
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 29

As the largest newspaper in France, "Le Monde", founded in 1944 with the encouragement of the French hero General Charles de Gaulle, published a film review by Mr. Austin, one of the top ten French film critics, on the front page of the entertainment section. .

  And this film review is not about other films that have received much attention before the film festival, but a 13-minute short film by a Chinese director who is only 20 years old!

  "A perfect movie, everything depends on your opinion, 13 minutes of condensed is the essence, what is told is not a story, but human nature - "The Tuner""!

  Many viewers who have watched "The Tuner" are entangled in the life and death of the tuner,

  Someone used various logics to analyze the details shown in the film, trying to prove whether the tuner was dead or alive. In my opinion, this short film is not about the life and death of the tuner, or life and death, it doesn't matter at this moment.

  The tuner is defined as a loser and a **** at the beginning of the movie. He is just a symbol in the movie, representing the majority.

Due to the setback in the competition, the tuner was no longer interested in music and his own career. He gave up his life and never recovered. One day he decided to pretend to be a blind man and discover many problems and misfortunes in other people's lives. Use this way of discovering the pain of others to realize your long-lost happiness, just like the story of the Taj Mahal.

When he became a voyeur, he watched the dancing naked girls while passionately playing Rachmaninoff's piano music. It is well known that Rachmaninoff's works are full of passion and are known for their difficulty. He only played a note in the big game that determines life or death. But at this time, the fingers are like flying and the Buddha and the zither are in one. The director arranges such a song to be played during peeping, expressing the elated and distorted pleasure when people dig other people's privacy to satisfy their own interests.

   After pretending to be blind, his life changed, and he regained the long-lost happiness, but this kind of happiness is deformed. The clip of him eating with the boss is very important. The waiter dropped the menu and price list on the table twice. Carlyle said that no one can completely avoid collisions with others in life. He must not squeeze through the crowd in various ways, offend others and endure others' offenses at the same time. The director here expresses the lack of basic respect between people by throwing menus. We treat each other roughly, even though it should be your duty. When checking out, the tuner deliberately made things difficult for the waiter and threatened to find the manager, but when he walked out of the restaurant, his face was filled with a smile. In order to show his complacent mood, the director asked him to tease the old lady crossing the road at the right time. I think we Get used to torturing each other but enjoy it, and lose basic self-knowledge.

  The boss of the tuner is a key figure. He represents the bottom line of human nature in the film, but it was finally broken. He acquiesced in the deceitful behavior of the tuner, because the tuner repeatedly emphasized the increase in productivity, and asked "Are you going to fire me?" more than once, people can give up the bottom line when facing greed and chasing established interests , How insignificant is the insistence on integrity.

  At the end of the film, the son killed his father, this is certain. The tuner was tripped by the old man's corpse, but he still tried to calm down to tune. This has nothing to do with his professionalism, let alone his strong inner heart that does not change his face when Mount Tai collapses in front of him. The director designed an inner monologue for him. "I tuned up, put on my clothes, and left, that's it", this kind of monologue is chilling, and there is not even a line "I will call the police after I leave". He sat "calmly" in front of the piano, staring straight ahead, blinder than a blind man! As long as you can protect yourself wisely, even if you lose your life, you still have to pretend not to see it, oh, what a terrible fact!

  The murderer is holding a nail gun and standing behind the tuner, describing the relationship between people. Everyone was silent, even smiling. When you turned around, he was standing behind you with a sharp weapon.

In the end, the director chose to let humanity destroy humanity. When the tuner confessed that the memo was forgotten in his pocket, he actually knew that his lie had been exposed. Even though it was a matter of life and death, he still did not know how to repent. , and even the idea of ​​resistance never occurred. The murderer standing behind the tuner holding a nail gun represents fate at this time. Only a very few of us are the strong of fate. They dominate fate and roar at it from time to time. The rest are tortured by fate. We complain, we suffer, but no one ever dares to stand up and say no to it. Faced with such a cowardly, indifferent, timid but greedy human nature, the director used another human nature, holding a nail gun, to penetrate his skull.

   Whether the tuner is alive or dead is no longer important, the important thing is that the collapse of human nature cannot be stopped anyway.

  The pitch can be adjusted, but what about human nature?

   "Tuner", intriguing...

   I am very grateful to the 20-year-old director Smith Zhang for bringing us this movie. It kept me up all night. If you are free, you can go and watch it.

   In addition, let me mention that Smith Zhang is a promising young director. I dare to predict that his future achievements will be extraordinary!

  This eloquent film review directly revealed Zhang Dongcheng's inner thoughts, and immediately caused a stir at the film festival!

  A film critic who has always been famous in the French film critic circle for his poisonous tongue, a film critic with unique and unique views, even loudly sang the praises of Smith and Zhang, saying that his future achievements must be extraordinary? This surprised all French audiences.

  In addition to the accident, there is also an unstoppable movie-watching craze for "The Tuner" like a volcanic eruption!

  One silver screen is not enough, two? It wasn't enough, until it was increased to 8 yuan, this short 13-minute short film slowed down the popularity of the show, and shortened the long queue!

  Standing outside the crowded auditorium, Adaman smiled happily, dancing with excitement, and was overjoyed.

"Haha, it's all human, all human! Oh my God, I didn't expect so many people to line up to watch your movie!" Adaman's eyes were filled with tears, as if for Zhang Dongcheng Very happy.

   "Thank you, brother!" Zhang Dongcheng didn't say anything, but hugged Adaman tightly to hide his tears of excitement.

   "Thank me? Thank me for what? You should thank Zhang Yimou, or Austin and Ham who helped us write film reviews." Adaman asked a little puzzled, secretly wiping the tears from his eyes.

"I want to thank them too, but I want to thank you first, and Victoria, and Orlando, for your support that allowed me to make this movie. I was able to get my dream back instead of drowning him in In a bucket full of soap bubbles." Zhang Dongcheng said emotionally.

   "Hey, come on. I think we should separate, otherwise people will say we are gay." Adaman broke free from Zhang Dongcheng's embrace and put on a smiling face again.

  Beside the door of the screening room, Zhang Dongcheng set up a KT board ingeniously, and prepared a lot of sticky notes, so that people after watching the movie can write down their views on the movie and tell their understanding.

   Now, this big KT board is already covered with sticky notes from excited movie fans, full of encouragement and support for Zhang Dongcheng!

   "Come on, I am optimistic about you! If one day your movie is released in theaters, I will definitely pay for it!"

   "Brilliant movie, all the time, just perfect! I bet this is the best short film I've ever seen!"

  "A thought-provoking movie, a movie full of charm, is it a reminder that life can't be based on pretending just because you lose your faith, and pretending to be smart is actually another kind of short-sightedness?"

   "After reading the ending, I definitely want to read the beginning again. The plot of the O.Henry-style novel is so classic, I give it full marks!"

"The second time I watched it, I heard that "bang"! Oh my God! The first time I thought it was the piano closing, the second time I realized it was a nail gun. This movie is amazing! "

Looking at the fans' comments that filled almost an entire wall, Zhang Dongcheng's eyes gradually warmed up. These most sincere compliments cannot be exchanged for any amount of money. He took a deep breath to calm down his excitement. To the mood of about to collapse.