed to reach the tower's summit first, Dmitry's keen eyes spotted a conspicuous muffler along the stairwell, likely responsible for the interference with his radio signal to Vera.

In a decisive move, Dmitry eradicated the muffler, restoring communication with Vera from a distance. Her voice, now urgent, crackled through his earpiece, "Dmitry, you're online! Where are you?" Seizing the opportunity to collaborate, Vera quickly formulated a plan to neutralize the sniper.

Ascending the watchtower with purpose, Dmitry confronted the sniper at its zenith. However, fate took a cruel turn as a single, lethal bullet pierced his chest, the wooden platform beneath him stained with his blood. Despite Vera's continued barrage of support, the sniper, devoid of mercy, delivered a decisive kick that sent Dmitry off the edge of the watchtower. He plummeted to the ground, unresponsive.