
Hollywood King

Warning: Mature Content - When an actor transmigrates into a world where any of the entertainment masterpieces of his previous world hasn’t been revealed, how will he change Hollywood? Ian Renner who always dreamed of being on the top of Hollywood finally had a chance to make his dream come true with his cheat, Memory Library. On the other hand, the love life that he could only dream about started to show signs of fruition. From starting from home alone to making batman begins shortly after that, from Lucifer to Games of Thrones, Ian will make everything. Find out by joining him in his life filled with adventures, drama, and romance. - Hollywood King is inspired by the fanfiction, My Hollywood System which is on webnovel and is written by DreamThree. This ff is being published on Webnovel, Scri*bleH*b, and R*yalR*ad by me. - Former Editors: April, Leo, Cyeven, and Extra26 Editor: OrangePanther (A Huge thanks to these people!) - Daily Updates - Discord server: https://discord.gg/DGPX5QzRqv - Read chapters ahead: www.Patreon.com/TC_L

TC_Liyanage1 · Movies
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380 Chs

Chapter 147 | The party started~


hey guys, it's me TC here. So, I normally don't explain what's going on in the story because if I've to explain it, that means I failed as an author. But what I've been meaning to say after lots of comments over the arc that's ongoing is, that this entire arc is NOT just for the drama. I know y'all hate drama and want Ian to become an OP director and everything.

but this entire scenario actually has a reasoning behind it, and since some of y'all are so impatient, I thought I'd just lay it out here. This is basically a challenge that he'd have to go through to realize some of the stuff he had been doing wrong.

anyway, it's all for future good. Stay tuned. Ty and happy reading!


At the Renner Studio

9 am.

"Mark Hamill as Charlie Barber? Now that's some smooth character involvement. I can't even imagine anyone else anymore," Harley, one of the directors in Renner Studio said as they were discussing it more.

"Yeah, my boy is quite talented," Mason said while tapping on the keyboard.

The entire office in the morning was calm and quiet; not the bad kind, but the good kind.

In a way, it was the calmness before the storm. Because the filming was about to start quickly which also meant that the entire studio would have to get into business.

Every part of the studio, including every department, would have to participate in one or another, which was their job.

"Well, this wouldn't be the only time that Mark would work with us."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Mason asked, looking at Ian's face.

"You got something in mind, Ian?" Harley chirped in.

"Yeah, but let's focus on Marriage Story first. The actors for all the roles are occupied, right? We have no one missing I suppose?" Ian asked, looking at both Mason and Harley.

Harley joined the project Marriage Story as the head of the creative team. Although he worked as a director, directing his movies under Mason, the opportunity stumbled in front of his door and knocked its way for him to finally work with Ian.

He'd be taken for an idiot if he rejected the idea, but thankfully, he wasn't.

"Yeah, I think we're all set on that. We have the teams and everything, uh, the music and the sound directing, I heard our sound director went on a vacation?" Harley asked.

He was concerned as well as Ian.

"Is it true uncle? How long would it take?" Ian asked.

"Yeah, it is true. The guy worked too hard, and I had to send him on a vacation. Hope he enjoys it, and don't worry, I'm in the process of recruiting a new sound director for the project," Mason said while Ian visibly relaxed.

"Ah, that's good then, how about the locations?"

"I'm talking to the authorities these days, things should be fine and ready within a week. We'd be all set to start shooting by the end of the next week. By the way, Ian, is it true that Avatar broke the Top Lifetime Gross in the box office?" Mason asked.

With that question, a smirk formed on Ian's face. "It does, also Avatar became the movie to hit that score in a very short period."

"That is unexpected! Good job! Dibs for a party tonight!" Harley said as Ian nodded.

"Congratulations!" Mason said again.

"Thank you, and yes, I think a party sounds great, would be even greater considering our schedules would be packed tight from next week. I'm so in… Murphy, can you come in real quick?" Ian asked the latter through the intercom.

"Sir?" Murphy walked inside excusing himself.

Thus, Ian's schedule for the next few months was planned. Focusing on Avatar, participating in the release of Resident Evil, and during the entire process, also trying to finish the script of Home Alone 2 was the outer layout of his next months.


Angela Bird finally concluded the entire editing process of her movie and was on her way to meet Mason, who was the producer of the film.

After adding the final details of the movie, one thing she felt was the light tingle of questions, worries, and nervousness.

Don't get it wrong, she is quite the talented director when it comes to the movies she had directed previously, but this experience was new to her.

After the entire shooting process was over, for all she had ever wanted, she went home and reread the entire book by Ian once again from the beginning.

And again, she noticed subtle scenarios that she could add to the movie, and that was what she exactly did. Adding dom more things to the movie, and giving her best at the execution.

Currently, she was inside her BMW, in the traffic, finding her way to the Renner Studio building, so she could finally meet Mason and Ian to talk about the release date and invite them to the premiere.

"How long would this traffic take!? For heaven's sake!" She put back her head in frustration.

*Knock knock knock!" It was a police officer, knocking at the glass shutter of the car.

She opened her eyes and so were some more police officers here and there in the traffic talking o people inside the vehicles.

Luckily or unluckily, she was one of them.

She opened the shutter and looked at the bald man with a smile.

"What's up officer? What's going on?"

"Ma'am, is it possible for you to turn over and go from the long way? There's a crime scene recorded in the middle of the road, and we can't allow anyone to go,"

"Alright!" Angela sighed at the sound of the crime scene. "Thanks,"

"Good night, Ms. Bird. Huge fan!"

Angela smiled at the officer's final words, and she turned her vehicle hurriedly yet really uncomfortably considering how people had their vehicles blocking the road already. But-

"It would take at least more than two hours now!" She thoughts and took the phone to call the person who needs to know about her delay.

*ring….. ring….*

-Hello, Ms. Bird? Mason's voice came through the phone call.

"Hello, Mr. Striver. I just couldn't surpass the crime scene that had happened on the highway, and it might take longer for me to reach the Studio. But I have an emergency with the invitation cards and all, do you mind staying a bit longer after 6?" She asked.

Her one hand had her phone clutched to her ear, and the other one was firmly grasped on the steering wheel.

-There's going to be a party held by Ian at the WaterLily Hotel. I'll send you an invitation for your email, you'd be able to make it, yeah? I invited Mr. Corealla and he said he'll call you.

Mason asked.

"Sure, I'll see, whatever it takes to meet both of you," Angela said and smiled.

-Alright, see ya then. Arrive safely, Ms. Bird!

Inside Angela's mind, she was completely grateful for the sound of the party.

It had been a hell journey of months for Angela with her career. As much as she loved every bit, every moment she spent on the set, it could be harder to work in Hollywood once you take a long break.

The next person she had to call was her husband.

[...] One call and it was all set. She'd go home, they'd get ready, and straightaway head to the party, so they both can finally have fun and some peace.


At WaterLily Hotel - Los Angeles.

"Excuse me, who are you?" The bodyguard outside the hotel questioned a man who wore a suit, but for as far as they saw, he was on his feet.

"I'm an actor. I know Ian Renner is going to be there, and I need to go inside! Now!" He said and continued to walk in.

"This is Los Angeles. Aren't we all actors here? Tell your name and details, maybe show the invitation, and then I'll let you in."

The muscular bodyguard stood straight and scarily in front of the petite man.

"I just want to meet Ian or any other director, I swear, I have been a good actor in my whole life! You wouldn't even bet to think that I'm not a good actor! Please let me in!"

"By the sound of it, it sounds like-" The bodyguard started to say yet without completing what he was about to say, he took the man by his hand and signaled the other bodyguard who wore the same black suit as him to help him.

The other bulky man looked as if he wasn't feeling it was his night.

Emotionless, and bland. His lips were tight, also his head was comparatively small.

Apart from the unnecessary details, both the men swept the man from his feet and took him away from the entrance.

After they were gone, two more men came to cover up the entrance.

One thing they knew was, that tonight's guest of the party would be Ian Renner, and it was in their power to protect each and every one of the celebrities who are yet to attend the party that was being hosted 5o celebrate the succession of Avatar.

The inside of the hotel was beautifully decorated in Blue and Black, considering the Avatar theme would go well with it.

[...] The clock struck 8, and the guests started filling the empty hall.

People including Ian Renner were inside the hotel, and luckily the party was kept a secret with no public press or media involved.

If there were, the questions and the photographers would have known no ends.

"You made it, hello!" Mason walked towards Angela who held Jackson's hand in one hand, and a glass of champagne in the other.

"Had to, the premiere is going to be in less than two weeks-"

The party thus started.



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