
Hogwarts: The Unscientific Wizard

Andy Collins insists Hogwarts is a cursed school. A centenarian lives in solitude, an elderly cat lady's marriage has broken off, a middle-aged man with a hook nose is heartbroken in love, a half-giant lives in a cramped hut and a glass beauty has a daily hangover. Andy Collins lists them all, and it seems that every single professor at Hogwarts is on the list of bachelors! The entire Faculty! Andy Collins had no great ambitions and just wanted to study 'Magical Magic' in peace. To have a happy life as a Professor at the school after graduation, Andy Collins decided to break the curse and spend seven years of school life solving the personal problems of the professors as a part-time gig. First, let's start with a blind date. PS: Mc only watched 1st Harry Potter Film. === Author: soda bottle cap === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.pro/book/52880.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Book&Literature
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307 Chs

Chapter 42 I’ve lost patience with this friendship

Abandoned classroom.

Andy decided not to think about those irrelevant questions for the time being.

Instead of wasting time thinking about those messy things, it would be better to seize the time to improve his magic level.

Even if modern magic had gone off the right path, it was not something that Andy, a young wizard who had just come into contact with magic, could possibly study.


Time passed by minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, Andy had already lived in Hogwarts for half a month.

Going to class, reading books, practising magic.

This was Andy's daily routine.

Other people might feel that this kind of life was too boring, but Andy was happy with it and even enjoyed it.

It would be even more interesting if there was a little witch with you in the process, and you could tease the little witch to relieve your boredom when you have nothing else to do.

Such a life is really both leisurely and fulfilling.

Andy was a little happy.

However, the joys and sorrows of human beings are often not connected.

Andy's days were comfortable, but some people's days might not be that good.

For example...our Professor Quirrell.

Quirrell is panicking these days, he seems to have messed up the task that the Dark Lord gave him!

Pretending to be frightened by a vampire and stuttering his way through class was a brilliant idea that Quirrell came up with.

He was possessed by Voldemort, and his body smelled so bad that he had to use the smell of garlic to cover up that stench on his body.

Plus, he had to wrap the turban around his head.

All of these always needed a reason to be explained.

Quirrell had originally planned well, even though Hogwarts is a millennial school, yet there are more watered-down professors at Hogwarts than anywhere else.

Think about Professor Binns, think about Professor Trelawney, think about Madam Hooch...

Which one of them isn't worse than me, Quirrell?

Why did you pick me?

Quirrell felt that the reason why things went wrong was not because his plan was wrong, but because the young wizards in this term were so darned good!

Especially the one called Draco Malfoy, whose Father was a Death Eater, according to the Dark Lord.


Two days ago, Dumbledore had already talked to Quirrell.

According to Dumbledore, he was still dealing with the school governors. He still valued Quirrell, and he told Quirrell to take a good rest in the next two days and adjust his mindset as soon as possible.

This made Quirrell feel slightly relieved, Dumbledore was still reliable!

Quirrell hoped that Dumbledore would be able to solve this matter as soon as possible, the Dark Lord is currently still sleeping - in order to escape from the Gringotts, Voldemort has consumed a lot of power.

But once the Dark Lord woke up, only to find that he had been dismissed from Hogwarts, Quirrell couldn't even imagine how he would end up.

Would it be a Cruciatus Curse? Or is it a Killing Curse?

In the office, Quirrell went back and forth in a circle.

He had to think of a solution as soon as possible, or else when the Dark Lord woke up, he would definitely not spare him.

"How about stealing the Philosopher's stone now?"

"No way!"

Quirrell hadn't thought of a way to get through the door at the moment, he couldn't handle the three-headed dog that was watching the door alone.

"Dumbledore, Dumbledore...I'm counting on you now!"

"But, but...if Dumbledore can't withstand the pressure, what am I supposed to do?"

"Or...just teach a good class next week and tell them I've recovered?"

"No way! That would arouse Dumbledore's suspicion."

Quirrell gritted his teeth and resented in his heart, 'Damn you Malfoy, don't let me find an opportunity. When the Dark Lord is resurrected, I'll make you suffer!'

"I have to calm down!"

Quirrell felt he had to prepare for both, once he had been dismissed from Hogwarts, how should he steal the Philosopher's Stone?

"As long as I can think of a way, the Dark Lord won't blame me for not doing my job properly!"

"Maybe, I can recruit an inside man."


"Malfoy's been really giddy lately!"   

In the Hogwarts Great Hall, Ron grumbled as he ate a grilled sausage, "It's unimaginable that guy could do something that big!"

Harry and Ron naturally already knew about Malfoy's call for the entire student body to kick out Quirrell.

Perhaps it was a good thing for a lot of people, but Harry and Ron felt very upset.

Because of Malfoy, they got a hundred points deducted.

"Harry, you're not going to just let it go, are you?" Ron asked reluctantly.

"But what can we do?" Harry couldn't think of any good ideas at all, "Press Malfoy into the toilet?"

"When are we going to do it?" Ron looked excited.

Harry was instantly a little speechless, he was just saying it off the top of his head.

Is it even possible to press Malfoy into a toilet?

Not to mention the fact that they didn't know much magic at all, Harry didn't want to deduct any more points from Gryffindor.

Ron was also a little dejected, and he obviously realized that this solution wouldn't work either.

"Maybe, we could trick Malfoy out," Ron suggested.

Harry looked speechless, "We've been planning for a whole week to figure out how to trick Malfoy out."

"We could ask George and Fred, or maybe Andy, they're all smart," Ron suggested again.

Harry was a little embarrassed, "That's not good, is it?"

"But we can't think of anything else to do!" Ron spread his hands.

Harry, "..."

"Fine!" Harry finally could only agree, and he was very reluctant to leave it at that.

However, things didn't go well.

As much as George and Fred wanted to help their brother get revenge, they wouldn't bully a first year.

As for making plans, the one they could think of was just a prank, and it obviously didn't satisfy Harry and Ron.

Not only do they want to see Malfoy get unlucky, but they want to see Malfoy deduct a hundred points from Slytherin.

So Harry and Ron found Andy.

"Andy, we have something we want to talk to you about."

On the way from the library to the Great Hall, Harry and Ron stopped Andy and Hermione.

"Hermione, you go to the Great Hall first!" Andy said to Hermione.

Hermione gave the trio a quick sweeping glance, she had a feeling that Harry and Ron were looking for Andy for no good reason.

But she also didn't want to eavesdrop on other people's secrets.

With a hum, Hermione turned around and walked away.

"What is it?" Andy asked.


Harry was a little embarrassed, but Ron wasn't so scrupulous and asked directly, "Andy, can you help us come up with an idea to get back at Malfoy?"

Andy: "..."

"What have you guys been doing all week?" Andy asked curiously.

Huh? It's been so long and you two still haven't got your revenge?

"We're...we're trying to figure it out." Ron's face turned red.

What a brain!

"Why don't you guys wait for Malfoy to be alone, then put a sack over his head and beat him up," Andy said casually.

Ron looked indignant, "We want Slytherin to get a hundred points deducted as well."

"Then there's nothing I can do."

Andy spread his hands, then stopped paying attention to the two and walked straight towards the great hall

For the sake of knowing Ron for a few years, helping him come up with a plan to put a sack on the head was good enough as far as he was concerned.

Andy had already lost patience with this so-called friendship.

There was too much trouble and stupidity!


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