
Hollywood Road

This is a dazzling circle, where every step up requires tremendous effort and stepping on countless competitors’ heads. Countless geniuses come to Hollywood with their dreams, but most of them fall on the road to progress and eventually become ordinary people. In the process of climbing upwards, talent often plays a greater role than effort, but opportunities are more important than talent and effort! This is a story of a small person who seizes every opportunity and embarks on the road to fame in Hollywood ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 157: The Terrifying Planet

"Do you think she would even give you the time of day, you fatty?" James Franco taunted, "Jonah, one must be aware of their own limits!"

The conversation had shifted to a topic not suitable for children. Carey Mulligan knew that these guys, along with Murphy, often indulged in crude jokes when together, so she simply stood up and went to the kitchen.

"James, that's not fair," Murphy retorted, watching her leave before turning to James Franco, "I think Jonah has a good chance."

With Murphy's support, Jonah Hill's confidence soared, and he loudly protested, "Don't forget, that's exactly her line of work!"

"No, no, that's not right!" Seth Rogen adjusted his glasses and seriously added, "As far as I know, their work and personal lives are completely separate. I think Jonah's chances are slim, unless he's willing to join her in making those kinds of films."

"Him? In those films?" Murphy shook his head, clearly not taking a stance, "Which studio in San Fernando Valley would dare to cast him? Do they want the audience to see his flab?"

"Hey, what the hell, man!" Jonah Hill pointed at Murphy, "I thought you were on my side?"

Murphy raised his beer, dignified, "I support your right to speak, but I support the truth even more."

James Franco and Seth Rogen nearly spit out their drinks, erupting into laughter, even the usually morose Robert Downey Jr. bent over laughing at Murphy's remark.

"You guys are so naive," Robert Downey Jr. said, his mood brightening as he resumed his celebrity demeanor, "She's just a porn star. Do you guys know about the high-end parties in Hollywood? You can find many famous women there, and with some luck, even A-list stars. I'm talking about Hollywood actresses, not those from San Fernando Valley..."

This topic, forever timeless among men, instantly captivated Murphy and the others.

Jonah Hill swallowed hard, "Go on, Downey."

"Ah..." Robert Downey Jr. waved it off, "It's all in the past, not worth mentioning now."

"Just a few words, come on!" Seth Rogen urged, scratching his head.

With a smug smile, Robert Downey Jr. played coy, still acting as if he was burdened by the memories.

Murphy picked up a barbecue skewer, pointing it at Robert Downey Jr.'s throat in a threatening manner, "Will you talk or not?"

Robert Downey Jr. exaggeratedly raised his hands in surrender, "Okay! Okay! I'll tell."

He reminisced for a moment before explaining, "In Hollywood, after many gala events, certain companies host exclusive after-parties. Like the year I got an Oscar nomination, after the nominee luncheon, there was a masquerade ball with an entry fee of $30,000!"

Murphy nodded, understanding that such information was becoming more known with the advent of the internet.

"$30,000?" James Franco asked, "What kind of party charges $30,000 for entry?"

"The organizers require masks," Robert Downey Jr. continued, ignoring James Franco, "You can attend with a date, or go solo. At the party, if you find someone interesting and they're willing, regardless of gender, you can get together with them."

Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen looked envious.

"If you bring a date, you can even play swapping games," Robert Downey Jr. said, familiar with the scene, "As long as it's consensual, games involving three or more people are not off-limits at these parties."

He winked at them, "If you're lucky, you might even run into top female stars. Those who enjoy these kinds of parties are eagerly invited by the organizers and are regular attendees."

"But they all wear masks..." Seth Rogen mumbled.

Robert Downey Jr. chuckled, "Many stars have distinct physical features that masks can't hide. You think you can't recognize them just because their faces are covered?"

"However, the female stars who enjoy these parties are a minority," he added, "It's all about luck whether you meet them or not."

Jonah Hill's eyes sparkled, "I can't even imagine how wonderful that scene must be!"

Searching for the right words, Robert Downey Jr. thought for a moment, then said, "Have you seen Stanley Kubrick's 'Eyes Wide Shut'? It's somewhat similar to the event Tom Cruise encounters."

Seth Rogen expressed his envy, "I must see it if I get the chance."

Robert Downey Jr. pointed at him and Jonah Hill, shaking his finger, "You guys aren't quite there yet. Murphy and Jim, maybe."

"You could take us with you..." Jonah Hill's suggestion was cut short as he noticed Carey Mulligan had returned, standing behind Murphy.

"Come on, let's continue drinking!" He lifted his glass, clinking it with Seth Rogen's, and called over Murphy, James Franco, and Robert Downey Jr., "Cheers!"

The party lasted until nearly midnight, and with no work scheduled for the weekend, it was a joyful time for everyone.

As a new week began, Murphy received good news. CAA had made significant progress in negotiations with Miramax about a new project, reaching a basic agreement on major points with only a few details left to iron out.

Murphy, the project's director and initiator, was informed by CAA and joined the negotiation led by Bill Rosesis. After a week of back-and-forth, Murphy, CAA, and Miramax agreed to collaborate deeply on the project.

As the collaboration neared completion, the project, initially referred to as "Project X," was officially named "Terror Planet" following Murphy's suggestion.

This project, featuring beautiful women battling zombies, despite its gore and violence, would not follow the style of "Saw" but would be infused with American humor.

Knowing he wasn't the best at comedy, Murphy enlisted Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill to help revise the script's comedic elements at Stanton Studios.

Murphy was committed to mutual support within his circle, even including Jonah Hill, who lacked fame, in the new project.

Rogen and Hill worked diligently on the script, with Hill lightening the mood and Rogen contributing significantly to scene construction and dialogue, showing his potential as a future director.

By mid-October, Murphy, CAA, and Miramax signed the official "Terror Planet" project agreement at the Death Star Building.

CAA provided a one-stop packaging service for Miramax on "Terror Planet," with key cast and crew members from CAA's roster. Like other CAA-packaged projects, CAA would receive 7% of the film's total profits as a service fee.

Miramax, as the producer and distributor, would finance the film, owning 100% of the copyrights. After extensive negotiations, the production budget was set at $8 million.

However, Miramax's application for a tax rebate from the Australian government was denied, indicating "Terror Planet" and Murphy's fame were not yet significant enough to garner support from the Australian government.

Hollywood blockbusters filming in Australia often receive tax rebates of 13% to 18%, making overseas shooting more expensive for "Terror Planet." The crew decided to stay in Los Angeles, finding suitable locations and studios for filming, including a large abandoned warehouse used for "Saw," chosen for its space, low rent, and equipment.

With "Saw's" success, Miramax leveraged Murphy's film to attract early funding from private equity and financial institutions while planning to raise additional funds through overseas presales.

Harvey Weinstein officially informed Murphy and CAA that "Terror Planet" had been submitted for next year's Cannes Film Festival, not out of particular esteem for Murphy or the project but as a replacement for Quentin Tarantino's new film, delayed for Uma Thurman's pregnancy.

"Chicago," another Miramax film, was expected to compete in Cannes, while "Terror Planet" would be showcased but not compete.

Finally, Murphy's compensation as both director and screenwriter was determined, reflecting his dual role in this formal Hollywood production.


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