
Hollow Redemption

"Hollow Redemption" follows the haunting journey of a young boy named Alex, who has endured a life of poverty and tragedy. At the tender age of five, his parents were mercilessly killed by corrupt police officers, leaving him alone in the world. From that fateful day, his eyes have become lifeless, devoid of any spark or emotion.

YHUKA · Urban
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24 Chs

Embracing Connection

Alex slowly opens his eyes, greeted by the soft morning light filtering through the windows of their new apartment. His body feels stiff from sleeping on the floor, and he shifts slightly, causing a twinge of discomfort in his injured arm. As he adjusts, he notices Hannah sleeping peacefully beside him, her head nestled against his shoulder, her warmth seeping into his side.

A small smile tugs at the corners of Alex's lips as he watches her sleep. He realizes that during the night, their bodies had unconsciously gravitated towards each other, seeking comfort and closeness. He appreciates the intimacy of the moment, feeling a sense of connection with Hannah that he hadn't experienced before.

Careful not to disturb her, Alex slowly sits up, wincing as pain radiates from his healing arm. He takes a moment to stretch and shake off the residual sleepiness, then moves quietly towards the kitchen to prepare some breakfast.

As he busies himself with the morning routine, Alex's mind drifts back to the events of the previous day—their apartment search, the shared dinner, and the heartfelt conversations they had shared. He realizes that despite the challenges they may face, they have become more than just allies in their pursuit of creating Hollow. They have become a team, supporting each other through their individual journeys of healing and growth.

Alex prepares a simple breakfast, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. He sets the table, keeping Hannah in mind as he arranges everything with care. Returning to their makeshift sleeping area, he gently nudges Hannah awake.

Alex: "Good morning, Hannah. I made breakfast."

Hannah stirs, blinking sleepily as she adjusts to the waking world. A soft smile graces her lips as she took in the scene before her.

Hannah: "Good morning, Alex. You didn't have to do all this. You should have woken me up."

Alex: "It's no problem at all. I wanted to surprise you. Besides, I thought it would be nice to start our day together."

They share a warm exchange, the comfort of their shared space permeating the air. As they sit down to eat, their conversation flows effortlessly, a mix of lighthearted banter and deeper musings about their goals and dreams for Hollow.

With each passing moment, their connection deepens, and Alex can't help but feel a sense of contentment. They discuss their plans for the day, including making arrangements for their first official Hollow gathering. Alex feels a surge of excitement, knowing that their journey is just beginning.

As they finish their meal, Alex looks at Hannah, his gaze filled with gratitude and determination.

Alex: "Hannah, thank you for being by my side and believing in our vision for Hollow. I couldn't ask for a better partner in this endeavor."

Hannah blushes, her eyes shimmering with sincerity.

Hannah: "Alex, the feeling is mutual. Together, we can create something truly meaningful and make a difference in the lives of others."

With renewed energy and a shared sense of purpose, they clean up the breakfast dishes and prepare to face the day ahead. As they step out into the world, their bond fortified, they are ready to bring Hollow to life and embrace the challenges that lie ahead.

Alex woke up with a sense of anticipation in the air. It was the day of the underground event, "Shadows Unveiled," and he couldn't contain his excitement. As he looked over, he noticed Hannah still peacefully asleep, curled up next to him. A smile formed on his face as he appreciated the warmth of her presence.

Gently extricating himself from her embrace, Alex rose to his feet and stretched, feeling the numbness slowly fade from his arm. He glanced at the clock and realized they had overslept a bit. They needed to get ready quickly if they wanted to make it to the event.

With a renewed burst of energy, Alex headed to the bathroom to freshen up. As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, he noticed the fading bruise on his cheek, a reminder of the recent altercation with Hannah's father. The image stirred a mix of emotions within him—pain, determination, and a growing sense of strength.

Alex: (examining his bruise) "It's starting to fade. Good thing I can cover it up with some makeup. Can't let anyone know what we've been through."

He changed into the special clothes made from the fabric of his old garments, the ones that carried the essence of Sophia. The clothes held a special significance to him, reminding him of the hope and support she had given him in the past. He felt a deep connection to her spirit whenever he wore them.

Emerging from the bathroom, Alex found Hannah standing there, transformed by her dress and radiant smile. He couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty. Her hair was elegantly put up, accentuating her features, and her presence exuded a certain allure. Alex was momentarily lost for words.

Alex: (stammering) "Wow, Hannah... You look absolutely stunning. Like a vision."

Hannah: (blushing) "Thank you, Alex. You're not looking too shabby yourself. That new haircut suits you."

As they prepared to leave, Hannah reached into the freezer and pulled out a bottle of vodka, a mischievous glint in her eye. She suggested they have a little pre-event celebration, and Alex gladly agreed. They took a few swigs, feeling the warmth of the alcohol coursing through their veins, fueling their excitement.

Alex: (raising his glass) "To new beginnings and a night to remember!"

Hannah: (clinking her glass against his) "Cheers! Let's make this night unforgettable!"

They hailed a taxi and made their way to the venue. The line stretched long, filled with eager attendees waiting to immerse themselves in the vibrant atmosphere of the underground event. However, their connection to KOKO allowed them to skip the line, much to the envy of those waiting.

Inside the club, the music was pulsating, the lights were dazzling, and the energy was electric. They danced, mingled, and soaked in the artistic atmosphere, their spirits soaring. It was in the midst of this sensory overload that a unique figure caught their attention—a man with blood-colored hair, sunglasses hiding his eyes, and an artistic air about him.

Alex: (leaning closer to Hannah) "Look at that guy over there. He seems intriguing. Let's go and talk to him."

Hannah: (nodding) "I'm curious too. Let's find out more about him and see if he shares our vision."

They approached the enigmatic man, who introduced himself as Volg "The Artist" Krisker. He had a striking appearance, wearing a white button-up shirt, black pants and shoes, and white gloves that seemed out of place in the crowded club. His broken eyes betrayed a depth of pain and resilience.

Volg: (smiling warmly) "Well, well, what do we have here? A couple of kindred spirits seeking something more?"

Alex: "You could say that. We're part of a group called Hollow, and we're looking for fellow artists and individuals with unique perspectives to join us."

Volg: (raising an eyebrow) "Hollow, you say? That sounds intriguing. Tell me more."

As the three settled into a secluded booth, they delved into their stories, sharing their experiences and aspirations. Volg revealed his own journey—a tale of being sold to the Crimson Serpents, a ruthless gang, and his subsequent escape from their clutches.

Hannah: (concerned) "That sounds incredibly tough, Volg. How did you manage to break free?"

Volg: (with a hint of sadness) "I was lucky, in a way. The Crimson Serpents met their end at the hands of a rival group. But it left me scarred, both physically and emotionally."

Alex: "We understand pain and scars. That's why we created Hollow—to provide a sanctuary for those with broken songs, a place to heal and express themselves freely."

Volg: (intrigued) "A sanctuary... It's a beautiful concept. Count me in. I've been searching for a chance to embrace my creativity and find a family of like-minded souls."

As the night progressed, their connection deepened, and they formed a bond founded on shared dreams and aspirations. They laughed, danced, and forged new friendships, their spirits soaring high.

As the night progressed, their connection deepened, and they formed a bond founded on shared dreams and aspirations. They laughed, danced, and exchanged stories, their spirits soaring high. But amidst the pulsating music and vibrant atmosphere, Alex's thoughts turned to the next step—bringing Volg into the fold of Hollow.

Alex: (leaning in closer to Volg) "Volg, if you want to join Hollow, there is one ritual we have for all our members. You'll need to be branded with our symbol—a mark of unity and a brighter tomorrow."

Volg's eyes flickered with curiosity as he nodded, intrigued by the idea.

Volg: "Branded? What exactly does that entail?"

Alex and Hannah proceeded to explain the concept of the KOKO group to Volg—the family-like bond they shared, the common goal of creating a sanctuary for broken souls, and their role as a subsidiary group within the larger KOKO organization.

Alex: "KOKO is like a family. It's made up of the individuals working at the restaurant, but it goes beyond that. It's a support system, a community that takes care of its own. We strive to uplift and inspire each other while also maintaining our individuality."

Hannah: "And being a part of Hollow means being a part of that extended family. We work together, collaborate, and support each other in our creative endeavors. It's a place where our broken songs can find harmony and purpose."

Volg listened attentively, captivated by their words. He saw the potential for growth and belonging within Hollow, a chance to embrace his creativity and find solace in a like-minded community.

Excited to move forward, Alex dialed Ink, their trusted tattooist and a member of the KOKO gang. He explained the plan, and Ink enthusiastically agreed, telling them to come to the tattoo parlor right away.

As they made their way to the parlor, the anticipation built in their chests. Alex couldn't help but admire Volg's bravery in choosing an unconventional location for the tattoo.

Alex: (curious) "So, Volg, where do you want to be branded? Somewhere hidden or somewhere unique? You're probably the only Russian in the city, after all."

Volg paused for a moment, his gaze focused and resolute. He then surprised both Alex and Hannah with his response.

Volg: "The tongue. I want the symbol on my tongue."

Alex and Hannah exchanged shocked glances but eventually nodded in agreement. They understood Volg's desire for a unique and deeply personal mark.

As the tattooing process began, Volg's mouth remained open, his expression reflecting the discomfort and sensitivity of the tongue area. He endured the pain with determination, occasionally wincing as Ink worked meticulously to etch the symbol onto his tongue.

Once the tattooing was complete, Volg's tongue bore the symbol of Hollow, a testament to his commitment and the indomitable spirit that resided within him. As he spoke, a slight lisp emerged, a consequence of the new tattoo.

Volg: (with a hint of a lisp) "Th-thank you, Alex. Thank you, Hannah. I can alweady feel the weight of my past wifting. I'm weady to embwace this journey with aww of you."

Alex and Hannah smiled, embracing Volg's bravery and the unique symbol that now marked his dedication to Hollow.

With the tattoos complete, Alex, Hannah, and Volg left the parlor, their hearts brimming with excitement for the future. They knew that as Hollow grew, so too would their bond and the power of their collective creativity.