
Hokage: I Can Analyze Everything

Time travel became the little boy of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Hiko said, Alexander! Fortunately, the system of analyzing everything has been awakened! From then on, embarked on an invincible road! "Ding dong, congratulations to the Host, the successful analysis of Sharingan, and one hundred and thirty-two promotion methods of Sharingan!" "Ding dong, congratulations to the host, you have successfully analyzed the dust escape, and you can use it anytime!" "Ding Dong, congratulations to Host, successfully analyzed the Tailed Beast Chakra, and obtained the Tailed Beast Chakra Mode!"

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56 Chs

Chapter 54

After graduating from ninja school, newcomers have a variety of options.Under normal circumstances, it is Jōnin who accepts Hokage's arrangement and continues to learn while growing up!Under normal circumstances, they are placed in a certain Jōnin's team, as a soy sauce, this category has great requirements on the ability of interns!Under special circumstances, Anbu welcomes you!Anbu naturally welcomes Uchiha Hiko, who is a decisive and capable genius!and.For Uchiha Hiko.After graduation, it doesn't matter where he goes.It's good to be dragged by Jōnin for three, or to join Anbu.Anyway, he doesn't ask for help—he doesn't need anyone pointing at him!People with two analysis columns are so awesome!In contrast, following Jōnin on missions all day long is overwhelming! And sometimes for a little money, you have to look at people's faces!It would be better to join Anbu, and occasionally receive a task of guarding a felon. Wouldn't it be nice to take a break from the busy schedule!Others may think that Anbu is boring, but Uchiha Hiko thinks that the so-called boring is leisure!so.He readily agreed to Hokage's invitation and joined Anbu.Today is the day when he reports to the department!Wakizawa, who usually straddled his waist, was replaced by him behind his back, and the scabbard he received from Anbu's equipment department fit just right."Tuk Tuk Tuk!!"He knocked on the door in front of him, and soon, a tall slender woman opened the door.But when she looked up, she found no one.Just as I was about to close the door, I saw the young Uchiha Hiko."Haha, is this the Uchiha Hiko that Hokage-sama said, what a little one!"Uchiha Hiko looked up at the tall woman in front of him, seeing the special makeup on her face and the smell emanating from her body, she already guessed that she was from the Inuzuka clan!"A woman raises a big dog?""Ah, Taro is basking in the sun upstairs today, how do you know I have a dog?""nothing."The tall slender woman seemed to be a little boy, and she didn't think of any scene because of the above sentence, but quickly pressed Uchiha Hiko's back and pushed him into the room.In the room, a group of lesbians with slanted masks, long hair fluttering, and pretty faces.Did this really enter the Pansi Cave? ! through!"Everyone, this is the newcomer here today, Uchiha Hiko! Please take care of me in the future!"Following the captain's introduction, he felt that he was locked on by several scorching eyes!That feeling is not so good!"Is this how you beat Yan Jun of the Hyuga clan? Well done! Heroes come out of youth!""Yes, Xiao Yanjun, come here to give you a massage, and let those Hyuga' white-eyed wolves stay away from my mother in the future!"This is nothing, there are more direct!"Yan Jun, come here and let my sister check your body, this is a common practice! Please obey the order!"Uchiha Hiko never imagined that one day he would face such torture!As long as he is given ten years old, he will dare to kill these female monsters with his guns!It's a pity that the young body has nothing!A man's patience is often limited, it can be tolerated for one year, and it can be tolerated for two years!In the third year, he couldn't bear it anymore!...Three years later.Frontier of the Land of Fire.Anbu wearing a raccoon mask suddenly appeared.In front of him was a frozen figure.The raccoon mask Anbu quickly half-kneeled on the ground and said respectfully: "Squad leader, please return to the village immediately! Lord Hokage has new orders!"Three years have carved marks on Uchiha Hiko's face.He lost weight.His eyes became darker.The children of yesteryear are dead, and the killer is born!He turned his head slowly, and the Sharingan with three hooked jade in his eyes just glanced at it, and then replied: "Oh? Luan, did you bring something unclean behind you?"Hearing the sound, the young Anbu code-named 'Luan' was shocked.She quickly stood up, quickly pulled out the Short Sword from behind, and blocked it in front of Uchiha Hiko!Sure enough, in sight, several red figures are getting closer!"Squad leader, you withdraw first!"Uchiha Hiko shook his head and stepped forward calmly.The moment he passed by Anbu'Luan', he gently borrowed the Short Sword from her hand."Squad leader, you are...""Because you are new to my team, I will forgive you for being careless this time. If there is a next time, then you will commit suicide and apologize!"He has no feelings!Even though under the Anbu mask was a beautiful and young woman's face, he could say the words of suicide and apology at any time."Yes, team leader!" Luan didn't dare to be careless, let alone disobey, she more or less understood what it meant to join Anbu.Suddenly, a thunder flashed in front of her!Surprised, she looked at the person beside her through the hole in the mask.I saw that in his hands, thunder and lightning had been entangled at some point!The thunder and lightning poured down like a pillar on that ordinary Anbu-style Short Sword!"This, is this the Lightning Style Chidori of the division leader?! I was lucky enough to witness it with my own eyes!"