
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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340 Chs

Chapter 320

Chapter Three Hundred And Twenty: Hermione: You At Least – Wait Until I Am An Adult!

"So you're going to take Harry to your house?"

Lou En used the Floating Charm to put the dishes on the table into the kitchen, then turned his head and asked Sirius, who was sitting on the sofa with a contented face.

"Although I hated that place, but I had nowhere else to go—besides the house was long gone.

Sirius replied disapprovingly.

Although he didn't want to go back to the old home, he and Harry had to have somewhere to live.

And his legacy lives in the mansion at 12 Grimmauld Place.

"You're the only one left in the Black family?"

Lou En asked with some doubts.

He remembers that the Black family seems to be a pure blood family, why is there only Sirius left now?

"Seven Nine Three"

"After my Death Eater brother died, I was left all alone in Black.

Speaking of this matter, Sirius also answered very indifferently.

As if his brother was like a stranger.

"Feel sorry…"

Lou En shrugged softly.

"No no no, there's nothing to apologize for. 35

Sirius picked up the black tea on the table and took a sip, and said with some disdain.

"Since I entered Gryffindor, they have removed me from the Black family, in other words, I have no right to inherit the house.

"But whoever has the right to inherit is dead, so both the house and the family inheritance fall into my hands – I guess that evil old witch will be mad when she knows this news.

Thinking of that scene, he couldn't help but laugh.

so filial…

Looking at Sirius with a smile on the corner of his mouth, Lou En took a sip of black tea and thought silently.

"Miss Granger – tomorrow, remember to make me a dinner tomorrow too!"

Looking at Sirius who was standing in front of the door and was about to continue eating, Lou En pulled out his ears and closed the door.

The corners of Hermione's mouth, who followed behind him, were also slightly raised.

It seems that her cooking skills have grown a lot recently.

"Tom, go and tidy up the kitchen."

Lou En looked at Tom Cat who was reading a magazine and said.

Tom Cat, who received the order, nodded quickly, picked up his wand and walked towards the kitchen, as if he was about to enter the battlefield.

"It always feels like Tom cat is a house elf."

Hermione looked at the light shining in the kitchen and couldn't help but whisper.

But in some ways, Tom is far more powerful than the elves.

The night wind slowly blew in from the window, and the rattan and flowers placed around them swayed.

Lou En was sitting on the sofa with a thick alchemy notebook in his hand.

It's all written down at Hogwarts – in preparation for the completion of the Alchemy Golem.

However, it is clear that this road is much more difficult than imagined.

At least without the shoulders of his predecessors, he had to fumble forward step by step.

And Hermione, who was sitting opposite him, also worked hard to carve the rune on the ring.

It's just that the chance of success is very small, and it takes about ten or so to succeed.

"I'm going to the village of San Catchipole tomorrow."

Lou En put down the quill in his hand, raised his head slightly and said softly.

"Village of San Cachipol? 35

Hermione, who was sculpting the ring, froze for a moment, and looked at Lou En with a pair of brown eyes with some doubts.

"What are you going there for?"

She remembered that the Weasley family seemed to live near the village…

"Are you going to the Burrow to find Ginny and the others? 39

The little witch couldn't help asking.

"No, looking for them just by the way." Lou En shook his head, then chuckled, "I'm going to buy a house around there—for the two of us, of course."

Our two-room…house!?

Hermione opened her eyes slowly and opened her mouth slightly, looking a little surprised, but also a little cute.

If she remembered correctly, she remembered that Lou En bought the potions store directly.

"But—don't they all have this shop?"

She said a little stumblingly.

"These potions shops are not what I want, and don't you like country cottages?

Lou En propped up his face with his hands, looked at her with a smile and said…

Living in a country house with someone you like is also a good feeling.

"Okay okay, don't ask anymore – it's 11pm now!"

Lou En saw that Hermione was still about to ask, and gently pointed to the clock hanging on the wall.

While the two of them are studying and chatting, time will always pass by inadvertently.

"Come on, Miss Rabbit, it's time to go to bed.

Saying that, he held out a hand to Hermione.


Hermione blinked, and without hesitation, put her little hand on it.

"Has my room been cleaned?"

She whispered softly, her eyes flashing.

Hearing this sentence, Lou En somewhat understood what his girlfriend meant.

"I seem to have forgotten to clean your room."

It was a lie, and Miss Granger heard it too.

"Then—I'll clean up…"

"It's so late, so go to my room and sleep."

The two of them walked up the stairs very slowly.


Hearing the desired answer, Hermione nodded with the corners of her mouth raised.

Neither of them mentioned the use of magic to clean the room, but consciously ignored it.

Pushing 0.1 to open the door of the room, Lou En reached out and turned on the lights in the room.

A bed that is not too big or not small is just enough to weigh the two of them, after all, Miss Hermione is still relatively petite.

Belongs to the kind of exquisite and cute type.

Well, Lou En's favorite kind.

Only—there was only one quilt on the bed.

"I seem to have forgotten your quilt too.

A smile appeared on Lou En's face, and he said.

"…then together!

Hermione showed her little tiger teeth and hesitated.

"It's just that you don't do anything . . . you shouldn't! 35

"You at least—have to wait until I'm an adult!"

The girl said softly.