
Chapter 13

Sienna gets ready to leave when Chief Boden runs up to her.


"Hey Chief, Herrmann's going to be fine"

The chief smiles, "I heard, that's great news. Listen I talked to the Chief of Paramedics, he investigated further into this Peter guy. Indiana where he's from had complaints made about him for sexual harassment to his partner. He got pink-slipped but the case went cold. We're getting him fired from the job and he's getting arrested for negligent homicide."

Sienna smiles, "that's good to know. Thank you chief for looking into this."

"I respect anyone trying to save our city. That man wasn't one of us, and I'm glad he's off the streets."

"I do too. Chicago's going to sleep better tonight"

Antonio is waiting outside the hospital for her, all dressed up in a beanie; leather jacket and that skin-tight black shirt he always wears.

"Hmm, I have a sexy man"

The detective chuckles as he wraps his arms around her waist, bringing her in for a soft kiss. "That is one hell of a welcome"

"What brings my boy over to my neck of the woods?" She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him again.

"I missed you. I just finished shift."

"I missed you too."

Antonio throws an arm around her neck steering her to her car, "Jay dropped me off; you want to go to Molly's – everyone's there?"

"Sounds good" She agrees, "I can go for a beer or two."

He smiles planting a kiss on her cheek. "I hope you know you're staying with me tonight?"

"Oh I am?"

"Yeah" He smirks at her, "You don't have a choice."


When they get to Molly's Gabby immediately walks up to Sienna. "Sorry bro, I need to borrow your girl here"

"I just got her" Antonio whines throwing his arms up. The pout is evident on his face.

"Go play with the boys" She scoffs

"We don't play" Antonio continues whining but Gabby ignores him while Sienna laughs. She turns around as Gabby steers her away. She looks at her pouting fiancé and mouths 'I love you'

He finally smiles and walks to Jay.

"Come on, we're talking wedding"

Sienna teases, "I don't see you as the kind of girl that likes talking flowers and cake"

Gabby clutches her heart in mock insult, "I'll have you know I'm all about sunshine and roses nowadays"

"Hmm" Sienna grins playfully, "Is it because of a certain lieutenant?"

Gabby gives her a look, "There's nothing going on with me and Matt"

"Well there should be" The doctor deadpans. Her grin widens when the paramedic's eyes light up.

Maggie; Erin and Natalie are in the corner.

"I bought you a beer," Natalie says. Sienna smiles, "Thank you"

"So" Maggie starts, "Si, this is Becky, my cousin's cousin I talked to you about. Becky, this is Sienna – the bride."

Sienna beams and holds out a hand for Becky to shake. The older lady smiles, "I've heard only good things about you"

"All lies" Sienna teases

"So let's start talking wedding" Becky grins. "First things first – when is the wedding?"

The girls laugh at the clueless emotion on Sienna's face, "we haven't yet talked about it"

"I told you she was a lost cause" Maggie grins causing the girls to laugh.

"Come on Si, it's time to talk about these things" Natalie remarks

"I know" exclaims Sienna with a loud laugh, she looks at the girls in front of her, "what I can tell you now is I have already picked my bridesmaids and it's these girls in front of me. So if you four would do me the uh, honour, of being..." She trails off when the girls all beam at her.

"Si, we would love to be your bridesmaids."

The girls all agree with Erin causing Sienna to smile, "awesome, and I also know who's I want to give me away – Jay, my best friend."

Becky smiles as she writes it down, "that's great. It's a start. Talk to that fiancé of yours, girl."

"I will"

"Speaking of" Maggie nudges her head to the side where Antonio and Jay are walking towards them.

"Oh well, here they come."

"Which one is yours?" Becky asks

"The one with the earring" Erin smirks, "the other one I wish were mine."

Sienna looks at Erin, "he can be" she negotiates, "he really can be, all you two have to do is kissy kiss make-up"

"Shut up" Erin smirks tossing a lime at Sienna. The blonde laughs as the guys near them.

"Can I have time with my girl now sister?" Antonio raises his eyebrow. Jay kisses Sienna on the cheek and sits down next to Natalie.

Antonio is still standing next to his fiancée smirking as his sister scoffs. "Fine, but then you guys better get us some more drinks."

Antonio rolls his eyes, "beer everyone?"

Upon the girls agreement him and Jay walks back to the bar to get beers for the girls.

Becky sighs dreamily, "Guys in the Windy City are so much hotter than in Indiana"


This weekend is bestie-time, like Sienna had told Antonio when he was whining why she's not staying over. She's off shift for the weekend as are Jay, so the two are spending the weekend at home.

"Okay best friend, I brought plenty of alcohol; snacks and pizza." Sienna grins as she walks into the apartment Friday evening after her shift.

Jay grins, "Awesome because I brought alcohol as well. It's gonna be a good weekend"

"Hey, before we get drunk and I chicken out on asking you this question" Sienna starts throwing her legs over his lap.

"What's up?"

She smiles nervously, "Uh I, you're the most important person in my life. Well, you and Antonio obviously. But if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here today. You saved me ten years ago and since then I don't know what I would do without you. I love you Jay, so much."

"Fizz, I'm honoured but you're not my type" Jay jokes. She rolls her eyes throwing a pillow over his head. "I'm serious here idiot"

Jay chuckles, "I love you too, goofball, now ask me that question that's giving you all the wrinkles."

She smiles, "Will you give me away at my wedding?"

Jay's smile turns teary; he walks over to her hugging her tightly. "Of course I will give you away."

"Let's stop with the emotional shit now" He continues, "Let's drink"

"I'm down for that"


Loud laughter rings through the house as Jay tells her something that happened at work. Both of them know it's not that funny, but they are drunk and having fun.

"Let's play a game" Sienna suggests downing the last sip of her beer.

"What game?"

"I don't know, let's google search a game" She searches for a game on her phone, "What about Pictionary?"

Jay laughs, "We're only two people, you think we can play Pictionary?"

"Why not" She challenges running up to her room to get the white board she uses for training medical students. She grabs a black marker and loads it up into the living room.

"The app gives questions, you want to go first?"

"Yeah" Jay stands up taking the phone from her, "Ooh, this is a good one." He grins.

He starts drawing salt and pepper shakers; well it's supposed to be.

"Uh, bananas?" Sienna asks grabbing a slice of pizza.

"No, not even close." Jay laughs

"Gimme a hint"

He sighs and draws a steak

"What the hell is that?" She laughs

"Can I talk?" Jay asks laughing, "You suck at guessing"

"You draw like a baby; no I'm sure a baby draws better than you"

"Shush, just guess." He draws speckles over the steak.

"Uh, salt?"

He nods his head frantically and points to the other shaker

"Salt and pepper?"

"Yes!" Jay cheers throwing his arms in the air laughing as Sienna does the same.

"Well done Jaylin, well done."

He grabs a slice for him as well and downs a tequila shot, "You're next."


A few hours later after many rounds of Pictionary and three movies, the two are watching a Telenovela on TV but neither of them are really listening.

"Have you told Antonio what happened in Afghan?"

"No" She sighs, "I want to, I just don't know how to."

Jay looks at her, "Si, he's not going to run. Just tell the guy"

"How do you I tell the guy I love that?"

He wraps his arms around her, "for three years you were on my ass to go to a councillor for the hostage situation and the explosion. Now I'm on yours"

She laughs, "I'll tell him, I promise."

He nods his head and grabs another slice all while Sienna looks at him. "Speaking of that, how's the counselling going – you know, thought I should also give it a try?"

"You sure you're not just checking up on me?"

Sienna chuckles, "So what if I am?"

"I uh, I stopped going"

"Oh Jay" She whispers, "Why?"

Jay's eyes water, "I just can't Fizz, I can't relive that. All the men we lost. I just can't."

"I understand" She breathes out, "You don't have to talk to a stranger but you should talk to me. You can always talk to me, okay?"

"I will. Love you Fizz"

She gives him a kiss on the cheek, "I love you too."