
Hollywood Fame and Fortune

Martin Davis, a gifted yet uncelebrated actor trapped in the mediocrity of his circumstances. However, fate takes an astonishing twist when he miraculously finds himself in the body of an impoverished youth in the year 2003. Determined to escape the clutches of poverty and relish in wealth and stardom, Martin sets his sights on Hollywood, a city that beckons with its extravagance and promises. With his cunning intellect and a disregard for traditional morality, he embarks on a relentless quest, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goal. As Martin navigates the glitzy yet treacherous world of showbiz, he leaves a trail of fallen adversaries in his ascent to becoming a global sensation. His journey is marked by unexpected alliances, moral dilemmas, and sacrifices that challenge the very core of his being. The story of his transformation, ambition, and the relentless pursuit of dreams, even if it means rewriting the stars. The unapologetic drive of the Martin has, and the timeless quest for fame and fortune. #Hollywood #Showbiz #America #Celebrity #Star #Reallife #Antihero

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Chapter 333: One Shot Tree Kills

The press conference had just concluded, and the entire crew and creative team of "Limitless" exited the Warner Building together.

Right outside the building's main entrance, Angelina Jolie hurriedly approached Jennifer Aniston.

Aniston paused for a moment.

The two women exchanged a loving look that seemed to mend a year's worth of grudges.

In a surprising turn of events, Jolie and Aniston walked towards each other, embracing tightly in front of a swarm of reporters' cameras. Even some crew members didn't anticipate this reconciliation, and certainly not in such a public manner.

Reporters swarmed around, eager to interview the reunited stars.

Aniston spoke, "I've always had a good relationship with Angie. All the conflicts arose from Pitt's deceit and manipulation. Pete deceived us!"

Jolie responded, "Jen and I had a phone call where we discussed everything. We went through it step by step and realized Pete was the culprit. He lied to us, hurt us, and many others."

With determination, she continued, "It's time to stand up, just as Jane and I did – 'Me Too.'"

Under the protection of security personnel, the two stars made their way through the reporters and entered a commercial vehicle waiting in the underground parking lot. As the car door closed and the curtains were drawn, they were shielded from the outside world.

Martin couldn't help but applaud, saying, "Ladies, your performance was outstanding!"

Aniston, with a happy smile, replied, "My acting skills have always been top-notch."

Jolie chimed in, "I've won an Oscar."

Anne Hathaway's smile froze, realizing she couldn't quite match their accomplishments.

Martin, showing his favoritism for Aniston, quickly changed the subject, asking, "Who do you think will come forward first?"

Aniston perked up, saying, "Jolie and I speaking out, followed by Brad Pitt, would be a devastating blow. It's also an opportunity for organizations like the Freedom Association, especially those in the left-wing circles advocating feminism, to create a high profile."

Jolie suggested a candidate, "Meryl Streep – she's always been one of the most active left-wing actresses."

The car eventually reached Martin's house, where Jolie and Aniston had been staying for the past two days. The ongoing landlord battle was highly entertaining and somewhat addictive.

Upon entering the living room, Martin quietly instructed Bruce, "Ask Ivan to inform TMZ to interview Meryl Streep."

Bruce nodded and added, "Where's the victim?"

Martin replied, "Have Ivan come forward and let TMZ and other tabloids exaggerate the compensation claims made by the victims against Pitt. Those who received hush money won't be able to resist jumping in to seek compensation, adding personal details that paint Brad Pitt in a negative light."

Bruce understood the plan, saying, "At this point, no one will question the truth. Pitt will have to shoulder all the blame."

Martin pondered and added, "Actually, before Paris Hilton, celebrities didn't have a strong awareness of preventing candid photos and recordings. There might be some incriminating information about Brad Pitt."

Bruce nodded and went to contact Ivan.

As Brad Pitt bore the brunt of the accusations, Martin, Jolie, and Aniston settled in and cooked hot dogs. Inspired by Jolie, Martin couldn't help but remark, "It's a shame Pitt can't watch the live broadcast."

But, there were bigger things afoot.

Over the past two days, people across the United States were glued to the TMZ website, where fresh developments in the Pitt incident were unfolding.

TMZ's traffic reached record-breaking levels, overshadowing all other entertainment and gossip media. They were determined to remain the top breaking news website, and Pitt was their prime target.

More victims stepped forward, some with evidence such as recordings and secret videos. While Pitt's hush money had initially silenced many, the shockingly high compensation figures published by TMZ and other outlets prompted others to come forward.

In the eyes of these individuals, if Brad Pitt was willing to lavish claimants with such sums, why were they settling for so little? They weren't willing to be cast aside.

As soon as the video of Jolie and Aniston's reconciliation appeared on the website, Judy reached out to the person most likely to amplify their message – Meryl Streep.

Adding insult to injury and tarnishing one's reputation was Meryl's specialty, honed over several decades.

Meryl declared, "I will support all the victims in this incident with practical actions. Women's legal rights should not be trampled upon in this manner. I echo Jolie and Aniston – 'Me Too!' From now on, I refuse to collaborate with any abuser in film and television projects or appear on the same show with them. Abusers deserve to be held accountable."

Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston had opened a door, and Meryl Streep's public stance showed many in the industry a path they were willing to follow. With an increasing number of testimonies against Brad Pitt, he found it increasingly difficult to defend himself.

Leftist actresses started joining the chorus of criticism against Brad Pitt, and words like "disgusting," "murderer," "sadist," and "bomber" began to appear in newspapers, one after the other.

Beating a man when he's down should never be too easy.

In just a matter of days, 'Me too' movement exploded onto the Hollywood scene like a force of nature.

This trend quickly reached the 'Babel" crew.

The movie had been screening since November, shown in double-digit theaters to carefully manage word-of-mouth and make a run at the Oscars. Within the crew, applications were submitted for Brad Pitt as Best Actor and Cate Blanchett as Best Actress.

The controversy surrounding "Nannygate" had cast a shadow over the film, particularly for Brad Pitt.

Left-leaning actresses began to voice their opinions, with Blanchett, a prominent figure, choosing to remain silent due to her connection to the "Babel."

In an office in Burbank, a public relations manager discussed the situation with Blanchett: "Cate, you used to be a leading voice among Hollywood actresses, like Streep and Jolie. But by remaining silent on this matter, your voice has been drowned out. Jennifer Aniston not only took your place but also became one of the leaders of the Me Too movement."

Cate Blanchett responded, "I've been concerned about the film..."

The public relations manager interrupted her: "I understand your concerns, but the reality is that unless you distance yourself from Brad Pitt, the crew and you will be further dragged down. Can you see how dire the situation is? Is there any chance of Brad Pitt getting an Oscar nomination in this climate? He can't even leave his Beverly Hills mansion!"

Cate Blanchett made a firm decision, saying, "Okay, inform the crew that I will not participate in any promotional activities involving Pitt."

She continued, "If the crew doesn't withdraw the Best Actor nomination, I refuse to take part in any film promotions."

The public relations manager picked up the phone to contact the crew's producer.

Later, Blanchett granted an interview to promote the movie 'Babel'.


In a Beverly Hills mansion, Brad Pitt was wearing electronic ankle monitors and standing on the top floor.

Outside, there were countless reporters and paparazzi gathered.

To add to the spectacle, a helicopter hovered overhead, filming the scene.

Brad Pitt reflected, "When was the last time I had this kind of attention? It was probably when I got married to Jane."

Brad Pitt descended the stairs and found his agent, Maggie, waiting for him in the living room. He asked, "What's the bad news?"

Maggie delivered the news, "Babel movie crew has withdrawn your Oscar nomination for Best Actor, and Cate Blanchett, the lead actress, has joined the Me Too movement."

Pitt sat down at his laptop, refreshing TMZ's webpage. He watched a video of Blanchett's interview.

She declared, "I will not collaborate with Brad Pitt in any future film or television projects, nor will I share the same stage or awards ceremony with him. I will not endorse any product associated with Brad Pitt."

Brad Pitt turned to his agent, asking, "Is there more bad news?"

Maggie revealed, "Warner Bros. has canceled the Venice Film Festival plans for 'Death of the Outlaw' and decided to postpone the release. David Fincher has explicitly refused your participation in his new project. Breitling is considering terminating your endorsement contract on legal grounds, and Cadillac is not only looking to end your contract but also intends to sue you for damages."

Brad Pitt slammed his hand on the table, exclaiming, "They're all backstabbers!" He continued, "Even if these accusations are true, they're the ones breaching contracts!"

Maggie calmly replied, "If you were a man, it might not be as complicated. But with your ex-wife and ex-girlfriend taking the lead, things have escalated."

Pitt inquired about CAA's stance.

Maggie informed him, "They advise you to reconcile as soon as possible. Delaying will only make matters worse. You can always recover financially, but if you're ruined..."

Pitt reached for his phone, dialing George Clooney. "Hi, George, I've run into some trouble recently. Could you help?"

George Clooney replied, "Brad, I'm limited in what I can do. I'll speak to the editor-in-chief of The Hollywood Reporter."


Brad Pitt called Matt Damon, but there was no answer. The same was true for Ben Affleck, Quentin Tarantino, and others.

It was as though he was no longer part of their inner circle.

In a last-ditch effort, Brad Pitt dialed Harvey Weinstein's number.

Harvey answered and expressed concern about the public opinion storm in North America. He mentioned his current location in Eastern Europe and the visa troubles he faced, implying he couldn't come to Pitt's aid right away.

He planned to stay overseas until the controversy subsided. The one thing he couldn't leave behind was his wife, Georgina.

Brad Pitt slammed the phone in frustration, realizing that helping someone in dire straits was far from easy.

Maggie looked at the shattered phone on the floor, feeling helpless.

CAA held a special meeting, with several partners believing that Pitt might not overcome this ordeal.

Pitt moved the mouse, scrolling down the TMZ webpage, revealing photos. They showed Martin Davis, Jolie, and Aniston dining together and enjoying each other's company, labeled as friends.

Brad Pitt muttered angrily, "Martin Davis, you didn't just take my girlfriend and wife, but you also stole my endorsement deals!"

Maggie watched the laptop screen and then the TV, her heart heavy.

Brad Pitt felt the weight of the world on his shoulders, slumping on the sofa, drained of energy.