
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 33

Chapter Thirty-Three: The Sneaky Quirrell.

See the clothes?

what clothes?

Lou En was taken aback, then looked up at Hermione.

At this time, the clever Hermione had already discovered the meaning of that line of letters.

The light was too dark just now, blocking the line of sight and not finding it.

Seeing this sentence now, Hermione guessed it right away.

"What is reflected is what the heart desires?"

She understood instantly.

The content in the mirror also means that only she can see it.

"What did you see inside?"

Hermione narrowed her eyes and asked back.

She already knew what she longed for.

But she wouldn't say it.


Lou En froze for a moment, then lied as he touched his nose.

"I saw family inside."

As an orphan, there is nothing wrong with seeing family members inside.


"I saw … a lot of beautiful clothes."

Hermione lied the same way.

She's pretty sure Lou En isn't seeing family, because he's always hesitant to lie.


It turned out that Hermione was lying too.

But neither of them broke each other down.

After looking at the watch, the time has come to one o'clock in the morning.

Hermione covered her mouth and yawned, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, and she could tell she was a little sleepy.

Just slept in the library for a few hours and it's been pushed to the limit.

"Come on, let's go back."

Lou En stretched too, ready to send Hermione back to the Gryffindor lounge on the eighth floor.

If she were to go back alone, she might meet Filch on the way. To be safe, let him send him back.


Hermione did not refuse this request. After all, it was her first night tour, so she definitely did not have as much experience as Lou En.

At the corner of the third floor, Lou En's footsteps stopped, and at the same time he reached out to stop Hermione, who was still walking forward.

"What's wrong?"

Hermione shuddered and asked in a low voice.

In the silent night, if you are suddenly stopped, you will naturally be startled.

The moonlight outside the window was pale and pale, passing through the patterned window and falling on the marble brick floor.

Lou En's light blue eyes turned red at some point, and he half-squinted, looking at the unlocking figure in the distance.

"Professor Quirrell?"

Hermione followed her gaze and saw the height of the one wrapped in a purple turban.

She couldn't help but wonder.

"Why is Professor Quirrell here in the middle of the night?"

Quirrell was the professor who taught the second-year Dark Magic defense class, and he wasn't included in the first-year class.

But there are only those few professors in the entire castle, so many people have already recognized the professors, including Hermione.

There's no way Professor Quirrell is the weirdest of all professors, stammering and fearful of everything around him.

It looked like a frightened mouse.

And there are rumors that students have heard him often talk to himself, as if he is schizophrenic.

And there was an unpleasant garlic smell all over him.

I heard that there was nothing unusual about the former Professor Quirrell, but a smart, studious and very talkative person, until one day, after he returned from a trip abroad.

The whole person has become like this.

"It's the restricted area that Headmaster Dumbledore said…" Hermione whispered. "He must have some hidden secret."

"What do we do now?"

How to do?

What can be done.

By the way, he also wanted to meet his senior Tom, but it was obvious that the time was not ripe, he might as well wait for the arrival of a notebook Horcrux.

As for now, let's send Hermione back first.

Soon, Quirrell snapped open the closed door, and just took a step in, suddenly ran out in a panic, and closed the door again, panting.

"What's behind that door?"

Hermione opened her eyes wide and looked at Quirrell, who ran out in a panic, and asked Lou En, who was beside him.

In the eyes of these little wizards, every professor is powerful, not to mention that Quirrell is also a professor of Defense in Dark Magic.

There is no easy one for anyone who can be a Dark Magic defense class.

But Quirrell in front of him showed a terrified look in his clothes. It was hard to imagine what kind of thing was hidden in it to scare a professor like this.

"how could I know?"

Lou En glanced at her speechlessly, really thought he was a jack of all trades.

If I remember correctly, it should be a three-headed dog guarding something.

The Momotaro rice ball prepared last time was just to deal with it, but it was spoiled by Dumbledore last time.

"Come on, Professor Quirrell is here!"

Lou En moved his eyes and pulled Hermione behind a half-closed door.

I saw Professor Quirrell swaying over, still chanting words in his mouth, as if he was cursing something, and his body trembled from time to time.

Due to the long distance and the low sound, the two of them could not hear anything.

After Quirrell disappeared on the fourth floor, the two came out.

Quirrell should have been communicating with Senior Tom just now.

It seems that Senior Tom has taken action.

Thinking so, Lou En looked at Hermione beside him.

"Go back to sleep quickly."

After reaching the eighth floor, two people stood in front of the door of Gryffindor's lounge.

The yawning fat lady floats out of the painting.

"Two little wizards who travel by night, oh, and one is a little snake of Slytherin."

"It's a rare couple."

The Fat Lady quipped.

It's just that neither of them were moved, so Mrs. Fat felt very boring.

she said nonchalantly.

"Okay, Miss Hermione speaks the command."

With the password spoken, Hermione turned her head and bowed to Lou En.

"See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Lou En nodded, then turned and walked into Slytherin's lounge.

Apparently, Hermione really didn't have any friends in Gryffindor.

On the way back, Lou En couldn't help thinking.

It stands to reason that roommates in the same dormitory could easily find the missing Hermione and choose to tell Professor McGonagall or go out to find it.

But obviously not.

And Hermione should also know her situation very well, so she chose to go out for a night out with Lou En.

Otherwise, in order not to drag Lou En down, she would have gone back a long time ago.

After returning to the bedroom, the time has come to 3:30 in the morning. Fortunately, tomorrow morning is a Sunday.

This also means that you can have a good night's sleep tonight.

Lou En, who was lying on the bed, closed his eyes.

The sound of breathing came one after another in the silent bedroom. *