
Chapter 288 Horcrux, Ghost, Dimension Being

An hour later, Andy had circled the room and had a general idea of the books on the shelves.

The more he got to know Lady Ravenclaw, the more Andy admired Dumbledore's state of mind.

Love is the most powerful form of magic.

It was hard to say about the other three founders, but Andy thought that Dumbledore had definitely outdone Ravenclaw in this aspect.

But unfortunately, Dumbledore was equally tragic!

Dumbledore had always claimed that love was the most powerful magic, but did he personally possess and understand love?

In Andy's opinion, the answer to that is no!

Dumbledore was not the possessor of love, he was just a wise man who could understand love, but he never really enjoyed such love.

Andy thought of Dumbledore as a rational man to the point of coldness, a man who had almost everything, but never had love.


Exhaling deeply, Andy's heart was somewhat unable to calm down.

From the clues obtained so far:

Ravenclaw pursued the power of wish, but this dream was so far away that Lady Ravenclaw had to find another way.

Slytherin pursued a purely magical existence, and he chose magic transfiguration, but in the end, he could only leave Hogwarts glumly.

And Dumbledore ... he perhaps pursued love! But yet, he has been seeking it all his life. He understands love, but cannot have it, to the point that he has lost the ability to love.

Voldemort seeks immortality, but his future is marked with nothing but death.

Each of them wants to follow their dreams on the path of magic, but each of their dreams is somewhat out of reach.

The desires of the wise are often more unrealistic than those of the mundane.

In fact, at the end of the day, wizards still haven't broken away from the category of 'mortal', while what they want to do is something beyond mortal.

In contrast, what Dumbledore pursued was rather more realistic, except that he was more unlucky.

'What about me?'

Andy suddenly thought of himself, 'Power can be obtained easily, but eternal life is still out of reach. As for becoming a god through magic ... that's even more of a mirage.'

Andy summarised his current situation.

Over the past year or so, Andy had mastered a lot of spells, and could also use these spells at a rather exquisite level.

The fusion of mind and magic power had also been preliminarily completed, and there was also a moderate degree of success in Transfiguration, Magic Transfiguration was even just one step short of concrete experimentation.

Combination magic had also begun.

The achievement was high, but it was still far off.

'Still have to keep learning!' Andy sighed with emotion.

No matter what he wanted to do in the future, abundant knowledge was the cornerstone of everything.

"Andy, did you find anything over there?" Hermione suddenly asked.

Andy looked back, "There are quite a few magic books here, but most of them are books of poetry, prose, and the like."

But that was understandable.

After establishing Hogwarts, the four founders donated their respective magic books, so naturally Lady Ravenclaw couldn't hide them. The magic books here should all be some of the books that Lady Ravenclaw often read.

"It's the same on my side, nothing special," Hermione said with some disappointment.

Speaking of which, Hermione jerked her head up to look at Andy.

"Andy, all the books here are written in modern English!"

Hermione's entire being perked up, "Do you remember those books we found in Slytherin's chamber of secrets? In their time, they were still using Old English."

"Uh-huh!" Andy had naturally found this out a long time ago.

Hermione said excitedly, "Andy, this place might be fake, and not exactly the same Room of Requirement at the beginning at all. It just changed to suit our needs."

Just by looking at Hermione's expression, Andy guessed what she was thinking. The little witch must be full of 'trials' and such right now, trying to crack the secrets of this place through her wits.

But compared to those secrets, Andy had already got what he wanted.

"What are you going to do?" Andy asked curiously.

Andy wasn't going to ruin Hermione's fun, if she could crack the secrets of this place, then of course it would be the best.

"Well ... I haven't thought about it yet."

Hermione said in a tangled voice, "But I still stick to my initial judgement, the Room of Requirement must have a connection with the Ravenclaw's library."

"Maybe ... maybe the requirements that we used to open the Room of Requirement just weren't right!"

That was a possibility!

The most initial room of the Room of Requirement ...

According to Ms Grey, this place started out as just a place for Lady Ravenclaw to study magic. If Lady Ravenclaw wanted to hide some secrets, then she would definitely alter this place.

"Well, don't think about that for now."

Andy said with a straight face, "Let's sort out the magic books here. These books are the ones that Lady Ravenclaw often reads, maybe they are all high-level spell books."

"OK!" Hermione nodded.

After working until midnight, Andy and Hermione organised all the books related to magic onto one shelf.

It was getting late, and the two were not prepared to stay up late, so after a little bit of tidying up, Andy and Hermione left the Room with a Purpose.

"Good night!"

"Good night!"

After saying goodnight to each other, Andy returned to his dorm room.

Lying on his bed, Andy's heart couldn't calm down.

Tonight's realisations made Andy deeply aware of a reality - he is just a mortal.

A mortal who wanted to do something beyond what a mortal could do would have to pay a price that would be unacceptable to ordinary people. Even so, it might not be possible to succeed.

'Magic transfiguration, can it really work?'

Andy's thoughts were a bit chaotic.

From the current point of view, Slytherin had failed, and Voldemort had likewise failed. Magic Transfiguration might only be able to enhance a wizard's power, but it could not allow a wizard to surpass the limits of 'human'.

'Is there any other way?'

Andy pondered in his mind, 'Horcrux? Philosopher's Stone? Turning into a Ghost? Ghos... Ghost!?'

Andy sharply rolled over and sat up!

Whether you want to admit it or not, ghosts have achieved immortality in the true sense of the word.

The oldest ghosts in Hogwarts could even be traced back to a thousand years ago. They have emotions, can think, and even have memories.

Aside from the fact that ghosts were dead in the sense of life, they weren't much different from the living.

"Soul immortality?"

Andy suddenly remembered the words he had fooled Voldemort with, the human body belonged to the three-dimensional world, but the human soul could enter the higher-dimensional world.

The Multi-Dimensional Being path... also falls into the category of soul immortality.

The Ascension over in China; Buddhist Nirvana or Enlightenment are actually the same thing.

Even the Horcrux, too, utilised the splitting of the soul to avoid death.

In comparison, so many amazing and talented individuals from ancient times to the present day, whether they were muggles or wizards, were unable to overcome the ageing of their physical bodies.


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