
Hollywood System

In a parallel world without Marvel and Dc a new tycoon is about to emerge from the depths. He will conquer the movie industry, create classics, make blockbuster movies, and be crowned the King of Hollywood! [Ps: I do not own anything this is purely fictional all the credits go to the rightful owner. Also if you are going to rate this fan-fic please just put 1 star.]

EliasHanni · Movies
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26 Chs


"Liam what are you planning with all these characters?" John's curiosity was at its peak, he had to know what his son is planning to do with all these characters that he created.

"An empire, I want to make an empire." Liam bluntly said he doesn't want to hide his ambitions from his father any longer.

Being ambitious isn't a sin, everyone has an ambition that they want to achieve, but mostly some nether achieves such feats. But Liam wants to make it happen no he will make it happen.

"Your ambitious Liam, I didn't know that you hid such ambitions." Jhon chuckled a bit, for him it was quite funny that his son wanted to create an empire, but still Jhon already had a vision that maybe his son could achieve such feats.

"Well If I'm going to create my empire, I need to have ambition to do so," Liam said with a smug.

After a few more talks with his father, Liam resided in his bed. He had to explain to Kevin his plan for the future of his comic books.


When morning came Liam got ready and went to school, he waited for Kevin at the intersection.

"Liam!" Kevin crossed the road and immediately hugged Liam as tightly as he could. "I'm glad you alright now!" Kevin said.

"Yeah, thanks" Liam struggled to get out of Kevib's embrace after a few minutes of trying to squirm his way out, he couldn't get away from Kevin's hug and just let him and after a few minutes Kevin finally let go.

"Anyways I have something to tell you, Kevin, in a few days my comic would get published in some bookstores," Liam said with pride.

"Wow! That's amazing, so you will publish 'Guardians of the Galaxy?" Kevin said with anticipation, he was also excited about this.

"Yep, my dad would handle the transaction while I just give the comic strips," Liam said, he couldn't be part of the transaction as he was still an eight-year-old, no one would believe that such a young child can create such stuff so for now he is kept in the dark.

"Oh by the way Liam I noticed that in the Guardians of the Galaxy and Spider-Man, you added this old man in the comic, I already saw him in Guardians, and now he was also in Spider-Man is he someone special?" Kevin asked.

At first, when he saw the old man in the Guardians he didn't pay any heed to his character, but as soon as he started reading Spider-Man he once saw the character again, so he thought that maybe this isn't a coincidence.

"Oh, that hmm let's just say that he is my character in that world, I want him to appear in every comic and the future movies that I would create" Liam didn't hide his goals any longer, he already told Jhon about his plans so now he doesn't have to worry stating his goals to Kevin.

"Wait movies?! You're going to make movies?!" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, not only me but the two of us would work together to create movies what do you think?" Liam asked, even though they were still young, he wanted to put the bait out to Kevin while he was still a little clueless

"Of curse!" Kevin shouted, in anticipation and happiness.

"Good, someday we will work together and create tons and tons of movies, Kevin" Liam said.

After their short conversations, the two went to school, and Liam gave some of the new comics he made to Kevin who became incredibly happy.

Kevin had to wait for three days just to read Liam's work again due to Liam's hospitalization.

After this they went to their classroom, unlike usual where Liam would continue drawing on his desk, this time he just took a nap in class.

He can now create a full comic in just about five hours, so he doesn't have to tire himself out, this time he can now relax since he already finished creating the four series.

Liam was already making arrangements inside his head, he wanted to rise in Hollywood, he wanted to create movies, become a tycoon, and receive tons of awards.

Liam was already making plans in other aspects too, he wants to spread his influence to singers, the film industry, fashion, apps, and many more. Liam was already mapping out his future, this time he must rule, he must succeed.

Liam who thought about it slept soundly in his classroom, the teacher didn't bother him since everything she would teach was useless to Liam.

Sometimes she even wonders why Liam's parents let him go to school, even knowing about their son's intellect.

Kevin was reading the papers not bothering to listen to the class, he loved the story of Spider-Man but when he saw the scene where Grandpa Ben died, Kevin felt sad a bit. He kind of feels sad that Liam killed one of the kindest characters there were.


A few days passed and it was now the scheduled appointment, Liam said to his father that he wanted to come with him. Meaning he wanted to be there while they would transact about the issues of publication of his work.

John didn't see any problem with it and agreed, the father and son duo got inside the car while Liam was holding a box, this was the script of the Guardians of the Galaxy though Liam finished Ironman and Hulk already. Liam would publicize it after the initial success of Guardians of the Galaxy.

They went to a small warehouse and on the top, there was a sign that said 'Cowell News Agency

In front of the small warehouse, A man in a suit immediately walked near them, "Jhon!" The blonde man said as he ran near them.

"Brian!" The two shook hands, "Oh this is my son Liam he will be joining us today" Jhon said.

"Hi there Liam, my secretary will tour you around the place while me and your dad would talk" Brian signaled to his secretary, she was a beautiful woman and had a nice hourglass figure.

"Hello, Liam I am Jessie I will give you a small tour of the warehouse" She put out her hand and held Liam's arm. Liam gave the box to his father as he walked away with the young secretary.

As they head inside, Liam could see that there were many people, some printing, while some were packaging papers, Liam could smell the thick scent of ink. There were machines printing tons of paper. Liam walked closer and couldn't help but marvel at such a sight.

"This is amazing" Liam muttered under his breath, he thought about it that his work would be one day printed and distributed to thousands of people, he couldn't help but get excited.

While Liam was marveling and having a tour of the warehouse, his father Jhon was busy with Brian, they head inside Brian's office and both sat while drinking some coffee.

"So where is it?" Brian asked excitedly, he already read some parts of the guardian of the Galaxy but now he wants to read the whole story.

"In here" Jhon opened the small box there showing the cover picture of the guardians of the galaxy. Jhon handed the comic book to Brian.

Brian nodded and took the comic book from John's hands, the cover was amazing, and the colorful graphics and the smooth texture it had made him marvel at the sight.

Brian gave the comic book carefully to another assistant of his, Brian and Jhon had a lot of stuff they had to talk about.

After their conversation about the distribution of the profits, the publication, and the date of release. Liam and Jhon went home, as Jhon was driving he couldn't help but ask his son "So Liam how was your tour?"

"It was fun I had to see these huge printing machines that can print tons of paper in one go, and kind of unhappy that I missed the whole transaction between you and Mr. Cowell" Liam answered, he was excited about the official release of his comics and he was anticipating what the response of the masses would be once his comics get released.

But still, he was pissed off that he wasn't there to witness his father and Mr. Cowell they would talk about the comic book and the profit distribution.

Before he gave the Guardians of the Galaxy comic to be massed released Liam specifically told his father to tell them to keep the Marvel logo that he drew on the front page.


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