
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Hermione: I Crave…Clothes?

As the black mist was expelled, the content of the book was gradually presented in front of the two of them.

That's right, in the end Hermione couldn't resist the drive of curiosity, and came over to watch the book with Lou En.

There are many spells recorded above, and the effect of each spell can make people dizzy just by looking at them.

There's even an Unforgivable Curse in it.

"These spells are horrible," Hermione said, glancing at them.

For example, if people maintain hatred, they can inspire more powerful digging.

Or the bewildering Imperius Curse.

"According to the rules of the Ministry of Magic, as long as these spells are cast on people, they will be imprisoned in Azkaban for life!" Hermione explained softly.

She still hopes that Lou En can turn around as soon as possible.

There is absolutely no need for them to learn these mantras.

After all, the Dark Lord had been killed by Harry Potter now.

Now the wizards are also very friendly.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to learn this."

Lou En shook his head and turned the book to the page he wanted.

What was recorded was the spell he least wanted to face: Legilimency.

This spell is too harmful to him, and the things in his mind cannot be made public at will.

And beneath Dementor is marked its counter-curse.



Hermione was a little puzzled.

"Why study this?"

At first she thought Lou En was going to learn Legilimency, but she was relieved at the time.

Because compared to the previous three Unforgivable Curses, it is still worthy of tolerance.

But she really didn't expect that what Lou En wanted to learn in the end was Occlumency.

She remembered that this spell would be learned later in her senior year.

"After all, no one wants their brains to be known." Lou En pointed to his own head and said.

Ever since he had met Dumbledore on the last night tour, when he went back he remembered that he was a dementor.

The sense of crisis had already been planted at that time.

Although it is said that the headmaster of Dumbledore will not let him use it casually, who knows such a thing?

The sooner he learns Occlumency, the more protection he has in his heart.

"Are you studying?"

Lou En asked Hermione.

Come all come.

And it's not a black curse.

Hermione thought, and agreed.


The incantation and specific usage of Occlumency is a bit complicated, but the person sitting here tonight is a gifted, pure scholar. It only took half an hour, and the two of them learned almost the same.

And while Hermione was still studying, Lou En learned the above Dementor again.

This spell is also good, and it can extract all the knowledge in the human brain.

He believed it would be of great use in the future.

Almost an hour later, Lou En suddenly turned his head and looked into the corner.

There a fluffy tail was wagging constantly.

"Mrs. Norris?"

Hermione, who was studying Occlumency, also found the cat shadow behind the bookshelf.

Since Mrs. Norris is here, it means that Filch's door-opener is also there!

Thinking of this, Hermione couldn't help but panic.

"Mrs. Norris found us right away!" she said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, put the book back first."

Lou En comforted her, then cast a silent spell on himself, hiding in the darkness, and quietly put the book back.

No way, if the book is not put back, it will easily attract the attention of the meticulous Mrs. Pins.

By that time, Dumbledore was supposed to be looking for him again.

"Follow me."

Lou En walked over to Hermione and whispered.

Just when he was putting the book, he looked around with his scribbles, and Mrs. Norris had already walked out around the back door.

Since Filch is a Squib, Lou En can't see him at all.

This is a blind spot.

Hermione didn't dare to say a word, and followed Lou En tightly with her notes in her arms.

Looking at the sleeves swaying in the wind in front, she hesitated and caught it.

Lou En clearly felt it.

"It's too dark to see around," she defended herself.

In order not to attract Filch's attention, Lou En removed the spell of the twinkling of the stars, so the two were now walking along the moonlight.

"Be careful with raised floors."

Lou En reminded.

Behind him, out of sight, Hermione was staring with brown eyes at Lou En, who was being held by her sleeve in the moonlight.

The golden back looked very soft under the moonlight.

The two walked silently through the castle at night, not so much to avoid Filch, but to meet at night.


As she walked, she realized something was wrong.

"Is this the restricted area on the third floor?"

Hermione counted down the stairs and whispered to Lou En.

"Take you to see a good thing."

Lou En hadn't forgotten the "mirror of Erised" that could elicit the desires of people, and he wanted to see what Hermione desires.

"good stuff?"

At this time, Hermione also remembered the good things Lou En had mentioned in the morning.

Thinking of this, she brought a trace of anticipation in her heart.

Following the route of memory, Lou En finally found the mirror again.

The Mirror of Eris was not removed by Dumbledore, but remained standing.

Hermione also saw this tall and luxurious mirror with the help of moonlight.

The font above made her stunned, because she couldn't understand it at all, and she didn't even know which country's alphabet it was. After all, there were many countries using alphabets.

Is it some peculiar text?

Hermione guessed.

"Come on, try to stand in front of this mirror."

Lou En asked Hermione softly, pushing Hermione to the mirror.

"What did you see in there?"

What did you see?

Hermione's brown eyes looked suspiciously at the mirror.


Why did the person in the mirror get so big and still look similar to her.

And there is another person in the mirror besides her.

She quickly turned to look at Lou En.

But Lou En did not stand behind her but leaned in front of the mirror and looked at her with a smile.

Blinking her eyes, Hermione looked in the mirror again.

In the mirror, a handsome man with blond hair draped his clothes over her body and hugged her gently.

The meticulous Hermione even discovered the same delicate ring on both hands.

"What do you see?"

Lou En, who was peeking at the mirror, covered his nose and asked.

"I saw… clothes?"
