
Holocaust 2099

A new chapter every week, on monday’s. After the bombs devastated our world, plunging it into chaos, we sought refuge underground amid the ruins and toxic air. In this underground haven, we forged a community, relying on makeshift gas masks for survival. Despite the apparent isolation, a persistent belief haunted me — that other survivors existed beyond our shelter. As our makeshift home thrived, my quest for connection led me to the radio, yearning for a sign of life beyond our confines. Yet, my conviction faced doubt, and my plea for acknowledgment fell on skeptical ears. In the remnants of our shattered reality, I clung to the hope that our survival was not a solitary tale, but a thread woven into the broader tapestry of resilient souls enduring the aftermath. Yet, the challenge persisted — convincing others that amidst the ruins, a shared struggle for survival extended beyond the confines of our refuge. Authors note: I didn’t put much thought into my last book, but trust me this one I have spent so much thought to create and in-depth story, I hope you enjoy!

Charles_DeVault · Sci-fi
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10 Chs


Upon finally reaching Yakutsu Sakha, Anna harbored optimistic expectations for the discoveries awaiting them in this region of Russia. However, their perpetual struggle with fuel shortages persisted, prompting Vera to volunteer in search of a temporary base while she scouted for materials. In a parallel initiative, Dmitry received instructions about a rumored raider base housing surplus train carts. Tasked with liberating these carts, he prepared to depart.

Before Dmitry could depart on his mission, Igor interjected, presenting an unexpected find from his wood-gathering expedition. Handing Dmitry an aged single-barrel shotgun, Igor reassured him, "Don't worry. With enough materials, we should be able to add another barrel. Just bring it back to me after dealing with that raider camp. However, ensure you check on Vera first before proceeding with anything." The prospect of an upgraded weapon hinted at both resourcefulness and adaptability.

Embarking on the extended journey to the purported raider base, Dmitry trudged along the rugged terrain. Amidst the solitude, the ambient sounds of nature were disrupted by an unsettling noise—rustling emanating from the nearby bushes. Heightened senses on alert, Dmitry discerned the source of the disturbance: a ghoul, a creature bearing a resemblance of humanity but marred by a grotesque transformation.

Reacting swiftly, Dmitry engaged the creature, wielding his bayonet with precision. The blade pierced through the ghoul's ribs, swiftly incapacitating the malevolent entity and compelling it to succumb to the finality of death.

Dmitry, discerning a disconcerting pattern, swiftly realized that these ghouls exhibited a tendency to travel in packs. His observation proved ominous as he found himself confronted by a substantial number of these humanoid aberrations. Recognizing the limitations of his weaponry, with the realization that his semi-automatic firearm was now depleted of ammunition and his rifle rendered ineffective in this close-quarters encounter, Dmitry resorted to his trusty shotgun.

In a deft motion, he retrieved the aged single-barrel shotgun Igor had given him earlier. The cold metal of the weapon felt reassuring in his hands as he aimed it towards the approaching horde of ghouls. The distinct clicking sound of the shotgun being loaded echoed in the eerie silence, heightening the tension of the impending confrontation as the ghouls ram towards him.

As the ghouls closed in, Dmitry fired the first shot, the blast resonating through the desolate landscape. The effectiveness of the shotgun in close combat became evident as the first ghoul fell, but the relentless advance of the others persisted. Dmitry, undeterred, continued to discharge rounds into the approaching horde, the sound reverberating like thunder in the grim surroundings.

Having efficiently dispatched the immediate threat posed by the ghouls, Dmitry swiftly resumed his journey toward the rumored raider base.

As Dmitry progressed on his journey towards the raider base, his keen eyes discerned a makeshift outpost crafted by Vera from the wreckage of a downed airplane. Eager to share insights, Vera signaled him over, and Dmitry approached swiftly. "Dmitry, I have a couple of things you might be interested in," she began, extending a pair of binoculars toward him. "Look over there; that's the raider base you need to infiltrate. And by the shore, that plane closest to the water appears to contain valuable materials. Lastly, observe the watchtower; there's someone stationed up there. If you have the energy, I'd suggest checking these locations before proceeding with the infiltration of the base." 

Acknowledging the valuable information, Dmitry accepted the binoculars and directed his gaze towards the points Vera had highlighted. The raider base loomed in the distance, a hub of potential danger awaiting his stealthy approach. The plane by the shore hinted at valuable resources, while the watchtower hinted at potential reconnaissance challenges. With a nod of understanding, Dmitry prepared to assess these additional elements, recognizing the significance of gathering intelligence before venturing into the heart of the raider's territory.