
Hogwarts: The Grey Wizard

“I’ve gone through a lot of hardships to sit in the bright classrooms of Hogwarts.” Anton’s eyes were blurred, as if he recalled something bad. “So, Professor Snape, how could I go to Forbidden Forest to kill spiders in the middle of the night? This is a groundless accusation!” Anton grabbed the collar of his wizard robe tightly to avoid revealing the blood-stained shirt inside, and said loudly, “I’m innocent!". ================= This is an edited and translated mtl work with 1000+ chapters. This fanfic will be updated daily at anytime. (Credits to the original author of this Chinese novel)

NotyourAngel · Movies
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60 Chs

CH: 33 Idiocy

Anton could only perceive a bright magical light filling his vision. The wood chips, stones, gears, wrenches, and other debris that were flying around all came to a halt, and even the swaying house fell silent.

For a moment, the entire world seemed to plunge into an eerie stillness.



A massive explosion resonated, and the entire space felt like a violently shaken Coke bottle that had been opened, being squeezed and spraying out its contents.

The Traceless Extension spell of the island hut shattered.

Inside, a space of a thousand square meters exploded within this 20-square-meter log cabin.

Everything was ejected out.

"Up!" Anton may not be able to cast a flying spell, but he has mastered a magical principle - 'Wizards are gods'. As long as the will to cast spells is firm enough, beyond the norm, then some spells are not so strict about the tone of voice and technique used.

The broom navigated through countless ruins and air currents, swiftly moving to the front, lifting Anton and Anna into the sky.

At that moment, Snape continued to unleash curses in a frenzy, and a terrifying beam of curse light pierced through the sky, obliterating everything in its path and striking Pedro, the fairy, directly in the chest.

Pedro expelled a massive spray of rainbow-colored blood, causing the purple goblin puppet behind him to vanish, along with his protective shield.

He plummeted into the sea like a lifeless rag doll.

The broom swiftly descended, expertly flicking its tail and inserting it into the back of Pedro's suit, suspending him in mid-air.

Anton had no desire to hold such a grotesque goblin in his arms.

Moreover, he already had a frightened little goblin curled up tightly in his embrace.

With Anna clutching the suitcase tightly, the combined weight overwhelmed the broom, rendering it incapable of ascending.

Almost simultaneously, a werewolf burst out from the ruins, its massive claws viciously striking Snape across the face.


Snape spun a full three hundred and sixty degrees, hurtling past Anton.


High waves splashed, drenching all three of them.

"Roar!" The werewolf, on all fours, bellowed at Anton and the others on the water, snatching up mechanical debris from the ground and hurling them in their direction.

"What the hell!" Anton cursed under his breath, his heart pounding with adrenaline.

Anton swiftly flicked his broom once more, propelling the fairy on the broom's tail towards a large wooden plank floating on the water, soaring into the sky.


Stones, hefty wooden beams, cauldrons, and more rained down like cannonballs, relentlessly bombarding them.

Anton deftly maneuvered the broom, skillfully weaving through the onslaught. Thanks to Fiennes's pursuit, he had rapidly acquired proficiency in broom handling.

At that very moment, a figure burst through the water and soared into the air.

'Snape!' Anton exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and relief.

Snape soared through the air effortlessly, propelled solely by the wind, without any aids!

A Flight spell!

Anton had watched a short video introduction to this spell. Throughout the Harry Potter story, only two individuals were capable of flying without any assistance: Snape and Voldemort.

It was rumored that Voldemort had invented this advanced dark magic spell.

"Wow..", Anton gazed at Snape with gleaming eyes, thoroughly captivated by the spell.

Snape, with an air of indifference and overflowing with murderous intent, scanned his surroundings and locked eyes with Anton.


Intimidated by Snape's piercing gaze, Anton witnessed him raise his arm, wand in hand.

"Oh, my idol!" Anton's heartfelt cry was laced with tears. "I thought I was a goner! Woo-hoo! It's incredible to see you again, alive and well! Hahaha, you're alive! You truly are my idol!"

The young wizard was evidently overjoyed, swaying with excitement, nearly losing his balance on the broom. He quickly regained his grip, startled by the near mishap.

Snape's mouth twitched, and he silently turned his head to cast a gaze at the werewolf on the island.


The air was filled with moonlight, and the werewolves on the small island scurried about anxiously, desperately searching for an escape route. They roared in frustration, hindered by the presence of the surrounding seawater.

Thus, they could only unleash their roars towards Snape and Anton in the sky.

Snape regarded them silently, once again raising his arm that held the wand.


A voice called out from a distance.

The young wizard looked at Snape nervously. "Are you really going to kill him? Don't be deceived by his terrifying appearance. In truth, he is just a pitiful individual who was bitten by a werewolf."

Snape turned his head and spotted the innocent, wide-eyed gaze of the young wizard.


The spell tore through the sky, narrowly missing Anton's hair. The intense heat emanated from the spell's light, causing goosebumps to form on Anton's neck instantaneously.

However, Anton remained fixated on Snape, his eyes filled with unwavering determination.

"Idol, killing is wrong!" Anton's words resonated with simplicity and righteousness, as his young heart steadfastly held onto the purest essence in the world.

"You are the hero in my heart. How can you take someone's life? When you fought alongside the great Dumbledore to defeat the Dark Lord, everyone praised your remarkable accomplishments. You have no idea how your triumph resonated throughout the entire wizarding community." He continued, his voice filled with admiration and concern.

"But!" Anton's voice trembled with near tears, as he exclaimed with piercing disbelief and unwavering determination, "How can you become a villain who kills!"


A dazzling spell brushed past his eyes, even closer this time, almost grazing his skin.

Alright! I did my best!

With a loud bang, Anton swiftly lifted his broom and fled.

Finally, the world fell into silence.

Snape once again turned his gaze towards the werewolf.


His voice trembled faintly, "If it weren't for you, a good person, to associate with that group of scoundrels and Lily, Lily wouldn't have died there in the end!"

"You're indiscriminate, as long as someone treats you well, you act like a submissive puppy, desperate for their approval." Snape sneered, his eyes filled with anger.

"But you're a fool, Potter doesn't believe in you at all. He only believes in that bastard, and he only revealed the secret of the Marauder's Map!"

"Hahahaha, no one believes you." Snape's voice dripped with venomous disdain.

"Haha, just because you're a werewolf." He sneered, his voice dripping with disdain and mockery.

Snape's voice cracked as tears streamed down his face, "They always like to label people like this. You're a werewolf, so you can't be fully trusted. I'm drawn to dark magic, and Lily believed I was beyond redemption, and I wanted to prove her wrong."

"Everything is rubbish!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with frustration and despair. But then, his tone shifted, his words dripping with venomous hatred.

"Die! Lupin, if you're dead, you won't have to suffer anymore!" Snape glared at the werewolf with anguish, condemning him to death.

"Avada Kedavra!"



A mask of blue light materialized in front of the werewolf, and the Protego spell was cast into the air.

Anton returned on his broom alone, swished his tail, and came to a halt in front of Snape.

Snape stared at him icily, "I thought I had given you two opportunities."

Anton beamed with a bright smile, his white teeth glistening in the moonlight, "Yes, sometimes I ponder, I'm nothing more than a foolish individual."