
Chapter 42

"Have you heard anything?" Sienna starts to ask Jay, but he shakes his head. "I don't know, same as the last time you asked me – five hours ago."

Her shoulders sag as disappointment seeps in, it's been a year and a half since Antonio went undercover. He's been dark for a few months with no contact to Intelligence. She's going crazy, to say the least.

"You can't hate me for worrying about my husband"

Jay sighs as he hugs her tightly, "I'm sorry I snapped. I had a bad day at work"

Sienna pours another glass of wine for both of them as they sit in front of the fire pit of hers and Antonio's terrace, "Talk to me about it?"

He downs the glass of wine, "Mouse wants to go back"

"Back where?" She stupidly asks as she pours them the last drop in the bottle, she goes to the liquor cabinet in the corner of the white terrace to get another bottle of merlot.

"To Afghanistan" He opens the new bottle to pour them both their fifth glass. Neither of them is working tomorrow so the wine is flowing.

"When?" She frowns, suddenly forgetting all about her own problems.

"As soon as possible, he needs to get things cleared and then he's off. I lost my shit, I can't believe he's leaving me."

Sienna pauses, "I'm sorry, are you two in some sort of relationship I wasn't aware of?"

"No" He gives her a bewildered look as he waits for her to continue, "what do you mean he's leaving you?"

"Everyone left or is leaving or is dying Sienna. Erin, my mom, my dad, now Mouse."

"Mouse isn't leaving you, Jay. He's going back to fight for our country – something you and I need to respect."

"You and I aren't there to protect him anymore. We might get a flag"

The anger in her bubbles to the surface, "Don't ever say that. Mouse is a strong soldier. He doesn't need our protection, he can protect himself."

"I'm sorry I said that" He sighs, "I'm sorry. Everyone's leaving me, Si."

"Not everyone, Jay." She whispers, "I came back. Mouse can't stay in Chicago if he's not happy here. His life is in Afghanistan, not here."

Jay smiles, "Afghanistan isn't safe this year"

Sienna laughs, "Oh, and in the last few years it was a picnic?"

He smirks but she's the one who continues talking, "We need to let him go, Jay-Jay"


"I'm going to call Mouse to come hang with us" She smiles.

"Tell him to bring, like, 8 bottles of wine"

"Maybe tequila as well"

She laughs and calls Mouse who tells her he'll be there in a few with the alcohol.


Mouse's record got cleared by none other than Sergeant Platt, and he got deployed again exactly a week ago. Antonio finally shone some light, and Hank promised her he's safe.

She just finished another double shift – the 10th one these two weeks – and Sharon finally reprimanded her to stay home for the next week. Sienna, apparently, exceeded her limit three days ago.

Her phone rings, she frowns in confusion when she sees the caller ID.

Ryan – Antonio's head trainer

"Hey Ry"

"On my way"

Oh shit, oh shit. Antonio will be beside himself if something happened at his gym.

She drives off to the gym and rushes in.

"Hey Ry, I'm here. I don't know how much help I'll be, but I'll do what I can."

She frowns at the empty gym, "Ryan?"

"Ry?" She drawls out dropping her pink bag on Antonio's desk.

"You look beautiful" She spins around and gasps in shock when she sees Antonio walking in. "I told Ryan to call you"

She starts crying, "You're back?"

"Of course I am"

She leaps into his arms and hug him tightly, pulling away a few minutes later just to kiss him. The couple is still in each-others' arms.

"You were gone for a year and a half" She cries as she kisses him again. "Are you okay, did they hurt you? You look a bit skinny, did you eat well?"

He chuckles, "I'm just fine. I'm just perfect being in your arms again"

She sniffs and kisses him softly, "I love you Antonio Dawson. Please don't leave again"

"Not anytime soon baby, not anytime soon."