
Chapter 41

"I'm worried about him babe" Sienna whispers in bed three evenings later. Jay got discharged into Sienna's care so he's currently occupying their guest bedroom.

"He'll be fine"

"I don't think so" She whispers, "I've seen that look on his face only once before and I almost lost him that day. I'm not risking that again."

Antonio kisses her temple, "Then we're there for him. We help him, we get him out of this funk."


"Antonio Dawson" Sienna scolds as soon as she walks into the house after work. She hears Jay's laugh and Antonio's faint 'uh oh'

"Hey baby"

"No, no. No 'baby', when were you going to tell me that you were going undercover?"

Jay wordlessly excuses himself with a smirk as Antonio flinches under Sienna's gaze.

"Uh, now?"

"I swear to God, Antonio-"

His brown eyes widens at the tone in her voice. The tone screams 'if you so much as try to bullshit your way out of this I will kill you'

He raises his hands in a surrender, "I honestly was going to tell you today. First I want to know who the hell blabbed?"

"It doesn't matter"

"It does" He says, so he can kick them in the fucking ass.

"Kim told me, she thought my idiot husband had already told me so she was just seeing if I was fine."

He sighs, "I just heard about it yesterday and you were on call so I couldn't –"

"Now you're making excuses?" She bellows causing Antonio to shrink, "Of course not."

"When are you going; what's the case; where are you going?"

He smirks at her, "only a neurotic person asks three questions in one sentence"

"Antonio, answer my question"

He sighs, "A week from Friday, I'll be undercover as an ex-jailbird that's trying to get some money. They run a prostitute ring out on the South Side."

"Will you be safe?" She frowns, at a loss of words.

"I'll always be safe." He walks up to her and kisses her forehead, "I'll come back to you like I always do."

Sienna nods, "I love you"

Antonio lifts her up in his arms and kisses her long and hard on the lips, "I love you too my perfect wife."


"So what's going to happen to family talk now?" Maggie asks at Molly's as she and Sienna enjoy a beer or three, four days after Antonio left.

Sienna shrugs, "I don't know Mags, every time we get close to actually calling the agency something gets in the way. Whether it's the gym, or work or Jay getting surgery – I'm starting to think it will never happen."

"I'm sorry Si"

"It's fine" She smiles, "How's it going with you and the fireman?"

Maggie shrugs, "early days. We haven't even gone on a first date"

Sienna smiles cheekily, "I need more than that, Mag"

The nurse chuckles, "There's nothing to tell. I like him, I think he likes me. He's a gentleman, and patient as hell"

Sienna shrugs, "and he's hot"

"You're married" Maggie points out with a raised eyebrow.

"I have the hottest man of them all – but I still have eyes"

Maggie sighs, "I don't know Si, I'm not ready to give myself to a man. I like being independent"

Sienna finishes the last few sips of her beer and then gives Maggie a look that screams 'are you stupid'

"Just because you like a guy – maybe fall in love with him – doesn't mean that you lose your independence. It just means you're sharing your life"

"I'll think about it."


It's been 9 months since the last time Sienna saw Antonio – he's deep undercover so there's no way she can even think of sending out a message to him.

After work on a late Tuesday evening she drives home, passing an adoption agency. Sienna sighs loudly as she watches a woman walk out with her husband. They're smiling as she talks to him. Sienna parks at the nearest parking and walks into the agency. She walks to the nearest receptionist.

"Good evening ma'am, I want to inform you that we're closing in a few minutes"

Sienna nods, "I won't be long. Can I get a brochure for an adoption?"

The receptionist hands her one with a warm smile

Sienna thanks her and walks out of the agency.

It's time to take the next step.