
Hokage: I Can Analyze Everything

Time travel became the little boy of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Hiko said, Alexander! Fortunately, the system of analyzing everything has been awakened! From then on, embarked on an invincible road! "Ding dong, congratulations to the Host, the successful analysis of Sharingan, and one hundred and thirty-two promotion methods of Sharingan!" "Ding dong, congratulations to the host, you have successfully analyzed the dust escape, and you can use it anytime!" "Ding Dong, congratulations to Host, successfully analyzed the Tailed Beast Chakra, and obtained the Tailed Beast Chakra Mode!"

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56 Chs

Chapter 53

Uchiha Hiko left from school.These days, Tsunade has been restless.I don't know if it's because the seats behind are empty, or because of the family's burden.Returning home on the weekend, depressed, she finds her grandmother, Uzumaki Mito.When the surrounding guards saw the little princess returning home, they stepped up their defenses.Entering the quaint cabin, the grizzled Uzumaki Mito smiled kindly."Little Tsunade, come, come to my side!"Seeing his grandmother, Tsunade felt warm in his heart, and sat down beside Uzumaki Mito.Uzumaki Mito stroked Tsunade's blonde hair and asked with a smile, "You must have something on your mind?""Huh? I don't, I just miss you, Grandma!""Hehehe, why don't you tell grandma?"Tsunade was seen through at a glance, so he had no choice but to talk about it."That guy from Uchiha graduated earlier than me. He went to school later than me, and sat behind me. He didn't usually listen to the class. The school even let him graduate!"Hearing Tsunade's dissatisfaction, Uzumaki Mito laughed and said, "Is that the Uchiha family's kid called Hiko?""Huh? Grandma, do you know Uchiha Hiko?""Yeah, I heard the people below often mention it.By the way, it was yesterday that he seemed to have defeated the nine members of the Hyuga family alone in the death forest! I heard that the nine children of the Hyuga family are very good.The one named Yan My child, it really reminds me of the past!"One person defeated nine people in the forest of death?Uchiha Hiko?The Hyuga clan?If she hadn't heard from her grandmother, she might never have known that such a thing happened in the village!"Well, what's the matter, that guy Uchiha Hiko is indeed a bit capable, there is nothing to be proud of beating nine Hyuga!""Yeah, with Uchiha Hiko's ability, it's really not something to be proud of defeating those nine Hyuga children." Uzumaki Mito said meaningfully."Hmph, who are those nine Hyuga, let me try, I can defeat them too! Grandma, please tell me!" Tsunade said unconvinced.What Uchiha can do, Tsunade can do too!However, looking at Tsunade's angry eyes, Uzumaki Mito shook his head, "They all died in the death forest.""What?! How did they die? Could it be that our village was invaded by an enemy country?" Tsunade was shocked, she thought that nine people died, it was no joke!"No, because of the duel nature, they died in the death forest, under the hands of Uchiha Hiko alone.""What?! Uchiha Hiko killed people in the village? And nine people? Why would someone like that still pass the graduation?""Little Tsunade, becoming a ninja is one step after all.""But you can't just bully the weak and kill innocent people just because you know some ninjutsu!"Uzumaki Mito smiled, she already understood what Tsunade was angry about.So, she explained: "In the participating Hyuga clan, there are a total of three Genin, five Chūnin, and one Elite Chunin. Two of the Hyuga brothers once teamed up to kill the Jōnin of the enemy country! These people, can It can't be considered weak!"Three Genin, five Chūnin...Together they can rival Jōnin...Tsunade was dumbfounded when he heard this.He also thought what happened in the village, the Uchiha clan was bullying others, and Uchiha Hiko was bullying Hyuga's people like a dude!Who knows, things are not what she thought at all!Not only is it not Uchiha bullying others, but the Hyuga clan is shameless!To a student who just entered the ninja school, so many ninjas were dispatched!So many Chūnin!What shocked her even more was—Uzumaki Mito said that Uchiha Hiko killed the group of people alone!this...Tsunade felt unprecedented fear, and what lay in front of her was like an insurmountable mountain!How can she compare with that Uchiha!What he can do, she may not be able to do!"Grandma, I...""Little Tsunade, don't care about those things. If there is a chance, I hope you can become friends. Hashirama and Madara used to be very good friends. Every time I heard him talk about the past, the smile on his face is so beautiful. It's something I've never seen before!"—————A few days ago.Graduated from ninja school."Ding Dong, congratulations to Host for obtaining the Genin qualification!""Ding dong, a second analysis column has been created for Host! Please keep up the good work, Host!""Haha, awesome, now open two columns, let's see who can block me!" Uchiha Hiko was overjoyed.Then, with an idea, he put the forehead protector on his forehead into the analysis field of the system!Newly acquired things must always be consecrated!"System, analyze this ninja forehead protector for me!""Ding dong, open Shikai analysis Konoha Shinobi village ninja forehead protector, time required: 3 minutes!"Listening to the system's reply, Uchiha Hiko took out a broken black ball from the ninja bag again."System, analyze this Bingliang Pill for me!""Ding dong, open Shikai to release ordinary Bingliang pills, time required: 4 minutes!"