
Holiday Part Time Job

What happened when a group of three friends Riyan Shannon and Rick decided to vist goa beaches for holiday and started working part-time in a inn with mysterious seconds that harbors some creatures what happened if they go up there will they able to be save themselves

Luna_2006 · Horror
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 Exorcising the Thing

" I thought we were going to die, quit acting like your worried about me when you don't even know what I saw"

He screamed towards Shannon . What was he talking about he thought he was going to die ,what did he mean, that was nothing compared to the fear that he felt from hearing my story. Shannon and Rick were good friends and they never fight whenever Shannon messed with Rick he never loses patience and Shannon never experienced something like that either. It was the first time I see so flustered. " what do you mean by you were going to die, you were at bottom of stairs the whole time weren't you " I said 

Rick: " I was , I was watching you the whole time," he paused for a moment , looked at the ground and said " even now iam watching you"

Even now watching you what did mean what is he seeing, must have gone mad, he must be possessed by something. But despite that he looked confident but his voice was trembling " I was down the whole watching " 

Riyan: " you were watching me" 

Rick: " No , well yes at first I was , but as you were going up I saw something " 

Riyan: "ok" at first I don't wanna listen anymore but seeing yesterday how good I felt after telling my story to Shannon and Rick I have to do the same for him. " what did you see" Rick was quite for a moment and said " I saw a shadow "

Riyan: " a shadow "

Rick: " ya, but at first I thought it was your shadow but as you crouched down and started eating the food the shadow continued moving , I saw your shadow get smaller as you crouched and our shadows at our feet but that wasn't the only shadow moving about, there were 3 or maybe 4 others" I broke out in goosebumps, I wanted him to be joking, but the guy telling this was so serious that if I said he was joking he might beat the shit out of me. " I was the only one there and there is now way that four or five people were be able to fit in that small space , the stairs were only wide enough to fit a single person " i said 

Rick: " they weren't people even you gotta understand that much no matter how much u looked at it there is no way that they were people"

" what do you mean" I said panicking a little 

Rick: " they were stuck to the walls and roof like spiders and they were wiggling and and and..."

Rick's breathing started to labor " its ok calm down , calm down " Rick calmed down , he continued " they weren't people, they weren't people to begin with no I mean they were shaped like people but they weren't " didn't know what he wanted to say "something that was shaped like a human was stuck to the wall" I asked Rick nodded in approvement , my heart starting to pound so hard that it might come out , what he saw was didn't a shadow, there is no way a shadow could move around side to side and on roof even I they had been shadows there has to be something creating them even I know how stupid I was not seeing my surroundings and sitting on the ground shoving rotten food. That sounds that scratching and scraping was not on other side of door but right next to me that breathing as well. Rick turned to apologize to Shannon. Shannon: " Nah that was my bad, iam sorry too" 

Shannon: " hey said before you were still watching him" 

Rick: " ah! Iam sorry my bad , everything is fine" he smiled but it can't reach its eyes. There still something Rick was hiding but we were too scared to ask. 

A short while later we heard mia reading preparing breakfast honestly I had no desire to eat but I can't let them know something was fishy. We headed to kitchen for breakfast but Rick said he wasn't fine and ask for his laptop. 

At breakfast 

Shannon and I sat to eat and landlady asked with a wierd smile landlady: " did you sleep well" She said looking at me leg seemingly happy. I was frozen soild but Shannon patted my back and answered " yes" after breakfast we asked Mia to prepare some sandwiches for Rick. When we got back to our room Rick was talking to someone on phone so without disturbing him we sat quietly and waited for his call to finish 

Rick: " yes , 


 Ok , we will be there , thank you so much"

I looks like he had some place to go .

We that we grabbed Rick asked mia where Landlady was. After a short while se came I said with out further a due " iam sorry, but we want to quit" silence....

Landlady: " o you teens wanna quit its not like I can stop you, just clean your room and you can go then" that was pretty easy and it felt fishy but we got cleaned our room in an hour and grabbed our bags , as we bidded our farewell to them while going landlady gave us three envelopes of money and three pouches. Mia was on verge of tears but gave us a box of sandwiches. 

Mia: " I made enough for all of you, take care" 

Honestly if things weren't like this I would have been having adventures with mia today. But we left as our taxi came the landlady's husband offered us to send to railway station but we refused as our taxi left the place Rick gave taxi driver a slip 

Rick: " take us here"

Taxi driver: " it will be costly are sure you want to go there " 

Rick: " yes, we all need to ho there" he said with stern eyes

Taxi driver: " is man coming behind is your acquaintance he seemed to follow us for moment know" he get out of taxi to see it was the landlady's husband Ravi. 

Ravi: " you can't leave like that"

Rick: " I know we can't leave like that , we are going to temple"

Ravi: " you can try " 

I asked in confusion " what do you mean" 

Ravi: " you go up there hadn't you" I was shocked that he knew he continued " iam sorry I should have told you before, but if you leave know you will take that thing with you" 

Shannon: " are you mad you know about it from the start and didn't tell us about it , and what the hell is that thing"

Ravi: " I don't know, it's just black , you can see it Rick can't you" Rick sat down on road and started crying like mad . 

Ravi: " there no time to waste as Rick is in most danger right now " 

Rick: " please help me I don't wanna die " 

Ravi: " I know people who dealt it with one's I have talked to them I'll take you right there" 

Taxi driver: " sir is everything ok "

I paid him for the ride and get on Ravi ' s car. He driver fast he took us to a temple and then to a small room . A girl welcomed us in and take us inside. Inside there were 3 men sitting. 

On them said..