
Chapter 15

Weekend fun is over; she barely got to the hospital when she got a call over the radio from dispatch.

"Copy that."

She immediately pages 911 to her trauma team and soon they're hauled up in two ambos speeding to the scene. She lays down the law again to her team.

"What happened?"

"Bus crashed into a truck, 30 people injured. CFD is still busy getting people out of the vehicles. I think there's a lot more." Gabby explains.

"Alright" She turns to her team, "Spread out, go, go, go"


"We've got three more victims coming out" Mouch yells as he brings another patient.

"Put him there" Sienna instructs the firefighter as he brings out a severely burned patient.

She treats him as best as she could but unfortunately he succumbed to his injuries so she gives him a black toe tag and moves on.

They continue on until everyone is out of the vehicle. Unfortunately only 10 survived out of the 38 people.


Sienna has just finished surgery on a guy that had a speed skate lodged in his head when Maggie's substitute nurse runs in.

"Roberts, dispatch call for you at District 21."

"Did they say what's the emergency?"

"No, dispatch just called in – they need hands. There's a patrol car waiting outside for you."

"On it, thanks"

She grabs her field equipment and runs out of the hospital.

Adam Ruzek is waiting for her outside briefing her on the way up to Intelligence.

"GSW to the heart, he's bleeding out"

"There wasn't time for an ambo?" She pulls on her scrub coat and gloves.

"No" Adam explains, he leers her over to the victim in the interview room.

She crouches down next to the patient gasping out for help.

"Hi, what's your name?"

The young man coughs out his name, "Phil"

"Well Phil, I'm going to do something now that will hurt like a bitch but you gotta hold on okay?"


She pours alcohol over the gunshot wound and grabs a scalpel. He yells out loudly as she cuts him open.

"I know it hurts buddy, but you gotta hold on alright?"

She turns to Adam who is still standing there behind her. "I need you to hold him still"

"Yeah, yeah, okay, cool" He rambles coming up to hold the boy's body still.

Sienna puts the mask filled with Nitrous oxide onto his face and then searches for the bullet. "The bullet is lodged in the right atrium, it's an easy fix."

She pulls out the bullet, immediately suctioning the blood and repairs the atrium injured.

"What happened here?" She asks, "I'm just a naturally curious person"

Adam smirks, "Top secret."

"Damn" She pouts. "Well, this guy is going to be fine. I'm going to call in for him; then I'll be out of your hair"

She quickly radio's it in to dispatch and soon Phil is loaded in an ambo.

"Are you still on shift?" Adam asks

"Yeah" She smiles, "I'll see you later Adam. Good luck"

He nods, "Bye."


She drives off to Antonio's apartment after shift and finds him in the kitchen cooking.

"Why do I always cook if you're so good at it?" She teases him after giving her fiancé a kiss on the lips.

"My ma always told me to only tell special people my secrets. I first had to make sure you fit the criteria" He jokes

"Hardy har har" She rolls her eyes and kisses him again, "It smells delicious, what are you making?"

"Paella Valenciana"

"Sounds delicious" She wraps her arms around his middle from behind, "You look sexy cooking food detective"

"I look sexy period"

Sienna rolls her eyes as she grabs a bottle of water for herself, "Your ego just gets bigger and bigger"

He chuckles, "I heard you operated on the GSW in our interview room today"

"Yeah" She gulps down the water in one take, "He's going to be fine. I checked him just before I finished shift."


"You're not going to tell me what happened, are you?"

Antonio laughs, "Sorry babe. No"

"You suck"

Antonio smirks bending down to peck her lips, "I do not. Stop whining and come eat goofball."

"Yummy" She pours them both a glass of red wine and sits down at the dinner table.

Sienna moans when she puts that first bite in her mouth, "This is delicious, babe. Wow, from now on you're cooking every day"

"Nope" He deadpans, "I am not."

"God, I can't stop eating" She finishes her bowl pouting that it's finished.

"You want seconds?" Antonio chuckles at the pout on her face.

"No" She sighs loudly, "I need to watch my figure"

He rolls his eyes, "I'm not going to comment because anything I say right now would get me in trouble."

After they washed the dishes Sienna wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him on the mouth. He picks her up and walks back to the couch, never breaking the kiss.

"Thank you for dinner baby" She purrs as she takes off his shirt.