
Hokage: I’m Enlightened Again

Shenmu, a primary school student in the china, accidentally traversed into the world of ninjas and became a tail-end student at the Ninja School. Expecting an ordinary life, he unexpectedly displayed extraordinary talent, initiating a remarkable counterattack. Iruka: "I taught the Clone Jutsu, and you mastered the Shadow Clone Jutsu? Wait, a Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu? You even manifested Water Release, Earth Release, and Lightning Release clones..." Iruka: "I taught Shurikenjutsu, and you somehow developed the Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu, and even conjured the Rasengan?? Wait, Wind Release Shuriken?" Iruka: "I taught Wood Release, and you, you actually realized Wood Release: Tree World Birth?" Third Hokage: "This child, a ninja deity is born among us!"

TranslatioGenius · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

This is the Rasengan

Chapter 5: This is the Rasengan

"Iruka, what do you think is the most important thing for a genius?"

The Third Hokage asked with a serious expression.

Iruka sat upright, pondered for a while, and then responded, "It's growth."

A sense of appreciation appeared in Hiruzen Sarutobi's eyes. "Exactly."

"The ninja world has never lacked geniuses."

"But due to various reasons such as the ongoing conflicts between nations and missions abroad, the number of geniuses able to truly grow is minimal."

"Therefore, safeguarding geniuses, providing them with education, and ensuring their growth is of utmost importance."

"Within this process, the tempering of a genius's character is indispensable, and they must not be allowed to become arrogant. In battle, arrogance leads to underestimation, which means death."

"So, according to your thoughts, Lord Hokage," Iruka inquired cautiously.

After a thoughtful pause, the Third Hokage spoke, "Do not let Shenmu become excessively arrogant, but offer him appropriate recognition when deserved."

Iruka's eyes lit up with surprise, and his mind became instantly clear as if receiving a profound revelation!

Indeed, he is worthy of being the Hokage!

This kind of education prevents geniuses from becoming arrogant while allowing them to gain confidence, avoiding excessive suppression.

"I understand!"

With that, Iruka excitedly left the Hokage's meeting room.

After Iruka departed, the Third Hokage waved his hand and summoned a masked ANBU member.

He inquired, "Yamato, do you think Shenmu has the potential to use Wood Release?"

The ANBU referred to as Yamato, kneeling respectfully on the floor of the Hokage's office, truthfully answered, "Wood Release was the specialty jutsu of the First Hokage, an extremely rare kekkei genkai."

"Orochimaru captured so many children for experiments, and in the end, I was the only one who survived."

"We can't let a genius take such a huge risk..."

Upon hearing Yamato's words, the Third Hokage chuckled, "What are you thinking? I would never use a life for experimentation."

"I mean, given Shingo's unique lineage and the talent he has shown, can he use Wood Release..."

On this matter, Yamato fell silent and, after a while, replied, "I don't know."


Ninja Academy.

Inside a classroom.

Teacher Iruka has finally returned.

Upon entering, Iruka's first glance falls on Shenmu, sitting in the corner.

He is ready to implement the educational standards outlined by the Third Hokage, providing Shenmu with affirmation while preventing excessive pride!

Iruka walks over to Shenmu, pats his shoulder reassuringly, and says, "The Shadow Clone Jutsu you just used was well done. Keep up the good work."

Shenmu's eyes light up.

He's praised!

He's acknowledged!

It seems there's hope for him to continue staying in school!

"Alright, teacher, I will definitely work even harder in the future!"

Shenmu says with a hint of excitement.


Iruka nods with a seemingly contemplative expression, but his eyelids are twitching uncontrollably.

Work even harder?!

If this kid has a few more breakthroughs, I might not need to be a teacher anymore!

The day's lessons quickly come to an end.

As usual, before the dismissal, Teacher Iruka reminds the students of what they need to review for tomorrow.

"Tomorrow, we'll assess everyone's shuriken skills. Don't disappoint me, everyone."

Iruka, while speaking, notices Shenmu's eager gaze.

Iruka feels a subtle sense of satisfaction.

Reviewing shuriken skills tomorrow? I don't believe this kid doesn't have some hidden moves!

After all, shuriken assessment is all about accuracy; there are no other evaluation criteria!


After school, Shenmu and Naruto walk side by side.

Naruto opens his mouth, wanting to invite Shenmu to hang out.

But seeing Shenmu's serious expression, he guesses that Shenmu might be busy tonight.

Guess he's going to practice ninjutsu again.

"Shenmu, take care of yourself during your training," Naruto advises.

Shenmu nods, "Sure, I will."

"Sorry, Naruto, I can't hang out these days. My academic progress is way behind, and I won't graduate at this rate."

Seeing Shenmu so dedicated to his studies, Naruto expresses understanding.


Shenmu returns home.

Returning home to an empty room, Shenmu enters the kitchen to prepare a meal.

After dinner, he immediately immerses himself in intense training!

Late at night, under the moonlight, the yard features a wooden figure.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Shenmu hurls shurikens one after another!

Without exception, every one hits the bullseye!

As Shenmu prepares for the next round of shuriken throws, he notices something.

Under the radiant moonlight, a silhouette appears in front of Shenmu!

Someone is watching him from behind!

In an instant, a chill runs down Shenmu's spine!

Nervously turning around, he forcefully launches several shurikens!

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The shurikens glisten with a metallic sheen in the night sky, heading towards the dark figure crouching on the wall of Shenmu's house!

Just as the shurikens are about to hit their target.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

Something resembling vines appears on the figure's body, deflecting all the shurikens Shenmu threw!

Immediately, the mysterious figure crouching on the wall of Shenmu's house leaps in front of him!

Shenmu cautiously steps back!

While peace reigns among the nations, tensions between the major ninja villages persist.

Rumors circulate that there are frequent mysterious deaths in Konoha, speculations hinting at assassins sent by other ninja villages.

Cold sweat forms on Shenmu's forehead.

Could the person in front of him be an assassin sent by another village?

With this thought, Shenmu tightens his fists.

He has only recently arrived in this world and doesn't want to lose his life so easily!

"No matter who you are, I won't surrender!"

Shenmu roars, forming hand seals for a multi-shadow clone jutsu!

The next moment.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Thousands of shadow clones appear in the courtyard!

The dark figure, upon seeing Shenmu summon such a large number of clones, is momentarily stunned.

Seizing this rare opportunity, Shenmu's clones swarm all at once!

Caught off guard, the dark figure is overwhelmed by the multitude of shadow clones!

Shenmu isn't naive enough to believe that his shadow clones can handle a powerful ninja from another village.

While the clones buy time, a spark of inspiration strikes Shenmu's mind!

He figures it out!

Gathering chakra in his hand, he lets it flow in irregular patterns and compresses it, forming a palm-sized, attributeless chakra sphere!

This is the Rasengan!

Moreover, the casting conditions are not as stringent, no need for pre-hand seals, making it relatively simple for him to use!

Thinking this, Shenmu concentrates chakra energy in his palm.

All the energy from his body rushes towards his hand...

Soon, the violently compressed Rasengan appears in Shenmu's palm!

At the same time, the clones that were buying time against the dark figure are all dispersed.

The dark figure stands up, seemingly about to say something.


However, before he can finish his sentence, Shenmu charges forward, holding the Rasengan in his hand!

"For the West Inn!" [1]

...The confident yet eccentric Hokage mutters to himself: "Shenmu had another breakthrough."