
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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340 Chs

Chapter 321

Chapter 321: Do You Want Dementors? I Have Them!

early morning.

A thin thick fog shrouded the deserted streets, and a layer of water droplets condensed on the windows.

Sunlight like broken gold filtered through the slits of the curtains and fell on Lou En's face, who was still sleeping.

As if sensing the warmth, a pair of pale blue eyes opened sleepily.

"Time to get up, Miss Hermione."

Lou En half sat up and said softly.

But there was no response for half a day.

Looking towards the position near the window, the little witch who was used as a pillow last night has no idea where she has gone now.

What about Miss Granger, my age?

Have you woken up early?

Lou En rubbed his eyes, then pushed the door in his pajamas and walked down the stairs.

As soon as I came to the living room, a strong fragrance belonging to bread Pengsong wafted from the kitchen.

Sure enough, making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Tom Cat."

Looking at Tom cat walking past him with a newspaper and yawning, Lou En couldn't help but touched its cat's head and said softly.

"I thought you would sleep more, Mr. Geralt." 13

As if hearing this familiar voice, Hermione walked out of the kitchen and couldn't help laughing.

"I didn't expect you to wake up earlier than me now."

Lou En put on a black-toned shirt and couldn't help chuckling.

When he was at Hogwarts, he would wake Hermione every day.

As a result, after returning to Diagon Alley, the identities of the two people seemed to be reversed.

It doesn't feel like that.

"What's for breakfast today?"

He turned his head to Hermione and asked after finishing his clothes and hair.

"Some baked honey muffins, and fruit salad. 35

Hermione straightened his collar behind him and said with a smile.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that Mr. Granger has recognized the relationship between the two.

Hermione is becoming more and more like a—wife?

Lou En's sapphire eyes stared at Miss Granger who walked into the kitchen, and he could clearly feel the happy mood coming from the other party.

Is it because of what Sirius said last night?

He couldn't help thinking.

After having a rich breakfast, the two of them also decided to go directly to the village of San Cachipol.

"Come and take it, this is the Floo powder I just bought from Floo Bang."

Lou En handed Hermione some of the green powder in his hand.

These Floo Powder are props used to teleport to other places through the fireplace, but only if the fireplace must be connected to the Floo network.

And just in time, Lou En connected the fireplace of his potions shop by the way.

It doesn't cost much money anyway.

"Is this Floo powder?"

Hermione looked at the glistening green powder in her hand and whispered curiously.

Although she had seen the introduction of this kind of thing in the book, it was the first time that she had actually used it.

"It's a lot more convenient than those cars."

"Otherwise, we'd have to take a two-hour train ride to where Weasley lived."

Lou En had written the letter he was going to visit in advance, and sent it with an owl two days in advance.

And Fred and the others also gave a reply, saying that they can use Floo powder to go directly – this saves the whole process time, because you only need to throw the Floo powder into the fireplace, and then walk in directly.

"Just say the Burrow's name and throw the floo powder into the fireplace.

Lou En explained softly to Hermione.

Then he took a step forward and came to the fireplace that had stopped burning.

It's summer now, so this fireplace hasn't been used since it came back.

"The Weasley's Burrow.""

He whispered his purpose, and then threw the Floo powder in his hand into the fireplace.

The next moment, the green flame instantly burned, as if it were a real flame.

Lou En nodded to the little witch behind him, then walked in directly.

Immediately afterwards, Lou En disappeared directly into the fireplace under Hermione's gaze.


Inside the Weasley's Burrow.

"Looks like Lou En is coming."

Fred, who had been informed of the news in advance, waited in front of the fireplace and looked at the fireplace with green flames, and couldn't help saying excitedly.

They had waited for Lou En for nearly three vacations before finally coming to the Burrow.

"We have to talk to him about the next store opening.

George also said with some anticipation.

"I don't know if Harry can get here through Floo fans.

Ginny, who was watching the lively beside her, muttered softly.

"Probably not, after all, Harry's house is not connected to the Floo network."

As a light laughter emerged from the fireplace, a handsome little wizard with blond hair came out.

"Long time no see, Fred.

Lou En said with a smile.

"It's only been five or six days that I haven't seen you, how can it be so long.

Fred patted his shoulder and laughed.

"Lou En – why are you here?"

And at this time, a voice with a smile came from the stairs.

Ronald was walking down the stairs.

I don't know why, but his face is a little weird and looks like he is holding back a smile.

At this time, Hermione also came out of it along with another purple-green flame.

A pair of brown eyes froze slightly when they saw Ronald.

"what happened to him?"

"Yes-haha, it was Fred and the two bastards who gave me a 793 bottle of unknown potion.

Ronald's face was contorted, and he complained angrily while laughing.

The whole person looked very funny.

"It's just some happiness potion added, and the effect of that bottle of medicine will disappear after a few days."

"How about it, do you want a bottle?"

"I'm going to sell it in the store as a prank item.

Fred took out a small bottle of potion and said triumphantly.

Your family are really brothers and sisters!

"A few days – I just couldn't stand it for a few days, I feel cramps all over my face now!"

Ronald laughed and complained like a clown over there.

"Maybe you can get a dementor to help you suck that joy away.

Fred shrugged jokingly.

"Dementors?" Lou En seemed to remember something, and said thoughtfully, "If you want a dementor, I happen to have one here."

"What? 35

Fred and George looked at each other, making sure they had heard it right.

"Where did you get the Dementors? 99

Although they haven't seen a Dementor yet, the two still believe in Lou En's words.

"Picked it up on a train. 35

"Seeing that it was alone, I adopted it.

Lou En lied without changing his face.

It is indeed picked up from the train, but the method of picking it up is a little different.