
Hollywood King

Warning: Mature Content - When an actor transmigrates into a world where any of the entertainment masterpieces of his previous world hasn’t been revealed, how will he change Hollywood? Ian Renner who always dreamed of being on the top of Hollywood finally had a chance to make his dream come true with his cheat, Memory Library. On the other hand, the love life that he could only dream about started to show signs of fruition. From starting from home alone to making batman begins shortly after that, from Lucifer to Games of Thrones, Ian will make everything. Find out by joining him in his life filled with adventures, drama, and romance. - Hollywood King is inspired by the fanfiction, My Hollywood System which is on webnovel and is written by DreamThree. This ff is being published on Webnovel, Scri*bleH*b, and R*yalR*ad by me. - Former Editors: April, Leo, Cyeven, and Extra26 Editor: OrangePanther (A Huge thanks to these people!) - Daily Updates - Discord server: https://discord.gg/DGPX5QzRqv - Read chapters ahead: www.Patreon.com/TC_L

TC_Liyanage1 · Movies
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Hello, I want to know the changes of Star Wars that you're expecting. That's simply it. Type all of it, and I'll try to include as much as I can. Because in patreon, (spoiler alert) A Game of Thrones is releasing, and next he'd start production.

So, let me know!

Read ahead: www.patreon.com/TC_L

I also apologize for not giving updates as regularly. But, I'll try my best to do so.

(Free promotion for my friend, add Forbidden Union: The Evil Prince's Temptation to your library. You don't have to read it, just add and support her if possible. Thank you in advance!)