
Hollywood System

In a parallel world without Marvel and Dc a new tycoon is about to emerge from the depths. He will conquer the movie industry, create classics, make blockbuster movies, and be crowned the King of Hollywood! [Ps: I do not own anything this is purely fictional all the credits go to the rightful owner. Also if you are going to rate this fan-fic please just put 1 star.]

EliasHanni · Movies
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26 Chs


"I'm glad you brought that up, it's true the employees may not even listen to you considering your age, so what's your plan?" John asked, the problem will be Liam's young age. He wouldn't be considered or even be treated with the respect that he deserves.

"I'm planning on putting you in charge. I'll just sit in the back making as tons of comics as I could. Also, there is still stuff in the company I don't understand. There will be a bunch of paperwork and a lot of stuff I need to be educated with. I need your supervision, Dad."

Though Lim has some experience. Still, it was the first time that he will manage a whole company. Unlike him who doesn't know about business-related stuff. His father Jhon does, not only that he doesn't have connections with other people in high society, unlike his father.

"Putting me in charge? Liam, I can't do that I have a job. I have to work as well to make money for you and your mom's needs. Not only that with your mother pregnant I need to earn tons of money"

Though John knows that Liam's comics are a hit, he doesn't want to leave the company he has been working for for five years, he made connections and has a position in the company. All his hard work would go down the drain.

"I understand, but still you read my comics you know they will be a hit, we can make tons of money dad with my company," Liam said to his father.

"It's not always about the money alright? I have friends, I worked my ass off that company for five years! I have a position in the company as well and you want me to just jump at your company and all my hard work for five years would turn into nothing?"

"Yes you have worked your ass off for ten years in that company, you learned tons of business-related stuff, you made connections, you have got a position in the company and have friends in it too, but dad all those work in ten years has to hone you for this moment alright? It created you to rise higher and achieve much more Dad. This is the moment you will rise higher"

John sighed in defeat, the car was already parked in their garage. "I'll think about it," Jhon said as he got out of the car with Liam. "Let's go inside"

As soon as they got home, Silvia was sitting on the sofa watching some TV-Shows while munching on popcorn. "Hmm, your home?"

"Hey hon we're home" Jhon took off his jacket and hat as he sat down beside Silvia.

Liam looked at the couple as he went to his bedroom, as soon as he got to his bedroom Liam just lay down on the bed.


New York.

"Sir they did it again, it's another success," One of the employees said as he held a graph depicting the rise of Cowell's News Agency's new comic called Spider-Man.

"Shit with this they already rose to one of the highest publishing companies in the whole world! GOTG already took a huge toll on every existing publishing company here in the United States and yet that wasn't enough" One of the employees said to add more fuel to the fire.

They were already losing, GOTG now Spider-Man has now dominated tons of their readers, and some still reads the news to get updated with what's happening in the world, but mostly the people would buy a comic one or some even buy five copies just to start what they now call a collection.

"Calm down everyone," Arthur said to calm down the intense suffocating atmosphere everyone was already giving. He understands their worries, even Arthur had undergo a lot of pressure due to the rise of these comics.

"What do we do sir? We might even lose our jobs due to these comics" One of the employees asked.

"With the rise of comics, we also need to shift as well, we need to adapt, first of all, can anyone tell me about the artists we have hired? Have they already started to create comics of our own?" Arthur asked his female secretary who immediately stepped in.

"Yes the artists have tried to do as you said sir, the story writers have also started to create a storyline for the comic we are going to produce." The blonde secretary said. "We plan to put small comics in our newspapers, I'm sure that there would be people interested in it."

"That's good proceed with the plan" Arthur nodded his head in approval, just because comics have been skyrocketing these days does not mean that they will fully jump into becoming a comic publishing company, they will still update on the news while putting small comic styles on the bottom of the newspaper to entertain some readers as well.

Meanwhile, Brian was already having the time of his life, he was practically swimming in thousands of dollars. But he has been having this sort-of anxiety that Jhon might change or even stop uploading their or the creator's comics in his company.

This made Brian sweat a ton, he knew that once the comics stop, his company would go back to the same as it was. Unknown and can only sell small amounts.

This made him have anxiety and a bit of sadness that his short rise would come to an end.


It was still 3 pm afternoon, and Liam decided to ride his bike and go to Kevin's home. After telling Silvia and Jhon where he was going he took his helmet and bike from the garage and began to sprint to Kevin's home.

As soon as he got there, Liam pressed the doorbell, and Mrs. Feige welcomed him inside.

"Kevin is in his room, why don't you go upstairs, his room is close to ours, next to the bathroom"

"Thank you Mrs. Feige" Liam walked upstairs and soon as he passed the bathroom, he knocked on Kevin's room.

"Yeah?" Kevin opened the door a bit shocked seeing Liam standing there while looking at him. "Liam? What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit, I didn't have anything to do at home," Liam said as he took a peek at Kevin's messy room. "Your room is messy, you should clean it up"

"You can see that?! Anyways come inside" Kevin opened the door letting Liam inside.

The room was messy with all sorts of clothes on Kevin's bed, but what got Liam's attention was the huge bag on the floor. "You going somewhere?" Liam asked.

"Oh umm my family is moving to New Jersey," Kevin said looking at Liam. "Sorry I couldn't tell you a bit earlier, I don't want to move to New Jersey, Mom, and Dad wouldn't even tell me the reason why we have to move, life is great here and all of a sudden we are just going to move to New Jersey a place I don't even know"


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