
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 112

Seeing the boy's look as if he was looking for something, Tom turned cold for no reason. Bite the bullet and stepped forward and said, "Hi! Boy! Are you okay?"

   This boy is the first Los Angeles boy who found the mummy talking, Allen. His parents and sister were dragged away by the crazy crowd, but they left him in the exhibition hall. Attracted by the weird sound, Allen didn't run away, but just searched everywhere, but he couldn't find any place where this sound could be made, which could only be explained by the resurrection of the mummy.

   It wasn't until the voice disappeared that he couldn't find the answer, so he walked out in a daze.

   Allen seemed not to have heard Tom's words, and walked forward on his own. His eyes were still searching the mummy, looking at it like that, he wished the mummy could lift it up and check it thoroughly before he was reconciled.

  Tom walked up to him lightly, patted his shoulder, and said, "Hey, are you okay?"

   Allen turned his head sharply and said to Tom: "Man, can you help me lift the mummy? If the mummy is not really resurrected, then there must be something under its body."

   Subconsciously shuddered, Tom immediately sweated profusely, staring straight at Alan in front of him, with the rubber baton in his hand across his chest, thinking whether to knock the curious baby unconscious with a stick.

"Get out, get out, can the mummy move freely? I didn't hear any broken noises at all, you must have all gone to **** together! FUCK, get out!" The guilty Tom quickly aimed more and more at the mummy's body Allen was kicked out, and he was relieved.

   "FUCK, the men are all terrified, but this guy is not afraid at all! If you let him watch it any longer, he will probably reveal himself."

Shaking his head, putting aside the messy thoughts in his mind, Tom quickly came to the mummy's counter, looked around quietly, then reached under the mummy's head, groping for a moment, holding a small He put the black thing in his pocket, whistled with a relaxed face, and it was completed without anyone noticing it!

  Just walking out of the stairs outside the exhibition hall, Tom heard the sound of a medical emergency vehicle.

   "Where are the injured?" Several medical staff jumped out of the car and shouted to the crowd.

   "Here we are, my daughter got trampled, God, her leg looks broken!"

  Following the reputation, a girl was being carried out by a man and sent to an ambulance among a large crowd of people scrambling to discuss this matter. On one side, the girl's mother burst into tears and kept crossing her chest. Cry to **** Christ.

   "My God, people were so panicked just now."

   "The curse of the mummy, who is not afraid!"

   "That's right, it's too scary. I heard that sound with my own ears. That sound is definitely not something that humans can make!"

   A large group of people calmed down slowly, but they all looked at the mummy exhibition hall with fear, and the awe on their faces deepened.

  Tom's remaining conscience made him feel uneasy, but this uneasiness was destroyed in the blink of an eye with the harvest of fifty thousand dollars.

  You can't blame me, it's because you are too timid! After Tom comforted himself in his heart. This made me feel a lot more comfortable. As if he really did nothing wrong.

   "Mysterious incident at Getty Center's Mummy Pavilion sends terrified tourists fleeing!" ――Los Angeles Times

   "Mysterious voices have appeared, and the mummy has really come back to life?" ―― American Entertainment Weekly

   "The mummy's curse reappeared, and a tourist who heard the mummy's curse at the Getty Center broke his head at a party that night. Is this just the beginning?"

  In the evening of that day, the topic of the mummy curse appeared in all major evening papers, evening news and other media organizations in the United States. Coincidentally, a guy who was greedy for alcohol happened to be drunk at night, and then fell down, and was also cursed by the mummy. For a while, the eyes of the whole United States were attracted by this seemingly insignificant incident .

According to rumors, more and more curious Americans went to the Getty Center, but this time even if Tom and Jerry didn't put any recording equipment, there were still some neurotic or suspicious guys around The mummy looked at it for a long time, and then shouted that the mummy is cursing again!

   Then, a large group of people ran like a race, their faces pale with fright but excited to death..

  "Today, five visitors from the Getty Center Mummy Pavilion insisted that they heard the curse of the mummy, and the eyes of the whole United States are gathered in this private museum."——Los Angeles Express

   "This is already the sixth mummy curse incident this month. More and more people have proved that the mummy really spoke!" —— Los Angeles News

  As this incident intensified, some TV talk shows even specially invited professor-level scholars such as mummy research experts and occult experts to conduct heated discussions on this incident.

   "My **** sister swears by my cousin's tabby cat, I heard the voice of the mummy!"

   "Agreed upstairs! I heard it too!"

   "I seem to hear it, and I don't seem to hear it. Hell, it's all because of that guy Steve screaming in fright!"

   "Who is going to the Getty Center tomorrow? Let's go and listen together?"

  As a new product of the Internet, there are countless discussion posts on countless forums. The news of the mummy curse is full of news, as if in just a few hours, the mummy from Africa is about to occupy the most powerful country in the world.

  Mr. Carl, the boss of Universal Pictures, is magnificent and extravagant in his office. Mr. Carl, who was sipping his espresso and flipping through the newspaper in his hand, showed a satisfied smile.

  The newspaper in his hand, on the board of Nuoda, has two horrifying words, Mummy Resurrection, in bold red fonts.

  The author of the article is more likely to have seen it with his own eyes. He vividly described what happened at the Getty Center in a very close and detailed way.

   Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Mr. Carl picked up the phone beside him and dialed a number.

   After a while, the phone was connected.

"Continue to build momentum, I want to make the news of the mummy popular on the Internet. In reality, we can't relax, buy various news media, let them continue to promote the curse of the mummy, and make the resurrection of the mummy the most sensational news in the United States at this stage!" Mr. Carl said. Looking at the phone, he said in a tone that could not be refused.

  After hanging up the phone, Mr. Carl looked at the scenery outside the window, his eyes narrowed slightly, the eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

  In the middle of the night, the Internet of emerging industries is still full of voices, as if a pot has exploded. Countless comments flooded in on the mummy.

   "The Curse of the Mummy is real!" This is the name of the post published by a net name called Thanksgiving Turkey.

  On February 17, 1923, British archaeologist Howard Carter opened Tutankhamun's extremely luxurious coffin. It was also here that Carter discovered a plaque made of clay. A few days later, the words on the plaque were translated: "Whoever disturbs the peace of this Pharaoh, the 'Wing of Death' will descend on his head."

  Since then, the curse of Tutankhamun seems to spread from the ancient shadow. For decades, almost all those who dared to enter the pharaoh's tomb responded to the spell, and either died on the spot, or contracted strange diseases and died painfully shortly afterwards.

  The first victim of Tutankhamun's spell was the Earl of Carnarvon. The cause of death was a lump on his cheek. A few months ago, when Carnarvon entered the entrance of Tutankhamun's tomb, he was suddenly stung by something on the left cheek, and the wound suddenly swelled and the pain was unbearable. Count Carnarvon was admitted to a hospital in Cairo a few days later.

In the early morning of April 15, 1923, the nurse on duty suddenly heard Carnarvon yelling loudly: "I'm done! I'm done! I've heard the call..." Before the nurse could arrive at him, the power went out suddenly, and everything became pitch black. lump.

  Five minutes later, when the lights came back on, (the cause of the power outage was yet to be investigated) people rushed to Carnarvon's bed, only to see that his eyes were wide open in horror, his mouth was half open, and he had died of death. Strangely, when Tutankhamun's mummy was later examined with X-rays, it was found that there was also a scar on his left cheek, which was exactly the same shape, size and location as the lump on Carnarvon's left cheek.

   Soon, the nurse who had nursed Carnarvon in the Cairo hospital also died suddenly, the cause of death is unknown. Professor Archibald Reed, who had performed X-rays on Tutankhamun, suddenly developed a high fever after taking a few photos, and died shortly after returning to London. Since then, Carnarvon's assistants, as well as scholars and experts who participated in the excavation and investigation have died mysteriously.

  In addition, an American who was accompanied by Carter to visit Tutankhamun's tomb died of a high fever the next day after the visit. A South African tycoon drowned after falling from his yacht into the calm Nile on his way home after visiting the excavation site of a mausoleum.

   The weirdest thing is that in 1929 Carnarvon's widow also died. She was also reported to have died from a bug sting, also on her left cheek. In just 6 years, more than 20 people died inexplicably. This series of tragedies is the most famous "Pharaoh-Tutankhamun's curse"!

  This post is written in great detail. All kinds of data, age, and names of characters are all real events.

  The comments below are even more divided, and I will appear on the stage after you sing.

   "Tutankhamun's curse is indeed an unsolved mystery. So far no one has found any means to explain the tragic death of the people cursed by him."

   "Impossible!" Since there will be support, there will be opposition. Another netizen called Angel Anthem immediately sent out a rebuttal. "The curse of the pharaoh is not inescapable. Howard Carter, the excavator of Tutankhamun's tomb, died normally!"

   "But he is still dead!"