
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 28

Orlando's mouth twitched, his dull eyes, his ears turned slightly sideways, and his look of worrying about gains and losses made Austin couldn't help applauding.

  Perfect performance, this performer is not only handsome, but also has pretty good acting skills! Austin gave Orlando a satisfactory 90 out of 10.

   "Hope he doesn't go through my pockets...my diary, hell! My diary! It's in my pocket! How can a blind man need a diary? Shit!"

  On the camera, following this inner monologue, Orlando raised his head nervously, his eyes rolled, and the sweat on his forehead slowly rolled down.

  The close-up of the drop of sweat seemed to smash into Austin's heart, making his heart tremble.

   "He's back..." Just when Orlando didn't know what to do, Andy's feet appeared on the camera, and he walked slowly behind Audi and stood still.

  The camera once again passed Scott, who was slumped on the sofa, staring wide-eyed, and returned to Orlando.

  The conscious murderer was standing behind him, and Orlando's body trembled unknowingly.

   "Don't look back, you are blind, there is no reason to turn back!"

On the camera, Orlando's performance was perfect. He tried his best to control himself, his tightly biting lips trembled, and Austin felt the powerlessness of not being able to control his life, and he couldn't help but wiped the full head on his half-bald forehead. sweat profusely.

   "Say something, shit, say something!"

  However, Orlando didn't say anything, just stroking the keys, and the song was perfect.

  As the music of the poet's love sounded, Orlando played the piano, but the murderer, who wanted to kill people, pointed a nail gun straight at the back of his head!

"I'm blind and don't know what's going on behind me. Since I don't know, I should relax. I have to play. He hasn't moved since I started playing. He can't kill me while I'm playing. He can't while I'm playing." kill me!"

The camera moves slowly, and in a mirror, Orlando, naked and playing the piano, Andy standing behind him silently holding a nail gun, and the serious face who died on the sofa seemed to be listening to the moving scene. The melody of the dead.

   Screen, freeze frame!

   "Director, Smith Chang. Starring, Orlando Bloom, Andy Cole, Tom Jack..."

  The subtitles were flying across quickly, and Austin opened his mouth wide in surprise, only to realize that the sound of closing the door at the beginning might be the sound of a nail gun!

   "Oh, God, this is really an exciting and breathless movie!" Austin breathed heavily, and untied his tie vigorously, as if it would make himself a little easier.

  Maybe, maybe I really have to watch it a second time, I really haven't fully understood it yet! Austin thought, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and desperately wiped the sweat from his forehead.

   Fortunately, no one else has noticed that I have to watch a short film that is only 13 minutes long, and I need to watch it twice. Otherwise, my title as one of the top ten film critics in France will change hands!

   Austin was sweating profusely while thinking.

   Zhang Dongcheng looked at his name across the screen, his eyes suddenly became moist, and he really felt a little unreal in his agitated mood. His movie finally appeared at the film festival in its entirety.

  Although, although there is only one audience.

   "It's disgusting, that guy didn't applaud after watching it!" Adaman looked back at Austin who had been wiping his sweat, and said with some dissatisfaction.

  The next play, after half an hour, Austin sat still, reminiscing about the "Tuner" just now in his mind, and his mind was in a trance.

  Finally, a few more movie fans walked into the broadcast room. This second broadcast was finally not a lonely one.

   "Tuner? Whose work is this? Why is there no publicity?"

   "Hey, whoever's movie it is, it's free to watch anyway!"

   "Hell, I wouldn't watch this unappealing movie if the movie I wanted to see wasn't full of people."

   "You also know that the place is full of people, sit down with peace of mind, we will go to watch the second scene in a while."

  Oh God, it turned out that I reluctantly walked in because I couldn't see the movie I wanted to watch! Adaman slapped himself heavily on the forehead and sat down on the chair.

   "Hehe, have confidence! Look, we have a few more audience members!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled, his young face full of confidence.

  As long as someone watches my movie, it will lead me to success and fulfill my dream!

   This is four or five times better than half an hour ago, when there was only one audience, and the first audience who came in has not left yet! Zhang Dongcheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and snapped his fingers loudly at the frustrated Adaman.

  The entire projection room went dark again, and the movie started again.

  Playing again, Austin desperately opened his eyes wide, not wanting to miss any word, and watched any shot.

   Soon, it's over again.

   This time, Austin, who had been familiar with the whole movie, finally realized it, but the second batch of audiences who came in stared, somewhat understanding, but at the same time seeming not to understand.

"This is a movie that needs to be watched twice, three times. Hey, guys, I think you need to watch it again!" Austin stood up, smiled with satisfaction, and no longer stingy with his applause. The reverberation in the small studio moved Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman a little.

   This was the first time I heard the applause from the audience, sincere applause, Zhang Dongcheng felt a flame beating and burning in his heart.

As Austin said, the fans who watched it for the first time did not leave, and sat in their seats waiting to play it again, as if forgetting that what they wanted to watch at the beginning was not the "Tuner", and Started arguing with red faces.

   "Did the tuner die? Did the fat man kill him?" A girl who looked no more than twenty-three or twenty-four years old frowned and asked, biting her finger.

   "Dead! I felt something was wrong with the sound of the door at the beginning. It shouldn't be the sound of the door. It was the fat man who killed him with a nail gun!" The girl's friend rubbed his head, thought for a while, and then said affirmatively.

   "What does he mean by the last words? As long as I play the piano, he can't kill me, as long as I keep playing the piano, he can't kill me?" Another boy asked strangely.

  Yeah, why do you say that?

   Everyone was silent, looking at each other, unable to find the answer to the question.

"Haha, I think this sentence has a lot of depth. It should be the same as when the tuner came to the murderer's house before, the old man who appeared at the opposite door saved him. If he was killed by the murderer while playing the piano, the sudden interruption of the sound would make the murderer Do you suspect the old man at the door? The murderer should also want to get out!" Austin, who wanted to leave, found some details that he hadn't noticed in the words of these fans. After thinking about it carefully, he smiled and talked with these fans. Said.

"Yes, you are right! That must be the case. It is possible that the tuner did not die in the end! Because the neighbors knew that he came in, and if he died, the neighbors would be suspicious! The murderer cannot kill everyone!" The girl who spoke first said excitedly.

"No, no, he's dead, he must be dead, the sound of the nail gun in the first few seconds means that he was shot through the head by the murderer! Also, he is blind, how can he ring the doorbell? He He should have knocked on the door. And after he found the dead person, he was sweating profusely from fear. If he was really a blind man who didn't know anything, how could he be so nervous? The tuner failed the piano competition because of nervousness. This time he must be nervous And to expose oneself is not the essence of a blind person, but to be killed by the murderer!" The boy shook his head and raised his thoughts loudly, and his thoughts were not wrong, which was very logical.

"He was wearing contact lenses. The fat man stared into his eyes for a long time. I guess he must have seen it. Besides, the smell of blood and paint is different. If he was blind, he would definitely smell it. If not, he must have smelled it." Everything has been discovered, so whether he is blind or not, the murderer can't let him go." The girl's friend also expressed his opinion.

   "Oh, God, I think it's time to watch it a second time!" After arguing, no one convinced the other, but no one objected to the fact of watching it again.

Listening to these people's words, Adaman's depressed mood gradually came to life. He patted Zhang Dongcheng's shoulder happily, and said in a low voice: "Hey, look, none of them left, none of them left! Your The movie really makes audiences want to see it a second time!"

   "Yes, they will watch it a second time, maybe a third time!" Zhang Dongcheng snapped his fingers firmly, adjusted his black-rimmed glasses, and smiled faintly.

  During the waiting time, several spectators who had watched other movies walked into the screening hall and came to watch them casually. There were already more than a dozen spectators in the screening hall that could accommodate about 80 people.

   "Hey, there are really more and more people!" Adaman patted the chair excitedly.

  After the third screening, Austin and the second group of audience basically understood it. They stood up at the same time and applauded desperately. A boy even blew a loud whistle excitedly, which echoed throughout the auditorium.

  For a moment, the applause and whistle sounded in the small auditorium that could only accommodate 80 spectators, but it hit Zhang Dongcheng's heart directly like the heavy punch of a heavyweight boxing champion.

   These persistence and waiting are worthwhile, my dream is on the way!

But the third group of viewers could only stare and stare after watching it, and didn't understand what happened at all. The joyful expressions on the faces of the fans who were clapping and whistling around them made them even more excited. at a loss.

   "Hey man, did we miss something? Did the tuner die?" Someone yelled.

"When you watch it the second time, you will understand! Of course, we know, this is an open ending. This movie is really well-conceived, very well-crafted!" Austin replied with a smile, and he kept talking Wiping my sweat, I'm glad I didn't miss this movie.

  Austin left, but this "Tuner" pushed the audience to their seats. Countless people watched it three or four times. Every time the screening ended, the heated debate would be caused by a question.

   "Is the tuner dead?"

  Every time it ends, someone can't help but ask, and then jump out of the audience who have watched it three times, four times, or even five times or six times.

   "Dead, absolutely dead, look ahead blah blah blah!"

   "Shouldn't be dead, look behind blah blah blah!"


"not dead!"

   "What is the story trying to tell?"

  "A person who is cowardly by nature but pretends to be confident and smart is doomed to die young!"

   "No, no, no, in the face of cruel reality, as long as you start, you must persevere, so that you can survive from death!"

   "You're not right..."

All kinds of opinions, all kinds of ideas, all kinds of anecdotes and whimsical ideas were put forward by people who were arguing fiercely. Once the broadcast was over, the whole screening room exploded like a vegetable market. , or sharp or high-pitched or deep voice to put forward their own views, trying to persuade the other party to agree with their own views.

But people are always stubborn, and always hope that others will listen to their opinions, so this debate, which has no standard answer, has intensified. Every time during the intermission, the huge quarrel resounded through the sky, making people who choose movies outside to watch The movie fans came in curiously, sat down, but after watching it once or twice, they joined in the debate and even the quarrel.

  Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman already had to come out of their movie screening room, because the place that can accommodate about 80 people is already full of people, and a full 200 to 300 people are crowded inside. There is almost no place to stand when it is full.

  When two people come out, they can give up two seats, so that more people can see their movie, wait outside the door, and listen to the arguments and quarrels inside, Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman can't help but smile at each other.

  The audience first watched it carefully with their breath held, and then stood up red-faced and roared loudly after the end, expressing newly realized opinions or overturning their previous opinions.

These quarrels are more wonderful than any publicity tactics. The huge sound waves have attracted the ears of countless people. They are curious to find that a movie in a screening room can't even close the door. Then he shouted loudly, why is the tuner dead or not?

Everyone has a sense of curiosity, and people who come to the film festival to watch movies are regarded as movie fans. Such a movie that is so crowded that the doors cannot be closed and caused countless quarrels naturally attracted The eyes of countless people.

   At first, people were waiting outside, wanting to watch this movie that could make audiences quarrel.

  Every audience who came out was frowning, some people were even arguing non-stop, and some people thought about it, and then started queuing up, as if they didn't understand it and vowed not to give up.

The staff of the film festival also noticed this unusual event and began to send more people here to maintain order. The security guards sweated profusely so that more and more movie fans could only watch it once, but it aroused countless voices of opposition and The raised middle finger.

   "What? Only once? Oh god, you can't understand this movie without watching it three or four times?"

   "That's right, I read it five times before I could vaguely find the meaning behind this story!"

  "I waited in line for two hours to get in. I won't go out if I don't watch it for two hours!"

   "Oh God, can you please think about the fans in the future? There are still many viewers who haven't seen a single game."

   "Shit! That's because your organizing committee didn't arrange it well. There is only one screening room for such a good movie, and it has nothing to do with us!"

   "Yes, yes! If you increase the screening room, you won't have to wait in such a long line. This movie must be watched at least three times!"


Adaman watched hundreds of people line up tens of meters away, watched the staff who wanted fans to watch it once and came out were thrown out of the door in embarrassment by countless popcorns, and watched the fans who were still unsatisfied even go out. Constantly discussing "The Tuner"

  Uncontrollably showing his big white teeth, he hugged Zhang Dongcheng and shouted excitedly: "Smith, you have succeeded! Our movie has succeeded!"

   Zhang Dongcheng laughed, but said calmly: "No, we are just on the road to success!"

  The next day, the French media, with their keen sense of news, commented on "The Tuner".

  French newspaper Le Figaro wrote to reporter Ham:

   Unparalleled imagination! --tuner.

  There is such a movie, from the very beginning with very few audiences, it caused a wave of movie watching in one day, and 212 people were squeezed into the screening room of 80 people at most! Even the doors of the screening room were smashed by fans eager to see the film.

This movie, called "The Tuner", is only a 13-minute short film, but on the first day of the Director's Fortnight section of the film festival, it attracted more than 1,400 audiences, the most watched movie fans, Even watched it eleven times!

   Regarding the ending of the tuner, different people have different opinions, and what we want to talk about is what we want to tell after this movie.

  Moral bottom line, trust and lies.

   Regarding the moral bottom line, the tuner pretends to be a blind person to help the customer tune, defrauding the customer's sense of security and getting a higher tip;

  The tuner's boss didn't fire the tuner, but he continued to pretend to be blind, just because he doubled the company's orders; the restaurant waiter had a bad attitude, but was played by the blind man;

These phenomena show from the side that the society is becoming more and more impetuous. The principle of human beings in society has become the supremacy of interests. They can even give up noble and precious things in exchange for their own interests with despicable means. There is no such thing as doing things. ethical bottom line. I don't know if this phenomenon is the result of social progress and the huge pressure to survive. It makes people think deeply.

   Regarding trust, "People think that loss makes people more sensitive." The allusion to the Taj Mahal is the essence of the short film.

  Yeah, everyone has lost, missed, the more you lose, the more sensitive you become, so sensitive that you no longer trust anyone who has the ability to hurt you, restrain yourself at all times, and be on guard anytime, anywhere. They will only trust the handicapped at the beginning, and in the end they don't even trust the handicapped anymore.

  In this era where there is no trust everywhere and people need to be on guard all the time, people wear masks to disguise themselves, hiding ulterior secrets. In this era, everyone lives too tired and depressed, but it still hasn't changed, and they still deceive themselves and others, and they just keep doing it.

  Looking at lies again, we often say that if you tell too many lies, you will eventually believe yourself.

   But "Tuner" tells us that in order to continue your lies, the price you pay will far exceed your imagination.

  The part that shocked us the most in the film was that the tuner chose to continue to pretend to be blind when he saw the corpse, and we also felt that his choice was reasonable and agreed with his approach. It means that if it were we would choose to continue pretending to be blind so that our lies would not be exposed. But I didn't expect how much it would cost.

  Perhaps, it is the price of life.

I strongly recommend fans who want to go to the film festival to watch this movie, but if the organizing committee doesn't increase the number of screening places, I bet tomorrow that the screening room that can only accommodate 80 people will be blocked even the walls by eager fans They dismantled.