
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 113

"A curse like shit, according to scientific investigations, the first batch of people who entered Tutankhamun's tomb, only 5% of them died abnormally!"

   "How do you know whether those who died were normal or abnormal? Maybe those who died normally were also cursed to death. The so-called normal death is just an illusion shown by the curse!"

   "I agree with the above, who can prove that the so-called normal death is not formed under the influence of the curse?"

   "You shit, you're just messing around, it's just farting, it stinks!"

   Following this sentence of scolding, the following comments are completely crooked. If you scold me, I will scold you. It became a post full of abuse, and was deleted by the administrator not long after.

  Although the curse of Tutankhamun is already a cliché, it is precisely because of this that this story arouses people's fear of the ancient mysterious curse in Egypt.

   Moreover, what happened at the Getty Center made this mysterious mummy, which has long been an unsolved mystery of the world, once again covered with a veil of horror, and once again revealed it to the world. As a result, more and more people compiled the true or false mummy curse rumors into bizarre news and spread them on the Internet. cause more panic.

  The entire Internet in the United States seems to have become a forum community dedicated to the mummy curse.

  Among them, there is even a netizen who creatively linked the curse of the mummy with the silent Titanic that crashed into an iceberg on its maiden voyage in 1912.

  An Egyptian princess named Amara lived three thousand years ago. After she was mummified, she was buried in a tomb beside the Nile.

  In 1890, four young men from England bought her from smugglers.

   As a result, on the night of buying the mummy, the guy who paid for it went to the desert, disappeared mysteriously, and never came back. The remaining three also encountered bizarre accidents, either bankrupt and destitute, or broken limbs and disabled.

   This mummy named Princess Amara was eventually sent back to the UK for various reasons, and even the British Museum once placed it in the Egyptian Exhibition Hall.

   Then something similar to the Getty Center happened in the museum. For example, weeping and knocking could be heard near the coffin. The helpless museum had no choice but to give up the exhibition of Princess Amara's mummy and keep it in the storage room, but even so, there were still several incomprehensible deaths in the end.

   So much so that even museums dare not take it in, they can only give it to other collectors. The collector immediately invited Mrs. Blavatsky, the most famous witch in Europe at that time, to exorcise the mummy.

After a complicated exorcism ceremony, Mrs. Blavatsky announced that the mummy contained "a large amount of amazing evil energy" and said that it would be impossible to exorcise the mummy because "the devil will live in her forever." No one can do anything about it." Finally, Madame Blavatsky gave advice to the collector: get rid of it as soon as possible.

   But at this point, no matter whether it is a museum or a collector, no one would dare to take over the mummy even if it was given away for nothing. Because in the past 10 years, 20 people have suffered misfortune and even lost their lives because of her.

  However, the curse of Princess Amara did not end there. An unbelieving American archaeologist ignored the horror rumors of Princess Amara and bought it, intending to transport it to New York City, USA.

  In April 1912, the new owner of Princess Amara personally escorted her and transported her to a huge ship that was a sensation in the shipbuilding world at that time. For the sake of prudence, he also placed her near the captain's cabin, hoping that she would arrive in New York safely.

   This ship is the famous Titanic, known as the unsinkable ship. Unfortunately, under the dark curse of Princess Amara, even the huge Titanic is vulnerable. The first maiden voyage hit an iceberg and sank forever in Haiti in the Atlantic Ocean.

   This is also the last time Princess Amara showed her ferocious fangs. Of the 2,208 crew members and passengers, only 705 survived. More than 1,500 innocent lives were taken away.

  The data, time, and characters in this post are so detailed that there is no excuse to refute. As if it really happened in history.

"Really? I didn't expect that the famous Titanic sank for this reason. Those people on board are so pitiful. It's all because of this **** American archaeologist. One person's greed killed a whole family." More than a thousand lives! May God punish him! May he and his beloved mummy be immersed in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean forever!"

   "Since the mummy curse is so terrible, wouldn't those who went to the Getty Center also die? Oh! God, that's hundreds of people!"

   "Damn Egyptian pharaohs, no wonder their descendants will become black slaves!" This sentence, which contained serious racial discrimination, was deleted within a few seconds.

  In the next few layers, although there are some counterarguments, it is difficult to find tangible evidence. Instead, it was refuted by supporters of the story.

  Finally, when such a post appeared, the lie about Princess Amara's curse was completely exposed.

"Wow! It's really ridiculous. Some people still believe such a despicable lie. You know, Mrs. Blavatsky was a well-known psychic in Europe back then! She was also one of the founders of the Theosophical Society. The main works include "Secret Doctrine", "Theosophy Answers", etc. But she died peacefully in 1891. According to the timeline of the above story, when the collector was looking for Mrs. Blavatsky to exorcise her, she had died more than ten years ago Years. Who would find a dead soul to exorcise evil spirits?"

  This post of debunking lies instantly made everyone realize that the so-called mummy of Princess Amanla is completely a fabricated lie. Although the story tells ups and downs, it is always the truth. It can't be compared with Tutankhamun's curse at all.

  These two mummy curse stories are just two out of a sea of ​​posts. Numerous curses about mummies not only spread on the Internet at lightning speed, but even caused chaos in the social order in reality.

   In desperation, the California government had to send several scientists to find out. The intention is to find a reasonable explanation and dispel people's panic about the mummy curse.

  The entrusted investigation team composed of several scientists, occultists, ancient Egyptian historians and other scholars and professors went to the Getty Center early the next morning. Find out why the mummy spoke.

  However, these scholars have not yet waited for these scholars to find scientific reasons that can be accepted by the public. Another breaking news broke out.

  A boy who was only seven or eight years old when he visited the Getty Center with his family was greatly stimulated mentally, causing him to be in a trance and sleepless at night.

  According to the psychiatrist's explanation, the boy's psychology was greatly stimulated by the mummy's speech, causing the whole person to be in a state of being seriously frightened.

  Once the topic of mummy is mentioned, he will instinctively be in a state of self-protection. Looks like crazy. After psychotherapy, the symptoms have been alleviated a lot, but I still feel afraid of the topic of mummy.

  This type of mental illness is very common, just as sometimes parents use domestic violence against their children, which makes children feel fearful when facing their parents.

  When the reporter interviewed the boy and risked being beaten by his parents, he said that the mummy spoke six words,

  The boy suddenly fell into a state of illness.

   "He spoke, and he came to me. Cursed by the Pharaoh, I am cursed!"

   These are the two sentences the boy kept repeating. Afterwards, the reporter was kicked out of the house by the boy's father. But the boy's words were published by the reporter. Then there was an uproar across the United States.

  This kind of explosive news, even the government departments can't suppress it.

The victim of the mummies at the Getty Center was far more than just the timid boy. There was also a father who took his nine-year-old daughter to visit, but in the end this lovely girl was killed because of the panic of the crowd. Stampede, multiple soft tissue injuries on the body, fracture of the left leg, the whole person is still in a coma.

  More and more people were harmed because of the mummy exhibition at the Getty Center, and the curse of the mummy spread throughout the United States, even across the Atlantic Ocean, and caused a sensation in Europe.

  Under the operation of Mr. Carl, a big capitalist, this publicity has achieved incredible success, spreading to the entire United States, forming the most popular and enthusiastic topic.

Zhang Dongcheng, who shot the mummy in the Sahara desert in northern Africa, had no idea how much this incident had affected the social order of the entire United States, nor did he know what kind of impact it had on his movies, good or bad. .

  Now he is racing against time to direct the crowd to shoot the mummies in the small town of Ilford on the edge of the Sahara Desert.

   The rush to shoot was entirely because the place was too hot. It's still morning, but the temperature has reached an appalling 30°C. In just a few days, many people have almost been admitted to the hospital because of dehydration.

   "CUT!" Zhang Dongcheng shouted, and before the actors could relax, he immediately ordered Adaman beside him: "Quick, get them something to drink!"

  Adaman was panting heavily, and a dark parasol above his head blocked a lot of sunlight for him. Even so, he was still drinking water constantly. It was as if I was in a sauna, sweating profusely. His body felt like a basket full of voids. No matter how much water you drink, it seeps out of your pores.

   "Okay! Alright! I've prepared it a long time ago!" Adaman patted the bucket beside him and said, "This is iced, good stuff!"