
Hogwarts: The Unscientific Wizard

Andy Collins insists Hogwarts is a cursed school. A centenarian lives in solitude, an elderly cat lady's marriage has broken off, a middle-aged man with a hook nose is heartbroken in love, a half-giant lives in a cramped hut and a glass beauty has a daily hangover. Andy Collins lists them all, and it seems that every single professor at Hogwarts is on the list of bachelors! The entire Faculty! Andy Collins had no great ambitions and just wanted to study 'Magical Magic' in peace. To have a happy life as a Professor at the school after graduation, Andy Collins decided to break the curse and spend seven years of school life solving the personal problems of the professors as a part-time gig. First, let's start with a blind date. PS: Mc only watched 1st Harry Potter Film. === Author: soda bottle cap === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.pro/book/52880.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Book&Literature
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Chapter 111 The Magic World's Strongest Defensive Magic

"Pretty impressive dream."

Cedric praised, then said, "Actually, I don't want to work at the Ministry of Magic either, but my father wants me to join the Ministry after graduation."

"I would prefer to do some freelance work if I can."

Andy: "..."

It's not that easy to reverse a person's three views, let alone a Hufflepuff like Cedric.

Andy worried that if he talked to him about immortality and power, he would be regarded as a heretic by Cedric.

At this point, Andy instead appreciated Slytherins more.

Andy believed that as long as he possessed great power, those Slytherins should be very willing to help him and fulfil the dream of immortality and power.

Andy did not regret joining Ravenclaw, though.

Andy had always believed that he was just a scholar, not a so-called ambitious person.

After resting for a while, Andy invited again, "Want to start again?"

"Of course!" Cedric did not refuse.

In the third battle, Andy found that Cedric had become much harder to deal with.

Cedric had already familiarized himself with those routines of Andy's, and as long as he was careful, he could quickly break Andy's routines with his superior reaction speed.

When the tricks didn't work, all Andy could rely on was his own magical attainments.

Just like Cedric himself said, it was difficult for him to break Andy's Shield Charm.

Andy only needed to play steadily, and Cedric could do nothing about it.

Of course, Andy was equally powerless against Cedric.

Unless some over-specified magic was used.

But this was just practice, after all, neither Andy nor Cedric would use those powerful magic spells.

Andy didn't even use a Fire-Making Spell.

The empty classroom was crisscrossed with magic beams of various colours.

After five minutes, Andy spoke first, "Let's take a break first!"


Cedric answered, and both of them stopped at the same time.


Andy was already a little tired from the continuous strenuous exercise.

Cedric sighed, "If it wasn't for this practice, I wouldn't have known that I still had so many shortcomings."

Not only Cedric, but Andy also felt that he had benefited a lot.

When he opened the system, even the red liquid inside the system orb had risen a lot more than usual.

Could the [Thinking] attribute can improve reaction speed?

Andy's [Thinking] attribute had only [3] points, and in the battle just now, Andy felt that his reaction speed was much inferior to Cedric's.

As long as Cedric adapted to the rhythm of the battle, Andy would only be able to fight defensive counterattacks.

'It's a good thing that there's no need to fight anytime soon.'

Andy took a general look at the [Mind] attribute, and after a while, Andy decided to add the [Mind] attribute to [5] points first.

After having a strong mind power, Andy could use his emotional power to augment his magic spells a lot faster.

When the mind power was strong, many magic spells would also be easier to master.

For example, the Patronus Charm.

Andy was still interested in this magic.

It was recorded in the book that the Patronus Charm was one of the most powerful and ancient defence magic in the wizarding world. To use the Patronus Charm, one needed to focus their mind and think of the happiest thing in their heart.

Although it was blown out of proportion, however, the truth was that the current Patronus Charm could only be used to repel Dementors.

It was simply not worthy of the honour of 'the most powerful defensive spell'.

That was why Andy had always suspected that a true Patronus Charm is meant to involve a fundamental fusion of emotions and magic power.

Andy never believed that those ancient wizards wouldn't study an existence such as Obscurus.   

If Obscurus was a fusion of negative emotions and magic power.

Then the Patronus Charm should be the fusion of positive emotions and magic power.

Only with this would the Patronus Charm be worthy of the reputation of being the strongest defence magic.

Instead of the way it was now, a Patronus Charm could only be used to drive away Dementors.

'Maybe the real Patronus Mantra was too demanding, so it was lost.' Andy thought.

In fact, a vast majority of wizards failed to master even the current Patronus Charm.

'When the [Mind] attribute is added to [5] points, I will learn the Patronus Charm!'

Having made his next plan, Andy began to think about the duel again.

No matter what, combat power was extremely important.

Closing the system, Andy looked sideways at Cedric, "Any interest in forming a duelling group?"

"Duelling group?"

Cedric raised his eyebrows, "What kind of people do you want to invite?"

"How about Cho Chang?" Andy teased.

Cedric blushed slightly, of course, it would be good to invite Cho.

"Other than that?"

Cedric had lived at Hogwarts for three years and had a better understanding of what the young wizards were capable of, "It would be hard to be helpful unless we invite a sixth or seventh-year senior."

Andy thought about it carefully, that was true.

However, the sixth and seventh-year seniors were busy preparing for the Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test, and even the fifth-year seniors, who had to prepare for the Ordinary Wizarding Levels, would not be interested in joining a student-organized duelling club at all.

As for the third and fourth-year students...

These people might not be as good as Cedric!


Andy sighed, finding like-minded partners seemed to be beyond his reach.

Even Cedric, only treated magic as a survival skill, not a discipline that needed to be studied.

The wizarding world was hopeless!

Andy had never realized this so deeply.

The person who brought despair to the wizarding world was never Voldemort, but rather the closure and backwardness of the wizarding world itself.

It was like the closed countries of the previous world.

The magical world closed its doors and lived its own life, some people couldn't see the changes outside, while some people would pretend not to see it even if they did.

Andy's eyes were slightly closed, and when he opened them, Andy had already made a decision.

The wizarding world...let it rot to the end!

Andy would pursue immortality and power along the path of magic, and if he could, Andy also wanted to become a god by following the path of magic.

As for the wizarding world, even if it was overthrown by muggles later, as long as it didn't affect him, what did that have to do with Andy?

Those who worked hard to try to reform the wizarding world, others, might not necessarily appreciate your sentiments.

Wasn't Grindelwald the best example?

"What's wrong with you?" Cedric keenly noticed Andy's change.

"Nothing; just figured something out."

Andy smiled and said in a spontaneous tone, "Forget about the duelling group! Just like you said, we simply can't invite the senior students. If we have time in the future, let's both practice together!"


Cedric hurriedly said, "We can invite Cho and Hermione."

Speaking of Hermione, Cedric even raised an eyebrow at Andy.

"Yes, we're both good enough!"

With that said Andy wasn't sure if Hermione could accompany him to the end.

But at least so far, Andy felt that he and Hermione hit it off.


#Erwin Connor, Thanks for all your love and support.

Read advance chapters on P@treon. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me at P@treon: www.p@treon.com/Crazy_Cat.

Happy Reading!!!

#Erwin Connor, Thanks for all your love and support.

Read advance chapters on P@treon. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me at P@treon: www.p@treon.com/Crazy_Cat.

Happy Reading!!!

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