
Hold Me Close While We Glow

If having to run away from the person you dearly love isn't enough of a heartache, having to run to another country to build a life without him would cause you enough damage. As if that wasn't enough, getting to know that the remnants of the man that you don't ever want to see in this life again are growing inside you is heart-shattering. Bexley, however, decided to have the child, the child an imprint of what once she had felt for him… But, boy, never has she thought she would see him again on the doorstep of the tavern she works at. And here she thought life was finally taking mercy on her as it only offered love and contentment into her life after Bexley became a mother. Now… His coming back is not for good. Or is it? Was it all some mere misunderstandings rooted in desperation for something good that forced her to flee and seek a life of peace?

oceaanblues · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

A call from home 2

Now, in Angel's Cloud.

"What?" Marianne's wavery voice reasoned through the line.

Merette takes in a deep breath, then says it again. "I saw him here, in Angel's Cloud." Saying it out loud in the open air for the world to hear makes her realize it's real, that it actually happened.

That she saw Kaiser after spending all these years hiding from him…

Merette's throat bobs in a gulp, chest feeling tight suddenly. A gasp sounds from the other end of the line, along with a string of curses. "What in the fucking hell? You— it doesn't have to be him. Maybe you've been mistaken by some lookalike. Wait— you certain it's him?"

Marianne's voice is hurried, she stumbles over the words in a rush. Merette could almost see the surprised expression painting her sister's face. She let the breath that crushed her lungs out in a sigh. "I'm certain enough, Merry. We— we talked."

"Shit!" Marianne almost yells through the phone and there's a sound of shuffling on the other side as if she'd jump out of the seat and start to phase the room. "God— you okay, May? How does it go? What do you guys talk about?"

Merette let a sigh slip through her lips, walking toward the stool she seated before the call, her feet feeling too weak to have this conversation while standing. She doesn't think they're strong enough to hold her up.

"It was not so good, you know, seeing the one I loved so dearly after I left him to rot in the hell." She whispers, lowering herself on the stool, hands brazing the kitchen counter.

"Gosh, Merette! You make it sound like you are the one who did something so terrible. As if it's you at fault. It's not your fault that you decided to leave him, even with an aching heart that I must add. He's a God-forbidden Mafia boss. It's not your fault to not want to engage with someone who's the devil himself." Marianne sputters her words out, fury clear in her deep tone.

"I know. I know, Merry. He— he wasn't like what we thought he was. I can't even believe he's the same Kai I fell for. But he loved me dearly. Maybe… maybe he still does."

Merette hears her sister heave out a sigh, "I don't even know why he decided to pursue his father's path when it was clear as hell won't do him any good."

Merette stays silent for a few seconds, mind reeling back to the time when Kaiser was still her boyfriend, the best guy she has ever known. She still remembers the time when Kaiser came to her one night, telling her about joining his father's clan because apparently, his father wanted him to.

Merette remembers the pleadings she did, the scolding she did, everything she did to talk him out of that option, to not get into the Mafia.

Kaiser stood mute all the while she talked, even though he didn't promise her anything, Merette still foolishly hoped he would do as she said.

"I begged him to not get into his father's deeds." She breathes, carding her fingers through the loose brunette curls of her hair. Her heart feels heavy inside her chest thinking about her past love.

"At the end of the day, he chooses not to listen to you and do as he pleases." Marianne provides, voice hard as if talking about him drains every ounce of softness out of her system.

"He was good to me," Merette whispers, she doesn't even know why she lets those words out of her chest, but it still does as if she doesn't have the power to hold them back from stumbling out of her mouth anymore. Her heart gives a sharp thud against her rib cage, palms start to sweat when she hears her sister swear out with a groan.

"You stayed with him even after he joined his father. And I'm sure the main reason that made you flee here is us. Our family. Father would never want any relation with the Alerics."

"Don't remind me." Merette puffs out a breath, "It only took me two months to leave, though. There was no day that we didn't fight. He loved his father too much, and that didn't do him any good."

Marianne hums in agreement, "I never liked that man. Too intimidating and arrogant. I don't even know how Nana and Papa came in relation with them." She wonders out loud for Merette.

A smile curves Merette's lips in sweet memories, heart tightening. "His mom, she was a kind soul. I loved her dearly. She was a mother to me." Merette remembers the time she told her it would be better if she gave herself more priority than she gave her son.

It was the plan, to focus on herself rather than on him. But Merette loved him too much to ever think of leaving him. But in the end, she was left with no other choice.

"She was…"

A shrill cry broke through the silent air of the house, startling her out of the memories clouding her head. "I think Lei is up, I'll call you later."

Merette jumps to her feet, strolls through the kitchen, and shuffles past the door to her bedroom. Leisl sits on her crib with her tiny fist rubbing at her eyes, broken cries flying past her pink lips.

"Oh, my baby, Mama is here." She scoops the child out of the crib and cradles her tiny head against her chest. "Don't cry now." She wipes the tears staining her kid's cheek.

Leisl nuzzles her chest, whimpering softly. "Is my baby hungry?" Merette chimes, planting a kiss on her daughter's pink cheek. Leisl looks up at her with her big doe eyes, nodding her head.

"Mama's gonna get you snackies!" Merette exclaims, smacking a handful of kisses all over Leisl's face. The child squeals, thrashing in her hold with a wide grin plastering on her tiny pink mouth.

"Yesh!" Leisl circles her hands around her mama's neck, breathing out a sigh of contentment.

Merette like quiet moments, she's always been a sucker for those. Moments like this make her see more light in her life.