
India Again

The interesting moments and the dull monotonousness of school eventually reached a pause with winter breaks and the Christmas season arriving.

To evade the jacket season and to supplement most of his voiceovers, Alexander traveled to India along with his grandfather.

However brief it may be, it would still be quite an enjoyable change of pace. After all, wowing his classmates with his great scores and childish coolness over and over again can be burdensome.

Walking along with their baggage in his best disguise, Alexander can't help but point out his grandfather's peculiarity.

"Grandpa! You've been smiling with your teeth out all flight long. I have to remind you that might stay on forever and you'll have to be recasted as Mr. Smile if ever we plan to extend the Kid Psychic storyline!"

"Haha! You mentioning Kid Psychic just makes me smile even more!" The way in which he said those words with his scary smile made Old Sullivan the airport pariah.

It didn't matter to him because he was at an all-time high with the bountiful good news he received.

"I get that the film reached some crazy box office statistic of half a billion but you don't have to rub it in the faces of the crowd." Alexander had to close in on him and whisper his advice. "We'll be targeted if you keep it up with the standing out. You know how the stereotypes of India go!"

"It is a good thing that Indian paparazzi aren't that up to date with news or we'll be mobbed by these airport goers." The boy had to tinker with his little shades to make sure he had them on.

Being mobbed by his little classmates was already scary enough, no need for adults to bring that fright factor to a whole new level.

"Both of us will still stand out even if we try to calm ourselves! American and Indian relations have never been as worse as it is." Old Sullivan still had his Smiling Titan creepiness on his face but he toned down his jovialness. "We already have Ganesh in front of us, so I am sure we'll be fine!"

Trusty tour guide and interpreter Ganesh was already waiting by the car, along with the trusty and concealed bodyguards that form the Creed entourage from the last visit.

Alexander traveled along towards their destination and compared and contrasted with how he had remembered the landmarks from last year.

Not much had changed but the sense of finding the difference between the past and present made the car ride quite enjoyable.

Their ride reached the Indian production buildings which could also be considered as Cosmic's international and secret outpost.

The Majors were scouring North America for the production studio that Cosmic is using. It is quite unfortunate for them that the Creeds had prepared to keep this place a secret for as long as they can.

Most rooms in these buildings were still film photoshopping and fine-tuning the latter Kid Psychic sequels but a majority of them had already shifted their attention to the Inuyashiki project: CyberGrandpa!

It is supposed to be a film that evokes people to respect grandfathers or the elderly as an implicit meaning, so Alexander felt it was apt to use 'Grandpa' directly.

As for 'Cyber', it is quite esoteric but it is more than enough to signify the outward showcase of the film- which is- pure mecha and visual stunts!

He had done his best to make the dialogues and scenes Oscar-worthy! Even though it would be disregarded at the Oscars due to the interventions, having a good story is necessary for a film.

This was a good move but Cosmic's true audience dragger is the visual effects way ahead of its era.

CyberGrandpa would stun them with its futuristic concepts of computers, cyborgs, wireless communication, AIs, and solar panels!

Alexander's clever use and subtlety to showcase the norm of the 21st century would hopefully compel the audience to go back over and over again to see what the future may behold.

It was a double-edged sword to know that DC's Cyborg still wouldn't be introduced by the 1980s but that only mattered on the geek side of society.

Psychics and human-skinned cyborgs are strategic plans to alleviate the alienation that the current mainstream audience against the niche geek culture.

When the world slowly gets used to the themes of Cosmic films, delving and showing them the world of super sci-fi, nerd universe, and epic fantasies would only be a matter of time.

The Indian team already had plenty of practice with three films, so post-producing a single robot-centric film is only a matter of forward-thinking discovery and improvements.

Producing realistic sheens of metal parts. Retracting and shifting said metal parts. Interacting said metal parts with another metal part.

Adding blue and red glows to the inner components and computerized visions.

Splicing Old Sullivan and middle-aged Christopher's bodies while maintaining realism.

Compacting those metal parts inside their human-skinned shells.

Adding explosions, lasers, air bullets, and air bullet-to-skin interactions.

Complicated film and editing processes that would take a while. This would mostly cost money and a lot of time to develop solutions!

Thankfully, the Bollywood cheap sweatshop wasn't approved by the two Creed devils for no simple reason.

The manpower and talent were desperate, cheap, and numerous! With Mark's expert guidance and control, it won't take much for this group of people to be able to produce the CyberGrandpa sequels if there were any.

It is important to note that these technologies and pieces of information could have advanced Bollywood a step ahead of Hollywood but the Creed's contingencies wouldn't allow their core advantage to be spread.

India's Caste system may be harsh but it played well to the cause of little Alexander and Old Sullivan. This headquarters location also remain undisclosed to outsiders since the moment it was rented.

After having most of their post-production overseeing done, the grandson-grandpa duo left the poor Mark for them to enjoy themselves again.

The duo was exposed to the cultures of India once again with another round of jungle shooting slash picture-taking, tiger fright, sight-seeing, and yogi training.

Consequently, it was another round of birthday celebrations and Christmas in a foreign land for the Creed trio.

Without a doubt, India was also where they greeted the New Year and the busy events that they may have to go through again.

Some would say it is a tiring lifestyle but the workaholic Creed family flourished in it like fish in water.

This is just going to be plain horrendous, silly, and more disgusting than my main trashy work.

You've been warned!

UniVerseLessOnecreators' thoughts