
Holiday Part Time Job

What happened when a group of three friends Riyan Shannon and Rick decided to vist goa beaches for holiday and started working part-time in a inn with mysterious seconds that harbors some creatures what happened if they go up there will they able to be save themselves

Luna_2006 · Horror
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 Going To The Second Floor

Creak creak creak.. ...

The stairs got noisier. And I felt like I was standing on something "bugs!!!" a chill ran down my spine but nothing was moving as I moved further up the two guys at bottom starting to appear as shadows because of lack of light. They kept there thumbs high to show me everything was fine. As I reached the end a foul smell assaulted my nostrils. " Argh!!" I had same reaction as Rick " stank" it was the smell of kitchen waste and sewage the I noticed the source of smell.

At the corner of there was a pile of food and flies were on it that I missed to spot first. Then half crazed I saw the door at end was bored with many planks that were nailed on it and that were covered with countess talisman's and on top of that was webbing of thin rope that of a spider web. To be honest it was first time I have seen a talisman but it was irregular that it was a mass of stickers with something written on it. I no doubt know that something was kept in there. And for the first time I realized that I made a mistake to come up here as I turn around I heard something from the otherside of the door it was like something dragged, ragged breathing my heart was going to stop " is someone there, who who is it " . I thought as I was a side character in some horror movie I should have just turned around and ran but I couldn't. I don't have courage nor the bravery to turn back. I couldn't do anything but stand on the spot. my eyes looked around restlessly as I was drenched in sweat. The sound on the otherside continued and I desperately tried to move but it suddenly stopped for a moment and everything felt silent and it wasjust foe a moment.


the sound was coming from above me from the ceiling. Even though it was coming from other side of the door but now it was directly above me I was screaming inside for someone to help me and just for a moment I saw something from corner of my eyes and contemplated to look or not but it was just Shannon and Rick. 

There voices finally reached me " hey hurry up and get down here" Shannon shouted " are u ok!" And then I came back to my senses and ran with lightning speed to our room. Shannon and Rick came behind me .

" hey are you ok , is everything fine" they asked with concerned faces bur I couldn't Answer as the sounds were still echoing in my brain. " did u eat something up there" Rick asked I didn't understand his Question and repeated it. 

Rick: " when you reached the top you crouched down right , we were trying to figure out what you were doing " 

Shannon: "it looked like you were eating something, stuffing your face yeh and not only that" Shannon and Rick pointed at my chest 'I was covered in dirt and it stank of rotten food I ran to the toilet in full speed and threw up, I didn't know what was happening. I had clear memories of reaching the top of stairs and the fear I felt there I didn't crouched down even ones and why on earth I would eat that rotten food there. Yet my shirt was covered with it and my hand gave evidence of that. 'Am I going insane' Shannon and Rick came to check in me.

" can u tell us what happened, this isn't like you" Shannon said. I felt like fear was going to get better of me but I didn't hold it in I told them bit by bit exactly what happened. What I told them was entirely different from what they saw. I noticed my legs were stinging. ' What the hell ' I thought I was covered in red and black peices of plastic 

Rick: " what's that" picking a peice and screaming and dropping it . Seeing this Shannon jumped back. Rick: "look closer at it" 

Shannon: "what is it you are freaking me out hear hurry up and tell" 

Rick: " they look like nails" I was over come with fear and a sense of ease as that voice from earlier was from nails. 

We couldn't be there any longer and decided to quilt. I said we will quit tomorrow. 

Shannon: " but what will we tell to the landlady, it's not like we can tell her that we go up there."

Rick: " idiot, we will just tell her that we want to quit" that night We were packed our things and placed our bedding close and huddled each other until we fell asleep. That night not a single one made any noise until morning. At morning my Alarm buzzed it was our usual waking time. Rick jumped frightened , he was a good guy at heart.

And night before said to me " you went way before the things I saw and come up to help you, yet I keep acting like this" but thinking about it now what did he mean by I experienced more frightening things than he did I got up there he down the whole time with Shannon, did he mean that me running down there with reckless abandon. Thinking about it normally he mean that my story was scary I just wanted to go home but after that Rick was seeing monsters in every shadow, look cuts at my legs like they are going to swallow him whole . Thinking something was not right Shannon was a bit sensitive seeing him like this he grabbed his arm and said: " hey are you ok, have gone nuts due lack of sleep" 

"Shut up" Rick screaming and throw Shannon's arm back. " hey what happened are you ok" I asked Shannon was so surprised to say a single word. Rick: " am I ok, why the would I be ok , I think we are going to die..."