
Hollywood: King of Commercial Films

[Original Title - Made in Hollywood ] from MTLNovel. There is also a copy of it in Webnovel by some other author. But both are not refined to be read by average reader. There are many movies whose names are not clear and choppy dialogues and monotone dialogues. The Novel contains 900+ chapters and completed in MTLNovel. If you like, go ahead and read there. It’s impossible to understand half of what’s written there. I am going to take this story and rebuild it from the ground up, creating a whole new experience. Take a look at my translation and editing work and compare it with the machine translation (MTL). If you think it’s good, please leave a review and Power stone to boost its popularity. I don't want anyone saying there is already this novel available in Webnovel and MTLNovel. If you don't want to support me, NO PROBLEM, just don't 1 star review bomb me and insult my hard work. That's all. [There is little 18+ content in this novel, Maybe I’ll give it a shot and add that, if I can.] This is my side project, so don't have high expectations for regular updates, but since this is a rework, it will take time. Hope you understand. Tell me your thoughts on the First chapter. And if you can please compare with the MTL. https://www.mtlnovel.com/made-in-hollywood/

Snake_Empress · Movies
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11 Chs

Ch 06. You are the Director, Duke

Hollywood: King of the Commercial Films

Ch 06. You are the Director, Duke

"You really wanna do this, Leah?"

Putting down his coffee cup, George Lucas broke the tranquil atmosphere of the cafe with his dazed words. He quickly lowered his voice fearing recognition.

"This is too risky!" Lucas insisted.

"Duke is my son."

Leah Rosenberg sipped her coffee slowly, her voice devoid of any reaction as she said, "I am well aware of how realistic Hollywood can be. If I don't help him, who else will?"

Her eyes, as dark as night, met George Lucas' gaze, exuding a sense of tranquility. "I'm just doing what I can as a mother," she said, determinedly.

"After you called me last night, I reviewed the script thoroughly."

Seeing his friend's uncompromising attitude, George Lucas quickly recovered his calm, explaining some most basic facts,

"If this script is going to be turned into a movie, it will undoubtedly demand a substantial investment of tens of millions of dollars. Duke and I had a talk. He had so many ideas for shooting this movie, and his editing method was super unique, but he doesn't have enough experience for big budget films!"

"George, give me an approximate number."

Leah totally ignored what George Lucas said in the end. She asked, "So, how much money does Duke need, according to your estimate?"

George Lucas observed his friend intently for a moment, then he absentmindedly stroked his iconic beard before speaking in a deliberate, measured tone. "If Lucasfilm makes this movie, they can pass on the special effects to the Special Effects and Visual Effects Department. They'll definitely do an amazing job. It can be done, but since Duke is a novice in this field, the number of challenges will inevitably increase, and I estimate that he needs at least 15 million US dollars to turn this into a good movie."

"As soon as possible, I will mortgage the two properties in Santa Monica and San Francisco to secure the funds."

Leah Rosenberg came up with this idea as soon as she saw the script, and after thinking it over for weeks, she made her decision. She went on to say, "Moreover, by adding a portion of my savings, it won't be difficult to secure $10 million. I'll come up with a plan for the rest."

"Leah, you're taking a huge gamble this time!" George Lucas warned her.

"George…" Leah's calm eyes finally revealed her fighting spirit,

"When we started our business, there wasn't a single decision that wasn't a gamble. Can you recall the circumstances during the filming of 'Star Wars'?The majority of individuals in Hollywood claimed you were a fool. The movie you shot was heavily criticized by film critics in North America, calling it garbage. But what happened after that?"

When his friend mentioned his best work, George Lucas couldn't help but smile, took a sip of his coffee, and asked her, "You really believe in Duke, huh?"

"I don't have any confidence," she admitted, her tone filled with self-doubt. "I am familiar with his past projects after all."

George Lucas was so surprised by Leah Rosenberg's words that he almost choked on his coffee.

"But as a mom, I'll do whatever it takes to give him a shot at success. Even if he doesn't succeed, I'll only lose two properties and a portion of my money, and I can handle that loss."

As George Lucas nodded slowly, her voice began to slow down, saying, "George, we've been friends for three decades, and I've never asked you for a favor before. The production and distribution there…"

"Lucasfilms Studio should take care of it."

Once Leah made up her mind to take on the significant investment, George Lucas gave up trying to convince her any further. He mulled it over and proposed, "If you take care of most of the funds, I can find the rest through other means."

Hollywood big shots like him have some influence and with it he can round up the remaining money.

After agreeing on the general aspect of the movie, they engaged in a more in-depth conversation about it. They didn't leave the cafe until much later.

Duke was completely in the dark about his mom's decision. Despite never losing hope, he knew he didn't have a chance to turn his script into a movie. He must find some other job to support himself so that he can try again.

He made contact with one of the associate directors who worked on the crew of "Hook". After a financial setback, Spielberg's crew received the much-needed investment and resumed shooting at the Universal Studios studio.

Duke was eager to rejoin the crew and experience the rare opportunity of observing the shooting of one of Hollywood's Big Directors at work.

Above all, it is essential for him to have a dependable source of income and to wait patiently for another opportunity.

Duke did consider seeking his mother's financial investment, but he didn't want to put any pressure on her. And he wanted to succeed on his own.

His mother had been there for him throughout his life, supporting him and assisting him during his university years. He couldn't ask for anything more. Along with that, his mother expressed her disinterest in the script as well.

Even if he goes back a thousand steps and his mom's on board to invest, it won't make a big difference without a film studio's support.

Without the backing of a film studio, assembling a crew is a challenging task on its own. Furthermore, even if the film was successfully shot, releasing it without their support posed a major obstacle.

The distribution company is the undisputed leader in this sprawling Entertainment industry, occupying the highest position in the hierarchy. Duke understood that signing a contract with the distributor alone wouldn't guarantee the necessary funds for the film, no matter how large they may be.

They'll handle all the Marketing work and If he dared to ask for a portion of the film's profits, they would promptly kick him out. Do those executives of the Distribution company lack judgment?

Keep in mind that he is completely new to this. Due to the risk involved, publishing companies are reluctant to finance projects by new artists where they do not have control over the copyright of the script. They don't do charity work.

Unless the film's copyright is entirely relinquished to the distributor, the pressing question remains: who will advocate for the inaugural project of a new director and what about the funds?

Thus, he requires the backing of established production companies or renowned producers. If his film is produced by a prestigious production company like 'Lucasfilms', all major obstacles will be resolved.

When it comes to producing his movie, Duke has a completely different concept compared to Lucasfilm and Warner. This means that the benefits for publishers and directors will greatly differ.

Why did a significant number of newly established directors decide to take the route of becoming a producer or joining a film studio? Because they needed those studio's backing to make their film a reality.

He got the job as a temporary worker on the crew of "Hook" movie set. Duke landed the job with just two phone calls and soon found himself walking into the bustling Universal Studios studio, ready to start his new job the following week.

Temporary workers like him are constantly moving around the set, never having a fixed position. They are responsible for handling all the crew's duties, even the grimy and physically demanding ones.

Similar to many Hollywood crews, there is a noticeable lack of harmony in the atmosphere of this crew. There's always fights happening, both out in the open and behind closed doors. The level of competition in this circle is incredibly high.

To get ahead, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to ascend, even if it means taking on questionable opportunities, especially for those who are aspiring for a big break.

Stephen Spielberg, the king of this set, faced funding problems that even a successful director like him couldn't escape. The shooting came to a halt while the crew desperately searched for new investment.

And of course there will be those who challenge Stephen's authority in the set, such as the heroine of the film, Julia Roberts.

Duke had witnessed the chaotic scene before the shooting stopped, where Julia Roberts, under the influence of drugs, engaged in a heated argument with Spielberg over something insignificant. She even bossed Spielberg around for a bit.

If someone hadn't intervened on set, there would have been a fight afterwards.

Due to funding issues and Julia Roberts already having filmed numerous scenes, Spielberg was unable to find a replacement for her. Yet, he couldn't help but consider the impact of Julia Roberts in the early to mid-nineties.

At the end of the day's work, Duke leisurely found a secluded corner, slipped out of his overalls, donned his personal jacket, and strolled along the narrow road lined with various buildings towards the parking lot.

Unlike the actors, temporary workers without status, like him, are not granted the privilege of enjoying special amenities like Trailers for rest.

Duke's back remained straight, defying the weariness of a long day's work, showcasing his unyielding resilience.

The sudden sound of brakes jolted him, and he turned to see a white SUV stopping right beside him.

"Hey, isn't that Duke Rosenberg?"

As Duke turned his head, he recognized the slightly familiar voice coming from Rick Salomon, who was seated in the driving seat of the SUV.

With a slight nod, Duke turned away from him and readied himself to depart.

"Hey Duke! wait!"

The loud honk of the SUV caught Duke's attention, and he turned to face Rick Salomon. In a booming voice, Rick exclaimed, "I heard you wrote a script and are still searching for investment in the various Hollywood studios. What do you think? Yo, director! When's the movie gonna start shooting?"

He was dripping with sarcasm. "Could it be that you started shooting your movie in Universal Studios? This is big news..."

Before Duke could even speak, Rick just pointed to the badge on his neck. "Do you see it? This is my crew pass to Universal Studios for 'Alien 3' movie! Just so you know, I'm in that movie as the supporting actor!"

"David Fincher's debut work with a Female Lead, right?", With a little smirk, Duke said, "Congrats."

Duke still had a poker face, not showing any envy or jealousy.

Rick Solomon, in his condescending tone, said, "You know what, Duke? My dad was talking about it the other day. Warner Bros. had a meeting to talk about your script."

Duke's raised eyebrows made Rick Solomon smile. "Too bad Warner Bros. rejected your 'Speed' !"

Rick gave the steering wheel a little pat and said, "Duke Rosenberg, looks like your Director dream is toast! Keep up the great work as a temporary crew member!"

All of a sudden, a car approached from the rear, clearly blocking his way.

Duke decided to take the lead and moved to the side of the road, but the car behind him didn't pass; instead, it stopped next to him.


A young woman in her early twenties stepped out of the vehicle. With blue jeans on her lower half, she wore a short-sleeved shirt adorned with stripes. She possessed a slender physique and a face that was truly eye-catching, featuring a distinctively shaped nose, captivating black eyes, and alluring lips. She had a wide smile that showcased her beautiful, pearly-white teeth.

"Hello, Sofia."

Duke gestured to the girl who emerged from the car. Despite their unfamiliarity, they have crossed paths multiple times at George Lucas's house. Her father is the famous film Director Francis Ford Coppola,

"What brings you to this place?"

"I am part of the crew working on the movie "Alien 3" as a temporary assistant to David Fincher." she replied to him.

"Hello, Sofia."

Rick Solomon appeared out of nowhere, stepping out of his SUV to greet her with a friendly hello.

"Hello there."

Sofia Coppola brushed off the excited smile from the other person, and gave Duke a strong nudge on the arm, saying, "I haven't congratulated you yet!"

"Congratulations?" Duke didn't get why she was congratulating him.

"I popped over to San Francisco to see Uncle Lucas yesterday. He mentioned you and said that your script is about to be approved by Lucasfilm, and you..."

Her tone carried a subtle touch of envy. "You are the ultimate candidate being considered for the director role."

"Is that for real?" At first, Duke had trouble believing it.

"Do you think I'm gonna lie to you?"

Sofia folded her arms, her eyes fixed on him as she confidently declared, "I am sure that Lucasfilm will notify you soon."

"Enough, let's move on."

With a nod towards her car, she instructed, "Hop in. I'll give you a ride to the parking lot."

When the two got in her car, Rick Solomon finally reacted, his voice filled with disbelief, "Hey, Sofia, are you kidding me?"

However, the only thing he felt was a gust of wind caused by a passing car.

After standing there in a daze for a few moments, Rick Solomon finally climbed into his SUV.

"How... How is this even possible?" Rick Salomon couldn't believe what was happening and began to question his entire existence.


[~2400 Words]

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