
Holding Hands

After years of solitude and foggy memories, Bucky, also known as James Buckanan Barnes, Steve Rogers best friend, managed to escape Hydra's sinister plan. That is until he met Robin, an innocent young woman with capabilities beyond normal that attracts the attention of undesired people. ** I do not hold any credit for all Marvel characters, locations or events. Just the story and other characters.

EliasJMiller · Movies
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

They actually stayed three more weeks.

Three more weeks of Bucky hualing buckets, field machinery or crops. Robin was helping with food preparation and other fields chores. She learned a lot of their language and managed to get understood. Kids loved her and had her play with them when it was time to rest from the work.

She could finally let go a little more as her few admirers backed off one by one thanks to Bucky. One after the other, he went to see them and used his figure to scare them off. After what Robin told him their thoughts were about, he made it his mission to push them off. Standing closer to her, acting like her bodyguard. Robin felt as if he cared for her more than at the start of their bad luck.

And for the young women falling for the super Soldier, well they retired weeks prior when nothing seemed to attrack the man, who seemed to have eyes only for the female new comer.

Everything was going fine. Until the third friday of their stay.

They were working in the last field, getting the last crops of corn for the season, when they heard screaming. Robin managed to get some words. The soldiers were coming back.

Bucky ran to her, grabbed her hand and they ran to the hide out.

"Why are they here? They are not due until next week."

"I don't know, but it can't be for a good reason."

Bucky jumped in first and helped Robin in. As her two feet touched the ground, it hit her.

"Shit! My bag is on the bed! I got to hide it. I gotta..."

"What? Why is it out?"

"A kid spilled juice on it, I had to dry it. I got to get it before they see it!"

Bucky grabbed her to stop her.

"It's too late, we don't have time."

He forced her in the box, as she tried to leave. They heard the trucks park and men barking orders. Robin started to shake, knowing the trouble she put the entire village in. Bucky still had his arms around her preventing her to do something erratic. He started to whisper her song.

"Sunshine, Iollipops and rainbows..."

He didn't have a nice singing voice but he tried.

"I can feel all of their emotions... They are so scared, we have to do something..."

Bucky kept on whispering the song, until Robin frozed in his arms.

"Robin? What is it?"

She stayed silent trying to make sure she heard right. Unfortunately, she did.

"Someone ratted us out..." She stopped breathing. "They know about us."

She felt Bucky stiffened around her.

They heard shouts and crying before there was shots fired. Robin let out a loud gasp, Bucky hurried to cover her mouth with his fleshed hand hoping they weren't heard. But a soldier walking by heard them, pointed his gun towards their location but not knowing where they were exactly.

Bucky knew there wasn't another solution but for him to fight against the soldiers. He waited until the soldier was close enough to push the top off and jump on the man. He killed him in a few moves and turned to Robin who was frozen in the hide out.

"Stay here!"

He closed the box and ran in the village.

Robin stayed in the box crying. She could see the horror, hear the screams until there was nothing coming in from the villagers.

Everything was dark. Fear grew bigger and stronger. She had to check on Bucky. She had to help him. She jumped out of the box, no one was around. She saw a guard's body laying down close by. She knew he would have a gun on him. She hurried and took the handgun. She was going to protect everyone she could even tho she never used one before. She could hear the gun shots at the edge of the village so she ran towards the center, slowing down around corners, pointing her gun infront of her.

She wasn't far in when she heard the clicking sound of a gun behind her. She froze while the man yelled at her in the foreign language she couldn't still completely understand. She lifted her hands in the air and started to turn to face him slowly, but anger came over her after seeing how happy and excited the guard was. Using her mind to paralyse him, lowering her gun, she had only one idea, avenge the villagers. Her finger on the trigger, she was pulling it when she heard a gunshot and felt a bullet miss her by inches before entering the guard's head right in between his eyes.

Robin turned around, ready to use the gun on whoever shot the guard, only to have her gun pushed by a metal arm.

"That could have been you." He grabbed the gun from her hand. "I told you to stay there." He added angry.

"I had him! I could have taken care of him."

"You are not a killer. And this is not the time for you to become one." He pushed her behind him and kept on walking. "How many more?"

She lifted two fingers. Bucky sighed. He gave her the gun back.

"You wait here."

He walked around the corner and disappeared from her sight. She held the gun in front of her, ready to shoot if necessary.

There was a mix of emotions in her head, she wanted to cry but the anger was overtaking everything. She never held a gun in her life, but she surprised herself seeing how calm her hands were around the handle. She heard gunshots further, she decided to search for survivors.

Slowly she walked in the village, watching around for the soldiers. She passed the chief's house and that's where she found the dead bodies. Most of her new friends and their families were laying in the festive square as they like to call it.

Tears were filling her eyes. Blood drenching the ground beneath the bodies, she regretted having her powers. Nothing. Dark, emptied minds was all she sense. All she saw.

A voice came from behind her. Pointing the gun, she turned to see Juan Carlos, one of the men trying to wife her. He looked scared, mumbling in his language. She was in the process of lowering her gun when she realized that his face showed sadness but in his mind, he was excited, like a kid in the arcade as he wins a price.

When he saw she wasn't happy to see him and was still pointing her gun at him, he brought his right arm foward. Robin held her breath and without hesitation shot all the bullets she had, and more.

She was still pulling the trigger, tears running down her cheeks, when a metal hand came around her gently, grabbed the barrel and pushed it downward slowly.

"I'm sorry Robin." He put his arms around her, comforting her.

She let it out. Every tear, every sob. Once again, she was the reason people died. Everywhere she went, death followed her. Maybe she was cursed.

Bucky would have buried every single one of the villagers but he knew they were short on time to do it. Grabbing Robin by the wrist and pulling her to their little cabin, Bucky tried to be as gentle as he could but Robin was slowing him down for real this time.

"Enough Robin!" He almost shouted.

Startled, Robin jumped, bracing herself. She gasped in surprise and held her breath in, scared she made him hate her.

"I know you're devastated but we are a fugitive now. These are things that might and will happen to the people helping us. That's why you don't get close to people. We made a mistake staying here this long. Trust me, I'll never make that mistake again. But you gotta get over it faster. They are dead, we can't bring them back." He gushed the most important stuff and shoved then in their bags. "I know you're scared and sad. You have all the rights to be, but right now is not the time."

He grabbed their bags and headed to a small truck, opened the passenger door and let Robin in, put the bags next to her and they left.

They drove for days in silence, stopping only for fuel and food. Bucky was used to the silence but he knew it wasn't normal for his friend. Robin processing the new event and the meaniful words from Bucky. So he waited for her to be ready. It was only on the fifth day that Robin finally spoke.

"Where are we heading exactly?"

He smiled at the sound of her voice, she seemed back in her old self.

"Anywhere we can be free."

"Europe? I always wanted to visit some day." She smiled, looking outside the window.

He chuckled.

"It's a long way from here."


"Let me think about it. Cause it won't be that easy to cross the ocean."

"We'll find a way." She said with her head in the clouds.