
Hold Me Close While We Glow

If having to run away from the person you dearly love isn't enough of a heartache, having to run to another country to build a life without him would cause you enough damage. As if that wasn't enough, getting to know that the remnants of the man that you don't ever want to see in this life again are growing inside you is heart-shattering. Bexley, however, decided to have the child, the child an imprint of what once she had felt for him… But, boy, never has she thought she would see him again on the doorstep of the tavern she works at. And here she thought life was finally taking mercy on her as it only offered love and contentment into her life after Bexley became a mother. Now… His coming back is not for good. Or is it? Was it all some mere misunderstandings rooted in desperation for something good that forced her to flee and seek a life of peace?

oceaanblues · Urban
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16 Chs

Shimmering expanse of water...

Summer, eight years ago, in Loch Cliff.

"Do you wanna go to the lake?" He asks, surprising both Merette and even him seeing the slight wideness of his eyes, she guesses.

With a curt nod of her head, she utters, "Yeah…"

In the corner of her eyes, Merette sees Nana giving the boy a look. Eagerness courses through her veins as she takes a step forward, looking at the boy standing a few feet away from her, expectantly.

"I can take you." He utters, nervousness flashing in his bright green orbs, though he doesn't break her gaze. Merette stares at him with her mouth agape.


Did she hear it right? Did he really say he would take her to the lake? But they are not friends yet, they don't even know each other.

There are so many questions swimming in the back of her head, but before she can find answers to all of them, she's saying, "Now?" For a moment she feels as if the boy and she are the only ones in the front yard, her eyes can't leave him.

The boy's shoulders curve into a shrug, lips pressing tight together with a quirk on the one side, "If you want." He mutters. A blush creeps up to his cheeks, coloring the tan skin.

Excitement sparks into life from the pit of Merette's stomach, lips stretching into a big ass smile. "I want to!" She exclaims. God, she missed it there, truly. It's been two days since she went there.

She misses Alaida and she's positive her friend misses her too. She misses the cold water cooling her hot skin. She misses the setting rays of sunlight on her face. She misses the hands of the breeze that embrace her in welcome.

All her exhilaration comes to a sudden halt when Nana's voice cuts through the blissed haze of her mind. "Not now, May." Merette's eyes snap up to her Nana, she shakes her head no, then adds, "Maybe some other time. It's getting late, you know how far the lake is."

When her eyes find the boy again, he's looking at Papa as if asking for his help. He reaches a hand out to cup the boy's shoulder. "Your dad's going to be mad if you stay out late."

"Dad's out of town for some conferences." He says, worried eyes boring into Papa's. "And it's not that late yet." He adds in a whisper.

And Merette's heart gives a particularly hard thud against her chest at the effort he takes to stand up for Merette, just to make her happy. Jeez Merette, you guys only met, maybe he's just casually asking. She scolds herself.

Papa's face paints a pensive expression, as if he's thinking hard if he could let them go. After some moments looking at him without blinking, Merette watches as her Papa opens his mouth, "Umm, be quick." His eyes cut to her, "May, not after seven, okay?"

"Fine!" She squeals, bolting down the steps to get to her Papa. She collides with him and wraps her arms around his middle. "Thank you so much, Papa! I love you!" She smacks a kiss on his cheek.

"I go chu!" Kanaila lets out, nodding her head in determination.

Merette looks up at her old man, "You take care of her." She says, laughing out and without a thought, grabbing the boy's hand and running toward the gate. Calling out to her Nana a "See you."

From behind a wind carries her Papa voice to her ears, "We go to the store down the street, yes, my baby? Papa's gonna buy you your favorite candies! How does that sound? Gooodd, huh?" His melodious laugh along with her sister's cheerful squeal and 'yeh' makes a smile bloom on Merette's pink lips.

As Merette and the boy rush towards the gate, excitement fills her. She looks at the boy, their hands together, and sees he's eager too. It startles her to think that a shy girl like her dares to hold hands with someone she barely knows, someone she doesn't know at all. But there's something running deep under her skin, she can't name it yet. But it gives a comforting feeling that Merette doesn't feel like doing something she shouldn't do.

It's a warm summer day, and the promise of an adventure at the lake makes her heart race with anticipation. She can't help but feel grateful for this unexpected invitation.

"Thanks for taking me," Merette says, her voice breathless with excitement.

"No problem," the boy replies with a grin. "I like to go to the lake too. And I would definitely like some company." He shoots her a wink.

Merette snaps her head away, flush heating up her face.

Their steps quicken as they make their way towards the lake, the dusty path beneath their feet leading to a late afternoon of exploration and fun. As they walk, Merette talks animatedly about what she always does in the shimmering waters of the lake which consists of endless swimming and fun tasks.

"What's your favorite thing to do at the lake?" Merette asks, curious to learn more about her new companion.

"I love skipping stones," the boy says, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "There's something so satisfying about watching them skim across the water."

Merette nods, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Yep! It does. I do it when I'm alone at the Lake."

Finally, they reach the edge of the lake, the shimmering expanse of water stretching out before them like a welcoming oasis. With a shared look of excitement, they wade into the cool water, laughter bubbling from their lips as they splash and play.

As the sun begins to set, casting a warm golden glow over the lake, Merette knows that this day will always hold a special place in her heart. It's a reminder of the simple joys of friendship and adventure, and she's grateful to have shared it with her newfound companion.

And she's sure as hell she's going to come back here with this new person. Her new friend… she hopes she could call him that.

Hope you're ready to dive more into their past ;)

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